This page's article suffers from a bug in-game, that hasn't been patched or fixed by Creative Assembly. See the Bug section in this page for more information.
Oak of Ages (Pacified) is a unique settlement building introduced in Total War: Warhammer II.
In Winter, the Oak lies dormant; Orion reduced to ashes, Ariel safe within its dark embrace.
For non-Wood Elves and Beastmen, this is placed in an area which it's climate is hostile to everyone else, people often ignore the fact that this unique settlement does not require/affected by growth, order, etc along with the fact that it grants a whopping 5% income from all building factionwide with the 5% growth. There's no reasons to not keep this settlement, even if the climate is against you. Plus, this allows your armies to not suffer from the attrition. The only downgrade is that it's surrounded by undesired hostile climate (to most factions) settlements, and you can't change this settlement's garrison, making it vulnerable to any armies. Because of the small settlement, the AI will attempt to attack even if they have an army of Skavenslaves or low-tier Zombies, forcing you to manually fight to protect this settlement to ensure the benefits you gain from it.
Bug[ | ]
The garrison for the Daemons of Chaos is currently incredibly large, spanning 31 units. This is because the Daemons of Chaos get all the units of all Monogod garrisons combined.