Occupied Drakenhof (Duchy Capital) is a Bretonnia unique settlement building in Total War: Warhammer.
"The largest Bretonnian cities surround a great castle, the residence of the local duke."
Effects[ | ]
- Control: +2
- Growth: +50
- Grants 9 construction slots in the settlement
- Provides garrison:
Building Chain[ | ]
- Tier I - Occupied Drakenhof (Hamlet)
- Tier II - Occupied Drakenhof (Village)
- Tier III - Occupied Drakenhof (Town)
- Tier IV - Occupied Drakenhof (City)
- Tier V - Occupied Drakenhof (Duchy Capital)
- Tier IV - Occupied Drakenhof (City)
- Tier III - Occupied Drakenhof (Town)
- Tier II - Occupied Drakenhof (Village)