Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Occupied Hell Pit Level 5 is a settlement building in Total War: Warhammer II only available to Bretonnia, Dark Elves, Dwarfs, Greenskins, High Elves, Lizardmen, The Empire, Tomb Kings, Vampire Coast and Vampire Counts.

"Skaven cities sprawl beneath the ground like swollen ulcers, with other races' ruins shamelessly usurped into their erratic architecture."

Effects[ | ]

Bretonnia[ | ]

Dark Elves[ | ]

Dwarfs[ | ]

Greenskins[ | ]

High Elves[ | ]

Lizardmen[ | ]

The Empire[ | ]

Tomb Kings[ | ]

Vampire Coast[ | ]

"Get hold of enough filthy lucre and things get complicated - must effort must be expended defending it from friends and enemies alike."

Vampire Counts[ | ]

Building Chain[ | ]
