Occupied Hexoatl Level 2
Special settlement
Costs: Bretonnia, Dark Elves (ex. Hag Graef & The Blessed Dread), High Elves (ex. Order of the Loremasters), The Barrow Legion, The Empire (ex. The Huntsmarshal's Expedition) & Tomb Kings (ex. Court of Lybaras): 2080 Court of Lybaras, Hag Graef, Ironbrow's Expedition, The Blessed Dread, The Huntsmarshal's Expedition, Vampire Coast & Vampire Counts (ex. The Barrow Legion): 1600 Dwarfs (ex. Ironbrow's Expedition): 2400 Build time: Tomb Kings (ex. Court of Lybaras): 4 Court of Lybaras, Hag Graef, Ironbrow's Expedition, The Blessed Dread, The Huntsmarshal's Expedition, Vampire Coast & Vampire Counts (ex. The Barrow Legion): 3 Dwarfs (ex. Ironbrow's Expedition): 6 Bretonnia, Dark Elves (ex. Hag Graef & The Blessed Dread), High Elves (ex. Order of the Loremasters), The Barrow Legion & The Empire (ex. The Huntsmarshal's Expedition): 5
Depends on faction
Depends on faction
Occupied Hexoatl Level 2 is a settlement building in Total War: Warhammer II only available to Bretonnia , Dark Elves , Dwarfs , High Elves , The Empire , Tomb Kings , Vampire Coast and Vampire Counts .
Effects [ | ]
Bretonnia [ | ]
"Slightly larger than Bretonnian hamlets, village buildings look much the same, though may include an inn and smithy too."
Control: +2
Growth: +40
Grants 4 construction slots in the settlement
Provides Garrison:
Dark Elves [ | ]
"Where the Druchii dwell, so too does brutality and disharmony make its home."
Income generated: 120
Scrolls of Hekarti generated: 1 (Eye of the Vortex only)
Growth: +20
Grants 4 construction slots in the settlement
Provides Garrison:
Dwarfs [ | ]
"More enterprising Dwarfs seek their own fortune and join colonies away from the greater Holds."
Income generated: 180
Growth: +7
Grants 4 construction slots in the settlement
Provides garrison:
High Elves [ | ]
"Though the Sundering left its scars on the world, the High Elves endeavour to rebuild and endure."
Income generated: 150
Growth: +20
Grants 4 construction slots in the settlement
Provides garrison:
The Empire [ | ]
"Villages dot the Empire, usually comprising a marketplaz, a tavern, and a stockade - if the denizens are lucky."
Income generated: 90
Public order: +2
Growth: +20
Grants 4 construction slots in the settlement
Provides garrison:
Tomb Kings [ | ]
"Mastaba or ‘houses of eternity’ are, typically, flat-roofed tombs. Like all crypts in Nehekhara, once built, settlements soon rose up around them."
Income generated: 120
Growth: +20
Grants 4 construction slots in the settlement
Research rate: +10%
Provides garrison:
Vampire Coast [ | ]
"A filthy, broken-down place, where evil plans are hatched and dark plots germinate."
Income generated: 360
Growth: +20
Vampiric corruption: +1
Grants 4 construction slots in the settlement
Provides garrison:
Vampire Counts [ | ]
"The peasantry live in small communities of inter-related families, and never venture far from their hovels."
Income generated: 360
Growth: +20
Vampiric corruption: +1
Grants 4 construction slots in the settlement
Provides garrison:
Building Chain [ | ]
Dwarfs buildings
Regular buildings
Settlement in minor cities
The Deeps
Military recruitment
Military support
The Deeps buildings
The Deeps
Resource buildings
Exotic Animals
Medicinal Plants
Carved Obsidian
Special and Landmark buildings
Allied outposts
Unique Dwarfs only landmark buildings
Unique settlement chains in The Old World
Unique settlement chains in Ulthuan
Unique settlement chains in the Far East
Other unique settlement chains
Total War: Warhammer II only buildings
Military recruitment
Unique Settlement Chains in The Old World
Unique settlement chains in Naggaroth
Unique settlement chains in Lustria
Unique settlement chains in Ulthuan
Unique settlement chains in The Southlands
Other unique settlement chains
Total War: warhammer only buildings