Occupied Karaz-a-Karak Level 2
Costs: Bretonnia, Dark Elves (ex. Hag Graef & The Blessed Dread), High Elves (ex. Knights of Caledor), Lizardmen (ex. Ghosts of Pahuax), The Empire (ex. The Golden Order), Tomb Kings (except Exiles of Nehek), Vampire Coast & Vampire Counts (ex. The Barrow Legion): : 2080 Exiles of Nehek, Ghosts of Pahuax, Hag Graef, The Barrow Legion & The Golden Order: 1600 The Blessed Dread: 2400 Build time: Tomb Kings (except Exiles of Nehek): 4 Exiles of Nehek, Ghosts of PahuaxHag Graef, The Barrow Legion & The Golden Order: 3 Bretonnia, Dark Elves (ex. Hag Graef & The Blessed Dread), High Elves (ex. Knights of Caledor), Lizardmen (ex. Ghosts of Pahuax), The Empire (ex. The Golden Order), Vampire Coast & Vampire Counts (ex. The Barrow Legion): 5 The Blessed Dread: 6
Depends on faction
Depends on faction
Occupied Karaz-a-Karak Level 2 is a settlement building in Total War: Warhammer II only available to Bretonnia , Dark Elves , High Elves , Lizardmen , The Empire , Tomb Kings , Vampire Coast and Vampire Counts .
Effects [ | ]
Bretonnia [ | ]
"Slightly larger than Bretonnian hamlets, village buildings look much the same, though may include an inn and smithy too."
Control: +2
Growth: +40
Grants 4 construction slots in the settlement
Provides garrison:
Dark Elves [ | ]
"Where the Druchii dwell, so too does brutality and disharmony make its home."
Income generated: 120
Growth: +20
Grants 4 construction slots in the settlement
Provides garrison:
High Elves [ | ]
"Though the Sundering left its scars on the world, the High Elves endeavour to rebuild and endure."
Income generated: 150
Growth: +20
Grants 4 construction slots in the settlement
Provides garrison:
Lizardmen [ | ]
"A minor node on a smaller tributary of the Geomantic Web, comprising a lone ziggurat, often ruled by a later generation Mage-Priest."
Income generated: 120
Public order: +2
Growth: +20
Grants 4 construction slots in the settlement
Provides garrison:
The Empire [ | ]
"Villages dot the Empire, usually comprising a marketplaz, a tavern, and a stockade - if the denizens are lucky."
Income generated: 90
Public order: +2
Growth: +20
Grants 4 construction slots in the settlement
Provides garrison:
Tomb Kings [ | ]
"Mastaba or ‘houses of eternity’ are, typically, flat-roofed tombs. Like all crypts in Nehekhara, once built, settlements soon rose up around them."
Income generated: 120
Growth: +20
Grants 4 construction slots in the settlement
Research rate: +10%
Provides garrison:
Vampire Coast [ | ]
"A filthy, broken-down place, where evil plans are hatched and dark plots germinate."
Income generated: 360
Growth: +20
Vampiric corruption: +1
Grants 4 construction slots in the settlement
Provides garrison:
Vampire Counts [ | ]
"The peasantry live in small communities of inter-related families, and never venture far from their hovels."
Income generated: 360
Growth: +20
Vampiric corruption: +1
Grants 4 construction slots in the settlement
Provides garrison:
Building Chain [ | ]