Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Occupied Karaz-a-Karak Level 3 is a settlement building in Total War: Warhammer II only available to Bretonnia, Dark Elves, High Elves, Lizardmen, The Empire, Tomb Kings, Vampire Coast and Vampire Counts.

Effects[ | ]

Bretonnia[ | ]

"Larger settlements may even have a curtain wall surrounding them, with a lone, circular tower watching over its sorry denizens."

Dark Elves[ | ]

"Gnarled and macabre parapets jut skyward, vengefully grasping at the sky."

High Elves[ | ]

"The tower strikes defiantly into the sky, and the Elven settlement flourishes in its shade."

Lizardmen[ | ]

"Located on a lesser tributary of the Geomantic Web, comprising a ziggurat and surrounding barrios, and often ruled by a later generation Mage-Priest."

The Empire[ | ]

"The towns of the Empire are walled islands of civilization amidst the unrelenting and hostile wilderness."

Tomb Kings[ | ]

"These expansive, decadent testaments to death now teem with clamorous, violent Unlife."

Vampire Coast[ | ]

"Somewhere to lie low, to count loot and plot fresh schemes."

Vampire Counts[ | ]

"Townships are little more than larger villages, usually within sight of a grand castle - its shadow looming over the terrified citizens."

Building Chain[ | ]
