Occupied Kislev (Hamlet) is a unique settlement building in Total War: Warhammer available to Bretonnia, Norsca and The Empire.
Effects[ | ]
Bretonnia[ | ]
"Bretonnian hamlets are pathetic - a clutch of dinghy hovels inhabited by farmhands, fools and gap-toothed yokels."
- Growth: +10
- Grants 1 construction slot in the settlement
- Provides garrison:
Norsca[ | ]
"Once a great city, now overrun by the mutants, monsters, and madmen of the north."
- Unlocks technologies: Secrets of Steel & Magic
- Income generated: 250
- Public order: +1
- Growth: +10
- Chaos corruption: +1
- Global recruitment capacity: +1
- Grants 1 construction slot in the settlement
- provides garrison:
- Unlocks recruitment of:
The Empire[ | ]
"The Empire is riddled with homesteads, farms and tiny groups of sullen houses filled with sullen folk."
- Income generated: 40
- Growth: +10
- Grants 1 construction slots in the settlement
- Provides garrison:
- 4 Spearmen
- 2 Swordsmen
- 2 Crossbowmen
- Unlocks recruitment of:
Building Chain[ | ]
- Tier I - Occupied Kislev (Hamlet)
- Tier II - Occupied Kislev (Village)
- Tier III - Occupied Kislev (Town)
- Tier IV - Occupied Kislev (City)
- Tier V - Occupied Kislev (Duchy Capital) (Bretonnia only)
- Tier V - Occupied Kislev (City-State) (Norsca & The Empire only)
- Tier IV - Occupied Kislev (City)
- Tier III - Occupied Kislev (Town)
- Tier II - Occupied Kislev (Village)