Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Occupied Naggarond Level 1 is a settlement building in Total War: Warhammer II only available to Bretonnia, Dwarfs, The Empire, Tomb Kings, Vampire Coast and Vampire Counts.

Effects[ | ]

Bretonnia[ | ]

"Bretonnian hamlets are are pathethic - a clutch of dingy hovels inhabited by farmhands, fools and gap-toothed yokels."

Dwarfs[ | ]

"Dwarfs do occasionally live above the ground - there are outposts scattered throughout the World's Edge Mountains and beyond."

The Empire[ | ]

"The Empire is riddled with homesteads, farms and tiny groups of sullen houses filled with sullen folk."

Tomb Kings[ | ]

"The dead return, unaware that what was once their grave is now also their home."

Vampire Coast[ | ]

"This hive of villainy houses the Undead crews in between sea-borne raids."

Vampire Counts[ | ]

"The scattered hamlets of Sylvania are even more isolated, parochial and pathetic than those of the Empire."

Building Chain[ | ]
