Occupied Pyramid of Nagash (Village) is a settlement building in Total War: Warhammer II only available to Bretonnia and The Empire.
"Slightly larger than Bretonnian hamlets, village buildings look much the same, though may include an inn and smithy too."
Effects[ | ]
Bretonnia[ | ]
- Control: +2
- Growth: +40
- Grants 2 construction slots in the settlement
- Provides Garrison:
The Empire[ | ]
"Villages dot the Empire, usually comprising a marketplaz, a tavern, and a stockade - if the denizens are lucky."
- Income generated: 90
- Public order: +2
- Growth: +20
- Grants 4 construction slots in the settlement
- Provides garrison:
Building Chain[ | ]
- Tier I - Occupied Pyramid of Nagash (Hamlet)
- Tier II - Occupied Pyramid of Nagash (Village)
- Tier III - Occupied Pyramid of Nagash (Town)
- Tier IV - Occupied Pyramid of Nagash (City)
- Tier V - Occupied Pyramid of Nagash (Barony) (Bretonnia only)
- Tier V - Occupied Pyramid of Nagash (City-State) (The Empire only)
- Tier IV - Occupied Pyramid of Nagash (City)
- Tier III - Occupied Pyramid of Nagash (Town)
- Tier II - Occupied Pyramid of Nagash (Village)