Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Occupied The Awakening Level 2 is a settlement building in Total War: Warhammer II only available to Bretonnia, Dark Elves, Dwarfs, Greenskins, High Elves, Lizardmen, Norsca, The Empire, Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts.

Effects[ | ]

Bretonnia[ | ]

"Slightly larger than Bretonnian hamlets, village buildings look much the same, though may include an inn and smithy too."

Dark Elves[ | ]

"Where the Druchii dwell, so too does brutality and disharmony make its home."

  • Income generated: 150
  • Scrolls of Hekarti generated: 1 (Eye of the Vortex only)
  • Growth: +20
  • Income from all buildings: +35% (all regions in this province)
  • Grants 4 construction slots in the settlement
  • Provides Garrison:

Dwarfs[ | ]

"More enterprising Dwarfs seek their own fortune and join colonies away from the greater Holds."

Greenskins[ | ]

"Orc and Goblin tribes are, in the main, nomadic, but will set up a large camp when the Boss wants to stop for a bit."

High Elves[ | ]

"Though the Sundering left its scars on the world, the High Elves endeavour to rebuild and endure."

Lizardmen[ | ]

"A minor node on a smaller tributary of the Geomantic Web, comprising a lone ziggurat, often ruled by a later generation Mage-Priest."

Norsca[ | ]

"Once a great city, now overrun by the mutants, monsters, and madmen of the north."

Rogue Armies[ | ]

"A treacherous path, to be sure, but safety lies beyond to those who can navigate it."

  • Income generated: 150
  • Growth: +20
  • Income from all buildings: +35% (all regions in this province)

The Empire[ | ]

"Villages dot the Empire, usually comprising a marketplaz, a tavern, and a stockade - if the denizens are lucky."

Tomb Kings[ | ]

"Mastaba or ‘houses of eternity’ are, typically, flat-roofed tombs. Like all crypts in Nehekhara, once built, settlements soon rose up around them."

Vampire Counts[ | ]

"The peasantry live in small communities of inter-related families, and never venture far from their hovels."

Building Chain[ | ]
