Occupied The Awakening Level 5
Special settlement
Costs: Dark Elves (ex. Hag Graef & The Blessed Dread), High Elves (ex. Order of the Loremasters) & Tomb Kings (except Court of Lybaras): 11700 Court of Lybaras, Hag Graef & The Blessed Dread: 9000 Ironbrow's Expedition, Lizardmen, The Bloody Handz, The Huntsmarshal's Expedition & Vampire Counts (ex. The Barrow Legion): 7200 Dwarfs (ex. Ironbrow's Expedition): 10800 Bretonnia, Greenskins (ex. The Bloody Handz), The Barrow Legion & The Empire (ex. The Huntmarshal's Expedition): 9360 Norsca: 4000 Build time: Tomb Kings (except Court of Lybaras): 8 Court of Lybaras, Hag Graef, Ironbrow's Expedition, Lizardmen, The Blessed Dread, The Bloody Handz, The Huntsmarshal's Expedition & Vampire Counts (ex. The Barrow Legion): 6 Dwarfs (ex. Ironbrow's Expedition): 12 Bretonnia, Dark Elves (ex. Hag Graef & The Blessed Dread), Greenskins (ex. The Bloody Handz), High Elves (ex. Order of the Loremasters), The Barrow Legion & The Empire (ex. The Huntmarshal's Expedition): 9 Norsca: 1
Depends on faction
Depends on faction
Occupied The Awakening Level 5 is a settlement building in Total War: Warhammer II only available to Bretonnia , Dark Elves , Dwarfs , Greenskins , High Elves , Lizardmen , Norsca , The Empire , Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts .
Effects [ | ]
Bretonnia [ | ]
"The largest Bretonnian cities surround a great castle, the residence of the local duke."'
Control: +5
Growth: +100
Grants 9 construction slots in the settlement
Provides Garrison:
Dark Elves [ | ]
"Here the full, horrid nature of the Druchii is on full display for all to see."
Income generated: 300
Scrolls of Hekarti generated: 1 (Eye of the Vortex only)
Growth: +50
Income from all buildings: +50% (all regions in this province)
Grants 9 construction slots in the settlement
Provides Garrison:
Dwarfs [ | ]
"The greatest Dwarfholds are the most legendary; the mightiest strongholds, led by greatest Kings of the age."
Income generated: 360
Growth: +15
Grants 9 construction slots in the settlement
Provides garrison:
Greenskins [ | ]
"The biggest and bestest Warbosses rule from formidable strongholds - the shattered Karaks of the Dwarfs."
Income generated: 240
Growth: +50
Local recruitment capacity: +1
Grants 9 construction slots in the settlement
Provides garrison:
High Elves [ | ]
"The great Elven capitals stand proud and vast, so that all may gaze in wonderment."
Income generated: 300
Public Order: +5
Growth: +50
Income from all buildings: +50% (all regions in this province)
Income from all buildings: +25% (all regions in adjacent provinces)
Untainted: +2
Grants 9 construction slots in the settlement
Provides garrison:
Lizardmen [ | ]
"All temple-cities are nodes in the Geomantic Web, but some are true nexus points - massive cities and major tributaries in power."
Income generated: 240
Public order: +5
Growth: +50
Grants 9 construction slots in the settlement
Provides garrison:
Norsca [ | ]
"Once a great city, now overrun by the mutants, monsters, and madmen of the north. "
Income generated: 750
Public order: +5
Growth: +50
Chaos corruption: +5
Global recruitment capacity: +1
Grants 5 construction slots in the settlement
provides garrison:
The Empire [ | ]
"The greatest cities of the Empire are self-governing capitals, more powerful than the provinces they sit within."
Income generated: 180
Public order: +5
Growth: +50
Grants 9 construction slots in the settlement
Provides garrison:
Tomb Kings [ | ]
"Great monuments to the departed, twisted into far-reaching cities of the dead."
Income generated: 240
Growth: +50
Grants 9 construction slots in the settlement
Research rate: +10%
Provides garrison:
Vampire Counts [ | ]
"Dread, gothic citadels are scattered throughout Sylvania. They grow more ominous as their chief resident grows in power."
Income generated: 720
Growth: +50
Vampiric corruption: +1
Grants 9 construction slots in the settlement
Provides garrison:
Building Chain [ | ]
Dwarfs buildings
Regular buildings
Settlement in minor cities
The Deeps
Military recruitment
Military support
The Deeps buildings
The Deeps
Resource buildings
Exotic Animals
Medicinal Plants
Carved Obsidian
Special and Landmark buildings
Allied outposts
Unique Dwarfs only landmark buildings
Unique settlement chains in The Old World
Unique settlement chains in Ulthuan
Unique settlement chains in the Far East
Other unique settlement chains
Total War: Warhammer II only buildings
Military recruitment
Unique Settlement Chains in The Old World
Unique settlement chains in Naggaroth
Unique settlement chains in Lustria
Unique settlement chains in Ulthuan
Unique settlement chains in The Southlands
Other unique settlement chains
Total War: warhammer only buildings