“ | Orc Boyz lack the strength of Big 'Uns, but their tenacity and endurance in battle is well respected. | „ |
Orc Boyz are a Greenskins melee infantry unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer.
Recruitment[ | ]
- Greenskins
- Unlocked with: Musta Fieldz
- Crooked Moon
- Unlocked with: Musta Fieldz (requires ownership of Karak Eight Peaks)
Description[ | ]
Orcs, often known as Orc Boyz or just "da boyz", are the hard-fighting infantry found at the heart of most Greenskin tribes. Goblins are more prolific, but it is the Orcs that do the bulk of the bloody work in most battles. That is okay with all parties, as Orcs are a warrior race and there is nothing they like half as much as a good scrap. In fact, it is hard to get Orcs to stop fighting. They are an overly pugnacious lot and if no one else is around they will pummel each other just to keep their spirits up. Luckily, Orcs do not register pain as do other races. A typical green-skinned lout won't let a minor injury, such as a severed limb, keep him from fighting. Orcs are so tough and resilient that if the arm can be found and sewn back on (however crudely) it will heal quickly. Orcs naturally take their robust physique for granted and regard everyone else as weak, puny or "squishy".
Attributes[ | ]
- Sword Infantry
- ▲ Shielded: Shields have a chance of blocking arrows, bolts, rifle shots and similar small arms fire - but only in a forward facing arc.
Scrap Upgrades[ | ]
Padded Shields[ | ]
- Cost: 20
- Passive ability: "Padded Shields"
Betta Blades[ | ]
- Cost: 20
- Weapon strength: +15%
- Technology Required: Spoilz of War
Big Banner Boyz[ | ]
- Ironclaw Orcs faction only
- Cost: 50
- Passive ability: "Big Banner Boyz"
Wizardly Weapons[ | ]
- Bonerattlaz faction only
- Cost: 20
- Passive ability: "Wizardly Weapons"
Strategy[ | ]
Orc Boyz are the standard infantry for Greenskin armies. They deal slightly more damage compared to most standard infantry, but that is about it. They have low armor, but have a shield to block ranged fire. They will never carry a battle, but can do some solid krumpin' of weak units.