Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

The Path to Glory screen. Click to expand.

Path to Glory is a unique mechanic for the Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos introduced in Total War: Warhammer III.

Overview[ | ]

The Path to Glory grants Lords and Heroes unique bonuses, abilities and the option of transforming them into God-dedicated characters and eventually into Daemon Princes* by completing various challenges and spending Souls.

The Path to Glory is divided by two sections: Boons of Chaos & Marks of Chaos.

*Only Lords are able to transform into Daemon Princes.

Boons of Chaos[ | ]

Boons of Chaos can be unlocked by completing various challenges. Once a challenged is completed, a Boon becomes active immediately. The Boons are always randomised and are only three per character.

Boon Effect Requirement Character
Arcane Exemplar End your turn with less than 30 Winds of Magic reserves. Tzeentch Spellcaster Lord or Hero
Aura of Atrophy Rank-up in Raiding stance. Nurgle Lord or Hero
Aspiring Leader Passive ability: "Gift of Chaos" for Aspiring Champions units (Lord's army) Win a battle with a unit of Aspiring Champions in your army. Lord
Attuned to Chamon Bound spell: "Gehenna's Golden Hounds" Rank-up in Channeling Stance. Spellcaster Lord or Hero
Attuned to Shyish Bound spell: "The Purple Sun of Xereus" Rank-up in Channeling Stance. Spellcaster Lord or Hero
Attuned to Ulgu Bound spell: "The Penumbral Pendulum" End your turn with over 80 Winds of Magic reserves. Spellcaster Lord or Hero
  • Control: +2 (local province)
  • Chaos Undivided corruption: +1 (local province)
End your turn in a friendly region with less than -50 Control. Lord or Hero
Chaos Assassin
  • Assassinate action: Additional 15% success chance.
  • Assault Units action: Additional 15% casualties inflicted
Successfully use a Hero action with this character. Melee Hero
Chaos Knight Leader Win a battle with 2 Chaos Knights units in your army. Lord or Hero
Chosen Leader Vigour loss reduction: -50% for Chosen units (own army) Win a battle with 3 Chosen units in your army. Lord or Hero
  • Melee attack: +10 when fighting against Vampire Counts, Vampire Coast and Tomb Kings (all units in army)
  • Attribute: Immune to Psychology (all units in army)
Kill a Legendary Undead character Harald Hammerstorm
Favoured of Nurgle Bound spell: "Stream of Corruption" Win a battle against Nurgle. Nurgle Lord
Favoured of Nurgle

(Daemon Prince)

  • Bound spell: "Fleshy Abundance"
  • Battle healing cap: +15% (Lord's army)
Win a battle against Nurgle. Daemon Prince of Nurgle
Favoured of Slaanesh Bound spell: "Lash of Slaanesh" Win a battle against Slaanesh. Slaanesh Spellcaster Hero
Favoured of Slaanesh

(Daemon Prince)

  • Bound spell: "Slicing Shards"
  • Armour-piercing weapon damage: +100
Win a battle against Slaanesh. Daemon Prince of Slaanesh
Favoured of Tzeentch Bound spell: "Pink Fire of Tzeentch" Win a battle against Tzeentch. Tzeentch Spellcaster Lord or Hero
Fiend Leader Win a battle with a unit of Fiends of Slaanesh in your army. Slaanesh Lord or Hero
Hellstrider Leader
  • Attribute: Devastating Flanker
  • Charge bonus: +10 for Hellstriders of Slaanesh units (own army)
Win a battle with 2 Hellstriders of Slaanesh units in your army. Slaanesh Lord or Hero
Impenetrable Win a battle against an army containing 5 missile units. Lord or Hero
Indisputable Champion
  • Warband upgrade cost: -10% for all units (own army)
  • Unit experience gain: +10% for Undivided units (own army)
Reach Rank 15. Lord or Hero
Indisputable Champion

(Daemon Prince)

  • Warband upgrade cost: -15% for all units (own army)
  • Unit experience gain: +15% for Undivided units (own army)
Reach Rank 15. Daemon Prince
Indisputable Champion


  • Warband upgrade cost: -10% for all units (own army)
  • Unit experience gain: +10% for Khorne units (own army)
Reach Rank 15. Khorne Lord or Hero
Living Nightmare Attribute: Cause Fear Rank-up in Raiding stance. Lord or Hero
Living Nightmare


Rank-up in Raiding stance. Slaanesh Lord or Hero
Mage Hunter Win a battle against an army led by a spellcaster. Lord or Hero
Master of Massacre
  • Melee attack: +5
  • Weapon strength: +5%
Win a battle with 2000 kills. Lord or Hero
Master of Massacre


  • Passive ability: "Gorefeast"
  • Hit points: +10%
Win a battle with 2000 kills. Daemon Prince of Khorne
Master of Massacre


Win a battle with 2000 kills. Daemon Prince of Slaanesh
Master Sorcerer End your turn with over 80 Winds of Magic reserves. Tzeentch Lord or Hero
Mortal Champion
  • Training action: Experience per turn is increased by an additional 25
  • Spread Fear action: Control is modified by an additional 2
Win a battle against any Daemon race. Melee Hero
Mortal Prophet
  • Scouting action: Magic item drop chance is increased by an additional 15%
  • Spread Corruption action: Chaos Undivided corruption increased by an additional 2
Win a battle against any Daemon race. Spellcaster Hero
Mortal Supremacy Bound spell: "The Portalglyph" Win a battle against any Daemon race. Spellcaster Lord or Hero
Mortal Supremacy


Win a battle against any Daemon race. Daemon Prince of Khorne
Mortal Supremacy


Ability: "Gate of Nurgle" Win a battle against any Daemon race. Nurgle Lord
No One's Fool
  • Diplomatic relations: +40 with Warriors of Chaos, Daemons of Chaos, Beastmen and Norsca
  • Chaos Undivided corruption: +5 (local province)
  • Ward save: +15%
Kill a greater daemon lord Harald Hammerstorm
One True Hammer
  • Bonus vs Large: +8
  • Leadership aura size: +100%
  • Armour-piercing weapon damage: +100
Kill Karl Franz Harald Hammerstorm
Opressive Force
  • Wound action: Additional 15% chance of wounding a target
  • Block army action: Movement range is modified by an additional -10%
Successfully use a Hero action with this character Hero
Partners in Chaos
  • Cooldown: -10% to all spells
  • Winds of Magic cost: -10% for all spells
Win a battle with another spellcaster in your army. Spellcaster Lord or Hero
Partners in Chaos

(Daemon Prince)

  • Cooldown: -15% to all spells
  • Winds of Magic cost: -15% for all spells
Win a battle with another spellcaster in your army. Non-Khorne Daemon Prince
Shrouded in Chaos Win an ambush battle. Tzeentch Lord or Hero
Slaughterlord Win a battle against multiple armies. Khorne Lord or Hero
Slayer of Champions Win a battle against an army with 3 characters. Lord
Slayer of Champions


Win a battle against an army with 3 characters. Khorne Lord or Hero
Soul Harvester
  • Souls gained from battles: +10%
  • Income from post-battle loot: +10%
Use the Sacrifice Captives post-battle captive option. Lord
Soul Harvester

(Daemon Prince)

  • Souls gained from battles: +15%
  • Income from post-battle loot: +15%
Use the Sacrifice Captives post-battle captive option. Daemon Prince
Survivor Ward save: 5% Lose a battle and survive. Lord or Hero

(Daemon Prince)

Lose a battle and survive. Daemon Prince
  • Hit points: +5%
  • Armour: +15
Win 5 battles. Lord or Hero


  • Hit points: +5%
  • Melee defence: +5
Win 5 battles. Khorne Lord or Hero


Win 5 battles. Nurgle Lord or Hero


Win 5 battles. Daemon Prince of Nurgle


  • Hit points: +5%
  • Physical resistance: 5%
Win 5 battles. Slaanesh Lord or Hero


  • Hit points: +10%
  • Physical resistance: 10%
Win 5 battles. Daemon Prince of Slaanesh


  • Hit points: +5%
  • Barrier hit points: +200
Win 5 battles. Tzeentch Lord or Hero


  • Hit points: +10%
  • Barrier hit points: +300
Win 5 battles. Daemon Prince of Tzeentch
Favoured by Tzeentch Win a battle against Tzeentch. Daemon Prince of Tzeentch
Pyromancer Win a battle against an army led by a spellcaster. Undivided Daemon Prince
Unswayed by Change Win a battle against Tzeentch. Spellcaster Lord or Hero
Unswayed by Decay Win a battle against Nurgle. Spellcaster Lord or Hero
Unswayed by Excess Win a battle against Slaanesh. Spellcaster Lord or Hero
  • Growth: +15 (local province)
  • Nurgle corruption: +1 (local province)
Occupy a settlement with a Chaotic Wasteland climate. Nurgle Lord or Hero

Marks of Chaos[ | ]

Grant this character a Mark of Chaos to ascend them into a new form. Transformed characters will be the half rank of their previous form and all skills will reset to be chosen again. Any active Boons of Chaos are lost upon transformation. The cost will decrease the higher the character's level.

Devote[ | ]

Devote to Souls Cost Requirement Character Effect
Mark of chaos chaos lord khorne
3000 Character must reach rank 5. Undivided Chaos Lord Transforms character into a Chaos Lord of Khorne
Mark of chaos exalted hero khorne
2000 Character must reach rank 5. Undivided Exalted Hero Transforms character into a Exalted Hero of Khorne
Mark of chaos lord nurgle
3000 Character must reach rank 5. Undivided Chaos Lord Transforms character into a Chaos Lord of Nurgle
Mark of chaos sorceror lord nurgle
3000 Character must reach rank 5. Undivided Chaos Sorcerer Lord (Shadow or Death Lore) Transforms character into a Chaos Sorcerer Lord of Nurgle (Death)
Mark of chaos sorceror lord nurgle
3000 Character must reach rank 5. Undivided Chaos Sorcerer Lord (Shadow or Death Lore) Transforms character into a Chaos Sorcerer Lord of Nurgle (Nurgle)
Mark of chaos exalted hero nurgle
2000 Character must reach rank 5. Undivided Exalted Hero Transforms character into a Exalted Hero of Nurgle
Mark of chaos sorceror nurgle
2000 Character must reach rank 5. Undivided Chaos Sorcerer (Shadow or Death Lore) Transforms character into a Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle (Death)
Mark of chaos sorceror nurgle
2000 Character must reach rank 5. Undivided Chaos Sorcerer (Shadow or Death Lore) Transforms character into a Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle (Nurgle)
Mark of chaos chaos lord slaanesh
3000 Character must reach rank 5. Undivided Chaos Lord Transforms character into a Chaos Lord of Slaanesh
Mark of chaos chaos sorceror slaanesh
2000 Character must reach rank 5. Undivided Chaos Sorcerer (Death or Shadow Lore) Transforms character into a Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh (Shadows)
Mark of chaos chaos sorceror slaanesh
2000 Character must reach rank 5. Undivided Chaos Sorcerer (any Lore) Transforms character into a Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh (Slaanesh)
Mark of chaos chaos lord tzeentch
3000 Character must reach rank 5. Undivided Chaos Lord Transforms character into a Chaos Lord of Tzeentch
Mark of chaos sorceror lord tzeentch
3000 Character must reach rank 5. Undivided Chaos Sorcerer Lord (Fire or Metal Lore) Transforms character into a Chaos Sorcerer Lord of Tzeentch (Metal)
Mark of chaos sorceror lord tzeentch
3000 Character must reach rank 5. Undivided Chaos Sorcerer Lord (Fire or Metal Lore) Transforms character into a Chaos Sorcerer Lord of Tzeentch (Tzeentch)
Mark of chaos exalted hero tzeentch
2000 Character must reach rank 5. Undivided Exalted Hero Transforms character into a Exalted Hero of Tzeentch
Mark of chaos chaos sorceror tzeentch
2000 Character must reach rank 5. Undivided Chaos Sorcerer (Fire or Metal Lore) Transforms character into a Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch (Metal)
Mark of chaos chaos sorceror tzeentch
2000 Character must reach rank 5. Undivided Chaos Sorcerer (any Lore) Transforms character into a Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch (Tzeentch)

Ascend to Daemonhood[ | ]

Alignment Souls Cost Requirement Character Effect
Mark of chaos daemon prince undivided
10000 Character must reach rank 30. Undivided Chaos Lord or Chaos Sorcerer Lord Transforms character into a Daemon Prince
Mark of chaos daemon prince khorne
5000 Character must reach rank 20. Chaos Lord of Khorne Transforms character into a Daemon Prince of Khorne
Mark of chaos daemon prince nurgle
5000 Character must reach rank 20. Chaos Lord of Nurgle or Chaos Sorcerer Lord of Nurgle Transforms character into a Daemon Prince of Nurgle
Mark of chaos daemon prince slaanesh
5000 Character must reach rank 20. Chaos Lord of Slaanesh Transforms character into a Daemon Prince of Slaanesh
Mark of chaos daemon prince tzeentch
5000 Character must reach rank 20. Chaos Lord of Tzeentch or Chaos Sorcerer Lord of Tzeentch Transforms character into a Daemon Prince of Tzeentch

See also[ | ]
