Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Size is no defence against an oncoming plague, nor against the great weapons of Nurgle’s beloved adoptees.

Plague Ogres (Great Weapons) are a Nurgle Nurgle, Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos and Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos monstrous infantry unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer III with Thrones of Decay.

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Description[ | ]

Plague Ogres have devolved in both mind, body and soul, their forms twisting and contorting into hellish shapes through the horrific blessings of Nurgle's Rot. When the Red Fist Tribe were defeated by Tamurkhan's horde, a great many Ogres submitted to his will and joined the monstrous host, from which point on they were lost to Chaos forever. Taking control of their Ogre Tyrant's body, Tamurkhan led them through foul rituals and the consumption of Chaos-tainted flesh, which sealed their fate. Soon, all manner of plagues and diseases were visited upon their desecrated bodies, their suffering only alleviated when they embraced Grandfather Nurgle fully. In battle, they slake their hunger and smash the foe in praise of the Lord of Decay – those that survived the Nurglish corruption, although many are barely recognisable as the Ogres they once were.

Attributes[ | ]

  • Wh3 ogr monstrous great weapons Monstrous Infantry
  • Anti-Large: Anti-Large: Anti-large units have an advantage against targets that are at least as large as a horse. This advantage can be a Modifier icon bonus vs largedamage bonus against large targets or an attack that focuses on a very small area. However, some units are simply better against large targets because their attacks are slow and easy to dodge by skilled melee combatants.
  • Ogre Charge: When attacking braced charge defenders, this unit only loses half of its charge bonus.
  • Poison Attacks: The Modifier icon poisonpoisonous attacks of this unit weaken the target's speed and damage and/or apply the Poison! debuff.

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