Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Unblemished, frozen in time, pristine - the skin-deep appearance of Sigvald belies a twisted, corrupted, vicious soul, hungry for destruction.

Prince Sigvald the Magnificent is a Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos and Slaanesh Slaanesh Legendary Lord unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer with the Chaos Warriors Race Pack.

In The Old World and Mortal Empires campaigns, he is one of the three Legendary Lord choices for the Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos, along with Archaon the Everchosen and Kholek Suneater. In Immortal Empires, he leads The Decadent Host The Decadent Host faction.

For Slaanesh, he is only available in custom battles and multiplayer.

Description[ | ]

Though he appears to be little more than sixteen summers of age, Sigvald the Magnificent has blighted the world for over three hundred years. The personification of beauty on the outside, but rot within, Sigvald rides at the head of an army of utterly devoted followers who would give their lives for him without a second thought. His elite bodyguard bear mirrored shields so that Sigvald might bask in his own divine glory, and dozens of exotic females attend to his every whim and desire. Such are the depths of Sigvald's self-obsession that he will even call his retainers to attend him with their mirrors in the midst of battle, preening and murmuring compliments to himself as man plunge into battle and die all around him.

Attributes[ | ]

  • Infantry swordSword Infantry
  • Armoured & Shielded: Armoured units can block damage from any source apart from Modifier icon armour piercingArmour-Piercing damage. Modifier icon shieldShields have a chance of blocking arrows, bolts, rifle shots and similar small arms fire - but only in a forward facing arc.
  • Melee Expert: Melee Experts might have a very strong melee attack or melee defence, or high values in both. Some also have melee-focused skills like Charge Defence. Use them to counter other strong melee units. When facing them, it is best to take them out before they can enter melee.
  • Perfect Vigour: Even when performing the most fatiguing acts, this unit never loses vigour.
  • Charge Defence Against All: When standing and bracing against a charge this unit will negate the enemy's Icon stat charge bonuscharge bonus.

Character Abilities[ | ]

Active Abilities[ | ]

Campaign Only[ | ]

Multiplayer Only[ | ]

Passive Abilities[ | ]

Campaign Only[ | ]

Item Abilities[ | ]

Unique Items[ | ]

Campaign starting units[ | ]

The Old World & Mortal Empires[ | ]

Wh dlc01 chs chosen halberd Wh main chs chosen Wh main chs warriors Wh main chs warriors Wh main chs marauder Wh main chs marauder Wh main chs marauder horsemen Wh main chs marauder horsemen Wh main chs warhounds Wh main chs warhounds Wh main chs spawn Wh main chs hellcannon

Immortal Empires[ | ]

Wh main chs warriors Wh main chs warriors Wh main chs warriors Wh main chs warriors Wh main chs marauder Wh main chs marauder Wh main chs chariot Wh3 main sla cav hellstriders 1 Wh3 main sla mon spawn of slaanesh 0

Faction Effects[ | ]

WH2[ | ]

  • Wh dlc08 unit passive rage Marauder units gain the "Rage" passive ability which further upgrades to "Berserk" at (Rank 7 and above)
  • Diplomacy Diplomatic relations: +20 with Norscan Tribes
  • Morale Leadership: +15 when fighting against Men

Lord Effects[ | ]

  • Experience Character experience gain: +10%
  • Corruption slaanesh Slaanesh corruption: +4 (local province)
  • Battle movement Speed: +15% for Marauders of Slaanesh, Chaos Warriors of Slaanesh and Chosen of Slaanesh units (Icon ArmyLord's army)

WH2[ | ]

  • Growth Horde growth: +3 (Icon ArmyLord's army)
  • Military spending Chaos Upkeep: -60% for Marauder units (Icon ArmyLord's army)
  • Attribute ignore forest penalties Attribute: Strider (Icon ArmyLord's army)

WH1[ | ]

  • Morale Leadership: +6 when fighting against humans
  • Corruption chaos Chaos corruption: +1 (all characters)

Character Traits[ | ]

Personal Trait[ | ]

Trait chaos Supreme Vanity: "Surely such sedition should sour and succumb to Sigvald!"

  • Experience Character experience gain: +10%
  • Corruption slaanesh Slaanesh corruption: +4 (local province)
  • Battle movement Speed: +15% for Marauders of Slaanesh, Chaos Warriors of Slaanesh and Chosen of Slaanesh units (Icon ArmyLord's army)

Defeat trait[ | ]

Trait chaos Pride Assassin: Pride comes before a fall. Always.

  • Item ability Post battle chance of stealing a magic item: +10%
  • Resistance physical Physical resistance: 10%

Warhammer II Defeat trait[ | ]

  • Item ability Post battle chance of stealing a magic item: +5%
  • Income Income from all buildings: +10% (local province)

Talent Tree[ | ]

Strategy[ | ]

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Sigvald is a somewhat easy character to gloss over compared to the other Chaos Legendary Lords which are more powerful, provide more utility, or both. However, Sigvald does have his benefits. First, he is a remarkable duelist. Even better, he is a remarkable duelist with items that provide regeneration. The one obvious downside is that he lacks a mount, meaning that if he is winning a duel against a mounted enemy Lord, they can just run away from him. Sigvald is a good Lord to bring if you want a competent Lord that can fend for himself and is difficult to snipe. Enemy missiles and monsters will have a hard time singling him out as he is on foot. Given that many of the other Chaos Lords are vulnerable to sniping, Sigvald is a conservative response to that tactic.

From a campaign perspective, the +15 Leadership when fighting humans is nothing to scoff at, but the +15 armor for all characters makes them all a good bit more survivable in combat. The bonus to horde growth is pretty good, as that is one of the biggest things that will slow down your campaign. His bonuses to Marauders are mediocre, especially because you will want to phase them out for Chaos Warriors and Chosen as quickly as possible. Although the upkeep bonus does make the early game more manageable and recruit rank helps Marauders be slightly more combat effective than normal. The fact that he starts with some Chosen and an artillery piece makes his army quite powerful in the early game.

Trivia[ | ]

Just like in the lore where Sigvald can never become dirty, he cannot get blood-splatter decals if the Blood for the Blood God DLC is enabled.

Gallery[ | ]
