Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Propane Perspiration is a Skaven Skaven passive ability unique to the Clan Moulder Clan Moulder faction. It is gained when applying the Propane Perspiration augment to a unit in the Flesh Laboratory.

When you are constantly emitting flammable chemicals, it is a good idea to stay as close to your enemies as possible!

Effect[ | ]

  • Wh2 dlc16 unit passive propane perspiration Passive Ability
  • Type: Icon spell area of hexesHex (Area)
  • Ally
    Modifier icon flaming channel Weakness to Fire Damage: +20%
  • Enemy
    Modifier icon flaming channel Weakness to Fire Damage: +20%
  • Effect range: 35m
  • Duration: Infinite
  • Affected units: Affects allies in range(all)
    Affects enemies in range(all)

Units[ | ]

Category Unit
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh2 dlc16 skv wolf ratsWh2 dlc16 skv wolf rats poisonWh2 main skv mon rat ogresWh2 dlc16 skv mon rat ogres rorWh2 dlc16 skv rat ogre mutantWh2 dlc16 skv ror rat ogre mutantWh2 dlc16 skv brood horrorWh2 main skv mon hell pit abominationWh2 dlc16 skv mon hell pit abomination ror