Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Regeneration is a passive ability available to Lords, Heroes and units which constantly restores a moderate amount of hit pointsIcon stat health noframeover time in exchange for a moderate weakness to Modifier icon flaming channel fire damage. However, as with all healing effects, it draws from the capped pool of healing unit points which is 75% of the unit's maximum hitpoints.

There are beings and creatures that can mend bone and knit flesh at an incredible rate. A mighty boon, but one stunted by fire.

Effect[ | ]

  • Wh main unit passive regeneration Passive AbilityThis ability targets allies or self
  • Type: Icon spell regenerationRegeneration
  • Heal Per Second: +0.10%
  • Modifier icon flaming channel Weakness to Fire Damage: +20%
  • Duration: Infinite
  • Arrow increase 1 Replenishes Icon stat health noframehit points of combatants

WH2[ | ]

  • Icon rarity common small Regeneration
  • Unit ability
  • Type: Icon spell regenerationRegeneration
  • Duration: Constant
  • Target: Self
  • Effect: Arrow increase 1 Restores Icon stat health noframe4 Hit Points per second
    +25% Weakness to Modifier icon flaming channelFire Damage

WH1[ | ]

  • Icon rarity uncommon small Regeneration
  • Type: Icon spell area of augmentsAugment
  • Duration: Constant
  • Target: Self
  • Effect: Arrow increase 1 Replenishes HP of combatants.
    +20% Weakness to Flame Weakness

Units with this ability[ | ]

Beastmen Beastmen[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Bst ch morghur 0
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh pro04 bst ror minotaurs shield

Disciples of Hashut Chaos Dwarfs[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords (campaign only) Chd zhatan the black 0

Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos[ | ]

Category Unit
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh3 main nur mon beast of nurgle 0

Dark Elves Dark Elves[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords (campaign only) Def crone 0
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh2 main def war hydraWh2 dlc10 def war hydra ror

Grand Cathay Grand Cathay[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords (campaign only) Cth iron dragon human 0

Greenskins Greenskins[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Grn grom the paunch 0
Commander Lords (campaign only) Grn ch azhag 0
Icon hero Heroes Grn troll hag campaign 01 0
Missile cavalry bow Missile Cavalry & Chariots Wh dlc06 grn deff creepers
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh main grn trollsWh2 dlc15 grn mon stone trollsWh2 dlc15 grn mon river trollsWh2 dlc15 grn mon river trolls ror
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh2 main def war hydra

Lizardmen Lizardmen[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords (campaign only) Lzd lord gor rok 0Lzd lord mazdamundi 0Lzd slann campaign 01 0
Icon hero Heroes (campaign only) Lzd lord kroak 0

World Walkers Norsca[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Nor cha throgg 0
Commander Lords (campaign only) Nor marauder chieftain campaign 02 0
Icon hero Heroes Nor cha skin wolf werekin campaign 03 0
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh main chs trollsWh dlc08 nor ice trollsWh dlc08 nor skin wolvesWh dlc08 nor skin wolves armouredWh pro04 nor ror skin wolves armoured
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Chs ch kihar ie 0
Campaign exclusive Campaign enemies Skv hell pit abomination 0

Nurgle Nurgle[ | ]

Category Unit
Icon hero Heroes Dae nur kayzk the befouled 0Dae cultist of nurgle campaign 01 0
Cavalry Cavalry & Chariots Wh3 dlc25 nur cav rot knightsWh3 dlc25 nur cav rot knights ror
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh3 dlc25 nur mon bile trollsWh3 main nur mon beast of nurgle 0
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Dae nur nor skin wolf werekin chieftain 0Wh dlc08 nor skin wolves

Ogre Kingdoms Ogre Kingdoms[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords (campaign only) Ogr slaughtermaster campaign 02 0
Icon hero Heroes (campaign only) Ogr butcher campaign 01 0

Skaven Skaven[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Skv throt 0
Commander Lords (campaign only) Skv tretch craventail 0
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh2 dlc16 skv brood horrorWh2 main skv mon hell pit abominationWh2 dlc16 skv mon hell pit abomination ror
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh2 dlc12 skv veh doomwheel ror tech lab

Tomb Kings Tomb Kings[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords (campaign only) Tmb ch khalida 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh2 dlc09 tmb tomb guard ror

Vampire Coast Vampire Coast[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords (campaign only) Cst count noctilus 0
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh2 dlc11 cst death shriek terrogheist
Wh2 main lzd dinosaur missile Missile Monsters & Beasts Wh2 dlc11 cst mon rotting prometheans gunnery mob ror

The Drakenhof Conclave Vampire Counts[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Vmp ch master necromancer helman 0Vmp strigoi campaign 01 0Vmp bloodline strigoi lord campaign 01 0
Commander Lords (campaign only) Vmp ch heinrich 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh dlc04 vmp sternsmen
Infantry sword Cavalry & Chariots Wh dlc04 vmp vereks reaversWh dlc04 vmp corpse cartWh dlc04 vmp corpse cart balefireWh dlc04 vmp corpse cart lodestoneWh dlc04 vmp mortis engineWh dlc04 vmp claw of nagash
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh main vmp crypt horrorsWh main vmp terrorgheist

Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos[ | ]

Category Unit
Cavalry Cavalry & Chariots Wh3 dlc25 nur cav rot knightsWh3 dlc25 nur cav rot knights ror
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh main chs trollsWh dlc01 chs trolls maceWh3 dlc25 nur mon bile trolls
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh3 main nur mon beast of nurgle 0

Talsyn Wood Elves[ | ]

Category Unit
Icon hero Heroes (campaign only) Wef ariel 0
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster (campaign only) Wef ancient treeman malicious 0

Buildings that grant this ability[ | ]

Buildings[ | ]

Building Type Race Effect
Landmark Nurgle Nurgle Wh main unit passive regeneration Passive ability: "Regeneration" for Rot Flies units (factionwide)
Landmark The Drakenhof Conclave Vampire Counts Wh main unit passive regeneration Passive ability: "Regeneration" for Fell Bat units (factionwide)

Items that grant this ability[ | ]

Items[ | ]

Name Type Race Owner Random Drop Other Source
Wh main anc talismanTalisman Dark Elves Dark Elves 🗙 🗙
Wh main anc armourArmour Dark Elves Dark Elves Any Lord or Hero 🗙
Armour of Eternity
Armour of Eternity
Wh main anc armourArmour Tomb Kings Tomb Kings Any Lord or Hero 🗙
Wh main anc weaponWeapon The Drakenhof Conclave Vampire Counts 🗙 🗙
Wh main anc weaponWeapon Grand Cathay Grand Cathay Any Lord or Hero 🗙
Wh main anc enchanted itemEnchanted Item Tomb Kings Tomb Kings Any Lord or Hero 🗙
Wh main anc armourArmour Talsyn Wood Elves Any Lord or Hero 🗙
Wh main anc talismanTalisman Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos
Nurgle Nurgle
Any Lord or Hero 🗙
Wh main anc weaponWeapon Grand Cathay Grand Cathay Any Lord or Hero 🗙

Mechanics that grant this ability[ | ]

Mechanics[ | ]

Mechanic Race Faction Mechanic specific Effect
Skaven Skaven Clan Moulder Clan Moulder Wh main unit passive regeneration Passive ability: "Regeneration"
Skaven Skaven Clan Skryre Clan Skryre Wh main unit passive regeneration Passive ability: "Regeneration" for Warp-Grinders units
(all armies)
Names of Power Dark Elves Dark Elves All Hydrablood Wh main unit passive regeneration Passive ability: "Regeneration"

Mounts that grant this ability[ | ]

Skaven Skaven[ | ]

Mount Unit
Skv throt 0Skv warlord campaign 01 0Skv packmaster campaign 01 0

Vampire Coast Vampire Coast[ | ]

Mount Unit
Cst luthor harkon 0

The Drakenhof Conclave Vampire Counts[ | ]

Mount Unit
Wh main vmp master necromancerWh main vmp necromancer
Wh main vmp master necromancerWh main vmp necromancer
Wh main vmp master necromancerWh main vmp necromancer
Vmp strigoi campaign 01 0Vmp bloodline strigoi lord campaign 01 0

Rites that grant this ability[ | ]

Rites[ | ]

Rite Race Faction Effect
High Elves High Elves Avelorn Avelorn Wh main unit passive regeneration Passive ability: "Regeneration" for Dryad, Tree Kin and Treemen units (all armies)

Skills that grant this ability[ | ]

Skills[ | ]

Name Race Effect Source
Wh main unit passive regeneration skill
Elemental Regeneration
Kislev Kislev Wh main unit passive regeneration Passive ability: "Regeneration" for Elemental Bear units
(Icon armyLord's army)
Wh main unit passive regeneration skill
Pustulent Abundance
Nurgle Nurgle Wh main unit passive regeneration Passive ability: "Regeneration" for Nurgling units
(Icon armyLord's army)

Technologies that grant this ability[ | ]

Technologies[ | ]

Name Race Effect
Tech dlc03 bst hate
Gaze of the Dark Gods
Beastmen Beastmen Wh main unit passive regeneration Passive ability: "Regeneration" for Chaos Spawn and Jabberslythe units
Wh3 main tech nur 7 7
Human Trials
The Fecundites The Fecundites (Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos) Wh main unit passive regeneration Passive ability: "Regeneration" Aspiring Champions units
Wh3 main tech nur 1 7
Virulent Blessings
Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos (undivided factions) Wh main unit passive regeneration Passive ability: "Regeneration" Aspiring Champions units

Traits that grant this ability[ | ]

Traits[ | ]

Name Race/Faction Effect Source Notes
Trait dlc15 imrik star dragon
Celestial Strength
Knights of Caledor Knights of Caledor Wh main unit passive regeneration Passive ability: "Regeneration" Completing Dragon Battle: Ymwrath the Eternal
Trait vampire coast
Consigned to the Drink
Any faction Wh main unit passive regeneration Passive ability: "Regeneration" when fighting at sea Defeating
Trait vampire counts
Cruelty Restrained
Any faction Wh main unit passive regeneration Passive ability: "Regeneration" Defeating This trait is only available when Isabella is a lord, not a hero
Trait high elves
High Elves High Elves Wh main unit passive regeneration Passive ability: "Regeneration"