Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
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Resources or trade resources can be found in some settlements on the campaign map. To extract a resource you need to construct the correct building at the appropriate settlement. Different resources have different effects when extracted, such as boosting growth or providing income. They can also provide Experience or other bonuses to units recruited in the province. Crucially, most resources can also be traded to other factions, though some factions do not trade at all or don't use certain resources to actually produce goods for trade.

Tomb Kings require trade resources in order to craft items and Legions of Legend via the Mortuary Cult. Likewise, Dwarfs require trade resources to craft items in The Forge.

Trade Resources[ | ]

Each faction can have additional bonuses from resources they control. These are outlined in the following table. For Skaven, each resource building also reduces the Skaven corruption levels (making the province habitable for longer). For the Daemonic factions of Khorne, Nurgle, and Tzeentch, they gain faction resources, and bonus income in the area. Nurgle also gains additional capacity for heroes. Slaanesh is capable of generating resources and trading.

Note: Most of these bonuses are specific to the resource building. Any other source of production (some factions can produce trade resources in other regular buildings (regardless of the resource being present naturally), some special buildings also produce trade resources, etc) will not grant the same benefits unless stated.

Scroll down for special, faction-specific resources which can't be traded.

Name Baseline price Effect
Resource dwarf beerDwarf Beer 18 Dwarfs: Increases Public Order
Resource dyesDyes 12 Warriors of Chaos: +5 Leadership for Marauder Horsemen (Throwing Axes) (Warriors of Chaos)
Resource fursFurs 14

Greenskins: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Boar, Wolf and Spider Rider units

Vampire Counts: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for  Dire Wolves and Varghulf units

High Elves: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for White Lions of Chrace units

Warriors of Chaos: Armor +10 for Marauder infantry units

Resource gemstonesGemstones 20

Dwarfs: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Ironbreaker and Hammerer units

Vampire Counts: Bonus experience, reduced recruitment/upkeep costs for Corpse Cart, Black Coach, and Mortis Engine units. +1 capacity for Necromancers (tier 3)

High Elves: +1 capacity for Loremaster of Hoeth and Mages (tier 3)

Warriors of Chaos: Winds of Magic power reserve change: +10% when increasing (all armies)

Resource ironIron 15

Bretonnia: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Peasant Mobs, Men-at-Arms with Swords, Battle Pilgrims and Foot Squires units

Dwarfs: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Dwarf Warriors, Longbeards, Slayers, and Miners units

Empire: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Swordsmen, Greatswords, and Empire Knights units

Greenskins: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Orc Big 'Uns and Black Orcs units

Vampire Counts: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Grave Guard, Black Knights and Blood Knights units. +1 for Wight Kings (tier 3)

High Elves: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Swordmasters of Hoeth, Phoenix Guard, Dragon Princes and Chariot units

Dark Elves: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Bleakswords, Cold One Knights, Cold One Dread Knights, Cold One Chariot, Black Guard of Naggarond and Har Ganeth Executioners units

Warriors of Chaos: Armor +10 for Chaos Warriors

Resource marbleMarble 10 Reduced construction costs for all buildings province-wide
Resource potteryPottery 10 Warriors of Chaos: Favor from all buildings +5% (factionwide).
Resource saltSalt 12

Dwarfs: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for gyrocopters and units using fire or gunpowder weapons

Dark Elves: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Black Ark Corsairs units

Warriors of Chaos: Growth per region: +10 after winning a battle (all provinces)(all characters)

Resource timberTimber 10

Bretonnia: Bonus experience, reduced recruitment/upkeep costs for Bowmen, Mounted Yeomen, Spearmen-at-Arms, Men-at-Arms (Polearm) and Field Trebuchet units

Dwarfs: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Quarrellers, Rangers, Bolt Thrower and Grudge Thrower units

Greenskins: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Goblins, bow infantry & war machine units

Empire: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Crossbowmen and Spearmen units

Vampire Counts: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Fell Bats and Vargheists units

High Elves: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Archers, Spearmen, Lothern Sea Guard and Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower units

Dark Elves: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Dreadspears, Darkshards, Shades and Reaper Bolt Thrower units

Warriors of Chaos: +25% ammunition bonus for Marauder Horsemen (Throwing Axes) (Warriors of Chaos) and Marauder Horsemasters (Warriors of Chaos) units

Resource tusksTusks ? Warriors of Chaos: +10% Weapon Strength for Chaos Chariot units factionwide.
Resource wineWine 16

Bretonnia: Increases public order

Empire: Increases public order

Vampire Counts: Increases public order

High Elves: Increases public order

Dark Elves: Increases public order

Warriors of Chaos: Melee attack +5 for Marauder units.

Resource medicineMedicinal plants 12

Dark Elves: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Witch Elves units, +1 rank for Death Hags and Khainite Assassins (tier 3)

Lizardmen: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Skink and Chameleon Skinks units; +1 rank for Skink Chiefs and Priests (tier 3)

Warriors of Chaos: Casualty replenishment +5% for Marauders (Warriors of Chaos) and Marauders (Great Weapons) (Warriors of Chaos)

Resource obsidianObsidian 10

Dark Elves:  +1 rank for Sorceresses (tier 3)

Lizardmen: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Saurus  units

Warriors of Chaos: +10% missile strength for Marauder Horsemen (Throwing Axes) (Warriors of Chaos) and Marauder Horsemasters (Warriors of Chaos) units

Resource spicesSpices 16
Resource trinketsElven trinkets 18
Resource animalsExotic Animals 15

Bretonnia: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Pegasus Knights, Royal Pegasus Knights and Royal Hippogryph Knights units

Greenskins: Bonus experience for, reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for and unlocks recruitment of Squig units

Empire: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Demigryph units

Vampire Counts: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Terrorgheist units

High Elves: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Great Eagle, Phoenix and Dragon units

Dark Elves: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Harpies, War Hydra and Black Dragon units

Lizardmen: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Terradon Riders, Bastiladon, Stegadon and Feral Carnosaur units

Skaven: Generates Food resourceFood

Warriors of Chaos: Charge Bonus +5% for Chaos Knights, Marauder Horsemasters (Warriors of Chaos), Marauder Horsemen (Throwing Axes) (Warriors of Chaos)

Resource goldGold N/A

Overall: Generates income

Empire: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Free Company units; +1 rank for Empire Captains (tier 3)

Dwarfs: +1 rank for Thanes (tier 3), +1 ranks for Lord (Dwarfs) recruits (tier 4)

Lizardmen: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Kroxigors, Temple Guards and Cold One units; +1 rank for Saurus Scar-Veterans (tier 3)

Warriors of Chaos: Chaos Undivided Corruption +2 (all regions)

Resource grainPastures N/A

Overall: Generates growth and increases replenishment rate.

Bretonnia: Bonus experience, reduced recruitment/upkeep costs for Knights Errant, Knights of the Realm, Grail Knights, Questing Knights and Grail Guardians units.

Empire: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Outriders and Pistoliers units

Wood Elves: Bonus experience for cavalry units

High Elves: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Ellyrian Reavers and Silver Helms units

Dark Elves: Bonus experience and reduced recruitment and upkeep costs for Dark Riders units

Skaven: Generates Food resourceFood

Warriors of Chaos: Physical Resistance +5% for Chaos Warhounds and Feral Manticore units factionwide

Resource gold idolsGolden Idols N/A Tomb Kings, Dwarfs, Lizardmen, High Elves, Dark Elves, Slaanesh: This resource is extracted from settlements with gold, instead of regular gold.

Special Resources[ | ]

Introduced in Total War: Warhammer[ | ]

Name Specific race Effect
Resource amberAmber Wood Elves A special resource/currency used by Wood Elves factions.
Resource savage orcsSavage Orcs Greenskins Allows Greenskins factions to recruit Savage Orcs units at the settlement. The Bloody Handz faction does not need this resource, as it can recruit Savage Orcs from anywhere.

Introduced in Total War: Warhammer II[ | ]

Name Specific race Effect

Icon blood kissBlood Kiss

Vampire Counts A special resource/currency used by Vampire Count factions in Total War: Warhammer II in order to recruit powerful Bloodline lords.

Canopic jarsCanopic Jars

Tomb Kings A special resource/currency used by Tomb Kings factions to purchase items from the Mortuary Cult or unlock Technologies in their Dynasty Tree.

Resource colonyElven colony

High Elves Increases income from ports constructed in the settlement for Elf factions.

Food resourceFood

Skaven A special resource/currency that Skaven factions have to manage.

Icon infamy largeInfamy

Vampire Coast A special resource/currency used by Vampire Coast factions.

Influence iconInfluence

High Elves A special resource/currency used by High Elves factions to recruit better Lords or Heroes or to improve or degrade relations between two factions.
Yvresse defence level increaseLadrielle's Blessings Yvresse (High Elves) A special resource that strengthens the Mists of Yvresse, buffing Yvresse units and their allies against invading armies.

Resource oathgoldOathgold

Dwarfs A special resource/currency used by Dwarfs factions in Total War: Warhammer II to purchase items from The Forge.

Resource vortex siteRitual resource site


Dark Elves


High Elves

During the Eye of the Vortex campaign, generates ritual currency which differ depending on race:

Icon slavesSlaves

Dark Elves A special resource/currency used by Dark Elves factions.

Icon slavesSacrificial Offerings

Cult of Sotek (Lizardmen) The Cult of Sotek captures prisoners after defeating enemy armies and spends them on units, items, buffs, followers, and abilities.

Introduced in Total War: Warhammer III[ | ]

Name Specific race Effects
Grimoires Grimoires Tzeentch Used for the Changing of the Ways. Generated by battles, looting settlements, and a variety of buildings.
Infections Infections Nurgle Used to create plagues and add symptoms. Generated by battles, looting, spreading plagues, and a variety of buildings.
Khorne skulls Skulls Khorne Used to research technology, manually occupy settlements, and send Skulls for the Skull Throne. Generated by battles, using the "Skulls of the Skull Throne" settlement option, and Combat Trials stance, and a variety of buildings.
Devotees Devotees Slaanesh Used to proliferate cults, summon and upkeep diciple armies, and build cult buildings. Generated by battles, raiding, looting and sacking, and by Marks of Slaanesh.
Meat Meat Ogre Kingdoms Used to deploy camps and feed your armies each turn, as well as with pre-battle feasts. Generated by raiding, battles, looting, completing contracts, and by camps.
Souls Souls Warriors of Chaos Generated by battles, sacking, razing of non-Daemon factions. Spent on Gifts of Chaos and other uses.
Devotion Devotion Kislev Generated by battles against Chaos factions, or through religious buildings. Spent on Invocations of The Motherland.