Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Beware the most polluted lakes and waterways, where folk are pulled right out of their boats and down to their doom!

River Trolls are a Greenskins Greenskins monstrous infantry unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer II with The Warden & The Paunch. Following Hotfix 6.0.3, this unit becomes available with Omens of Destruction if you don't own The Warden & The Paunch.

Recruitment[ | ]

Description[ | ]

As with all Troll varieties, the River Troll’s hunched appearances belies its powerful nature. Having physically adapted to their environment of bogs or untamed riverbanks, their skin often combines features seen in other trolls being warty, slimy, and scaly all at the same time. They are truly one of the foulest examples of the diversity amongst Trolls, partially submerging themselves in swamps or brackish ponds in order to sneak up on their prey and ambush them. The only chance their victims may have is that they absolutely reek of rotten fish, meaning their presence can sometimes be smelled before attacks take place. In times of war, they happily haul their smelly masses out of their waterholes to follow any Warbosses promising them a chance to gorge their bloated bellies on man-flesh – or any other sort of flesh for that matter.

Attributes[ | ]

  • Monstrous infantry Monstrous Infantry
  • Slimy Shanks: River Trolls gain benefits when fighting in their natural watery habitat – and the wretched smell of river detritus that surrounds them weakens nearby enemies.
  • Regeneration: Wh main unit passive regenerationRegeneration allows a unit to heal while in battle. Fire is known to harm this healing process, so be warned that Modifier icon flaming channelflaming attacks will cause more damage to units with Regeneration.
  • Aquatic: Where other units of small stature struggle to fight and move in shallow water, Aquatic units excel.
  • Poor Leadership: This unit suffers from poor leadership and will easily rout. Keep its flanks secure and your Lord or other encouraging units nearby.

Unit Abilities[ | ]

Passive Abilities[ | ]

Scrap Upgrades[ | ]

Icon salvage flask large Liquor Flasks[ | ]

  • Cost: Icon grn scrap50
  • Icon stat morale Leadership: +15
  • Tech grn end 2 2 Technology Required: Trollin'

Icon salvage weapon large Reinforced Weapons[ | ]

  • Cost: Icon grn scrap50
  • Icon stat damage Weapon strength: +25%
  • Tech grn end 2 2 Technology Required: Trollin'

Strategy[ | ]

River Trolls are essentially a tankier or more defensive troll variant, so it is generally beneficial to use River Trolls sparingly (1-2 per army to cover your front line with their auras) while using Stone Trolls as your mainline fighters. Their Overwhelming Odour is a strong debuff that reduces nearby enemies melee attack by -6, which makes them a good anchor piece in a front line. Their regeneration on top of the debuff makes them harder to kill than a normal troll. They have a higher melee defence but less armour piercing than their standard cousins. Like the standard Trolls, their vulnerability is their low armour piercing and low leadership.

Gallery[ | ]
