Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Forged Runes give the Runesmiths power to enhance allied weapons and armour, and nullify enemy magic to harmless lights.

Runesmith is a Karaz-a-Karak Dwarfs Hero unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer.

Recruitment[ | ]

Description[ | ]

Runesmiths work spells with their hammercraft, binding the Winds of Magic into mighty runes of power. They are a suspicious lot and jealously protect the secrets kept in their anvils and hammers, guarding the knowledge that allows them to make magic items - weapon, armour, rings and talismans - of greater potency than items wrought by any other mortal race. In battle, Runesmiths aid their side by dampening enemy magic - earthing spells harmlessly before they can wreak havoc amongst the Dwarfs. They do this in the same manner as they capture the Winds of Magic to forge magic items, and they often bring along rune-covered talismans to aid in this endeavour. Many Runesmiths bear weapons and armour of their own crafting, and they are eager to show their comrades exactly how effective they can be. Whether by some gift of Grungni, or perhaps as a side effect of centuries of beating white-hot metal, when a Runesmith feels the rage of battle, his weapons, and those of friendly foes around him, begin to glow and radiate heat as if remembering the forgefires from which they were created. This aura of power has proven effective in helping blades penetrate the armoured or toughened hides of any foe.

Attributes[ | ]

  • Wh main dwf runesmith Support Specialist
  • Armoured: Armoured units can block damage from any source apart from Modifier icon armour piercingArmour-Piercing damage.
  • Runic Magic: This unit can bind the Winds of Magic into powerful runes which can be activated during deployment or battle.

Spells[ | ]

Hero Actions[ | ]

Embed Hero[ | ]

  • Item ability Scouting
  • Armour Harden Armour
  • Armour piercing Sharpen Weapons

Constant Local Effect[ | ]

  • Corruption Cleanse Corruption

Target[ | ]

  • Settlement
  • Siege attack Damage Walls
  • Hero
  • Wound time Wound
  • Army
  • Replenishment Hinder Replenishment

Unit Abilities[ | ]

Passive Abilities[ | ]

Item Abilities (Multiplayer)[ | ]

Talent Tree[ | ]

Strategy[ | ]

Runesmiths are like the wizards of the Dawi. They serve to provide utility to a Dwarf army similar to how a Wizard would in another army. They are slightly less essential than a wizard, as the Dawi have an innate magic resistance and can be tough enough to outlast an enemy's augments/hexes. That being said, it is impossible to go wrong with a Runesmith in an army. They provide a variety of augments and hexes that help shore up the Dawi's strengths (Rune of Negation/Rune of Oath and Steel) and reduce their weaknesses (Rune of Wrath and Ruin/Forgefire).

Gallery[ | ]
