Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

For other uses see Savage Orcs
Savage Orcs lay into their enemies with clubs, axes or whatever is needed to cause as much damage as possible.

Savage Orcs are a Greenskins Greenskins melee infantry unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer.

Recruitment[ | ]

Description[ | ]

It isn't just their appearance that is wild, for Savage Orcs drum and chant themselves into a bloodthirsty rage before a battle. While other Greenskins might find their backward customs odd, all agree that Savage Orcs are ferocious fighters. Once engaged in combat, they beat foes enthusiastically with hefty clubs and stone axes, or stab at them with flint-tipped spears. Some Savage Orcs use bows, firing stone-tipped arrows to fell enemies from afar. They are also known to employ a Big Stabba, a two-Orc team carrying a long spear. This, traditionally, has been used for hunting since the lands were full of enormous reptilian beasts. Back then, Savage Orcs like to recall, "Orcs wuz Orcs and beasts wuz big!" Some tribes can boast of a mob of Savage Orc Big 'Uns, the fiercest fighters often marked with the most outlandish warpaint or bearing a larger number of shrunken heads, bangles or other fetishes.

Attributes[ | ]

  • Wh3 dlc26 grn infantry club Axe Infantry
  • Damage Dealer: This unit has a strong emphasis on dealing damage. If fighting it, make sure to take it out before it can get into firing or melee range.
  • Frenzy: Units with Wh main unit passive frenzyfrenzy cause more damage while their Icon stat moraleleadership is high.
  • Warpaint: The colourful tattoos on their bare skin grant Savage Orcs Resistance physical battlePhysical Resistance, which reduces the damage from any non-magical attack.

Unit Abilities[ | ]

Passive Abilities[ | ]

Scrap Upgrades[ | ]

General Upgrades[ | ]

Upgrade Effect Icon grn scrap Scrap Cost Technology Required
Liquor Flasks Morale character Leadership: +15
Resistance physical Physical resistance: 5%
60 Tech grn scrap goblins
Scavengin' Gitz
Bigga Sticks Bonus vs large character Bonus vs Large: +6 50 Tech grn scrap orcs
Spoilz of War
Ivory Armguards Armour character Armour: +5
Defence character Melee defence: +3
45 🗙

Faction Upgrades[ | ]

Upgrade Effect Icon grn scrap Scrap Cost Faction
Idol of Gork Resistance magic Attacks cause the "Dampened" effect, reducing Magic Resistance and removing Magical Attacks 50 The Bloody Handz The Bloody Handz

Strategy[ | ]

This unit functions similarly to Orc Boyz, but are more offensive. They sacrifice armour and a shield for 25% physical resistance and higher melee stats and damage.
