Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
For other uses, see Savage Orcs.

Resource savage orcs Savage Orcs is a special resource introduced in Total War: Warhammer unique to Greenskins Greenskins. This resource allows Greenskins factions to construct special buildings which then allow Savage Orcs units to be recruited.

The exceptions to this are The Bloody Handz The Bloody Handz faction, who can recruit Savage Orcs anywhere. Following Update 6.0, they now get access to a unique building on settlements with the Savage Orcs resource.

Description[ | ]

This area is sacred to the Savage Orcs; at some point the Greenskins' tribal migration will bring them to this area.

Resource Buildings[ | ]

Greenskins[ | ]

Name Tier Effects
Settlement silver numeral 1
Settlement silver numeral 2
Settlement silver numeral 3

The Bloody Handz[ | ]

Name Tier Effects
Settlement silver numeral 2
  • Experience Recruit rank: +2 for Savage Orc units (all armies in local province)
  • Diplomacy Diplomatic relations: +5 with Greenskins
  • Corruption Corruption: -3
  • Magic cooldown character Cooldown: -5% to Big Waaagh! spells (all characters factionwide)
  • Magic campaign Winds of Magic power reserve capacity: +5 (faction leader's army)
  • Siege defence Provides garrison:

Resource Location[ | ]

Badlands and Southlands[ | ]

Province Settlement Climate Starting faction
Central Jungles Sun-Tree Glades Jungle Leaf-Cutterz Tribe Leaf-Cutterz Tribe
Southern Badlands Galbaraz Wasteland Wh main grn top knotz 256 Top Knotz
The Barrier Idols Agrul Migdhal Wasteland Wh main grn top knotz 256 Top Knotz
Gor Gazan Wasteland Wh main grn top knotz 256 Top Knotz
Western Badlands Ekrund Wasteland Wh main grn teef snatchaz 256 Teef Snatchaz
Western Jungles Statues of The Gods Jungle Leaf-Cutterz Tribe Leaf-Cutterz Tribe

Dark Lands and Mountains of Mourn[ | ]

Province Settlement Climate Starting faction
The Plain of Bones Ash Ridge Mountains Mountain Clan Helhein Clan Helhein
The Bone Gulch Mountain Clan Helhein Clan Helhein

Lustria[ | ]

Province Settlement Climate Starting faction
Jungles of Pahualaxa Pahuax Jungle Wh2 main grn blue vipers crest Blue Vipers