Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Campaign schemes

Icon schemes Schemes is a unique Tzeentch Tzeentch mechanic available only to The Deceivers The Deceivers faction. Completing Schemes is the main objective of the campaign for the Deceivers.

Overview[ | ]

Schemes are quests that the Deceivers complete on the campaign map that award various bonuses to the faction. Schemes are organized into theatres, which are sections of the campaign map. Completing at least half of the Schemes in a theatre will unlock the Grand Scheme for that theatre, which is a quest battle.

Some schemes require you to sack a settlement. Attacking the settlement and establishing a Trickster Cult there is considered sacking it.

Realms of Chaos Schemes[ | ]

The main objective of the campaign for the Deceivers in Realms of Chaos is to complete the Ultimate Scheme quest battle, which is unlocked by completing at least three Grand Schemes.

Name Objective Reward
Chaos Wastes
Infiltrate any settlement in the Chaos Wastes theatre with a Trickster Cult The shroud will be lifted in the theatre, revealing all terrain and settlements
Dark Lands & Mountains of Mourn
Infiltrate any settlement in the Dark Lands & Mountains of Mourn theatre with a Trickster Cult The shroud will be lifted in the theatre, revealing all terrain and settlements
Grand Cathay
Infiltrate any settlement in the Grand Cathay theatre with a Trickster Cult The shroud will be lifted in the theatre, revealing all terrain and settlements
Norsca & Kislev
Infiltrate any settlement in the Norsca & Kislev theatre with a Trickster Cult The shroud will be lifted in the theatre, revealing all terrain and settlements
The Empire
Imperial Subterfuge Infiltrate any settlement in the Empire theatre with a Trickster Cult The shroud will be lifted in the theatre, revealing all terrain and settlements
Target Practice Win 15 land battles in the Empire theatre.
  • Trickster Cultist contacted: +1
  • Veterans of Change
The Reikland Gambit Sack Altdorf or construct a Ravaging Host (Tier 5 loot building) there. Unlocks Regiment of Renown: Steam Tank
The Sylvanian Rift Raise Tzeentch Corruption to 75 in Castle Drakenhof and maintain it until the following turn.
  • Open a Trickster Rift in Sylvania
  • Available Trickster Rifts: +1
  • Bloodsucker's Bane: Immune to Vampiric corruption
The 'Unstoppable Shield' Win 12 battles against Dwarfs. Impervious Skin
Infestation in the Empire Destroy The Fecundites Arcane Healing: Casualty replenishment rate: +10% (all armies)
Grand Scheme: The Empire Complete at least half of the theatre's Schemes and then win the Grand Scheme battle.
  • The Empire will be unable to reinforce your enemies in the Ultimate Scheme
  • The Empire's Elector Counts will descend into civil war
  • Obtain the form of Aekold Helbrass if you do not already have it
  • Runed Blade item
  • Available Trickster Rifts: +1

Immortal Empires Schemes[ | ]

The main objective of the campaign for the Deceivers in Immortal Empires is to complete the Ultimate Scheme quest battle, which is unlocked by completing at least five Grand Schemes.

Name Type Objective Reward
Badlands & Southlands
Dlc24 tze schemes reveal shroud
Sins of the South
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Infiltrate any settlement in the Badlands & Southlands theatre with a Wh3 dae cult buildingTrickster Cult. Vision The shroud will be lifted in the theatre, revealing all terrain and settlements
Dlc24 tze schemes ancillary
Your Boon is My Boon
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Obtain the form Skarbrand the Exiled by defeating him in battle or allying with his faction. Equipment Items Weapon Small Chainsword
Dlc24 tze schemes effect bundle
Brittle Bones
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Win 12 battles against the following race: Tomb Kings Schemes bundleArcane Healing
This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects.
Dlc24 tze schemes effect bundle
Loot the Pyramids
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Raze or sack the following number of settlements: 3
Out of these:
  • Black Pyramid of Nagash
  • Black Tower of Arkhan
  • Ka-Sabar
  • Khemri
  • Wizard Caliph's Palace
Schemes bundleSand Walkers
This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects.
Dlc24 tze schemes ancillary
Daemonic Bedfellows
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Forge a Treaty Defensive Alliancedefensive or Treaty Military Alliancemilitary alliance with the following faction: Oracles of Tzeentch Oracles of Tzeentch
  • Equipment items armour small Unknown Champion's Cloak
  • Icon hidden cultists Trickster Cultist contacted: +1 (summoned via technology panel)
Dlc24 tze schemes grand scheme
Grand Scheme: Badlands & Southlands
Dlc24 schemes mission grand

Grand Scheme
Complete at least half of the theatre's Schemes and then win the Grand Scheme battle.
  • Trait tomb kings Tomb King allies will support you in the Ultimate Scheme
  • Trait tomb kings A unique ritual will be performed at the site of the Black Pyramid
  • Equipment items talisman small Tome of Undead
  • Icon rift gems Available Trickster Rifts: +1 (permanently activated via technology panel)
Bretonnia & Athel Loren
Dlc24 tze schemes reveal shroud
Old World Blues
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Infiltrate any settlement in the Bretonnia & Athel Loren theatre with a Wh3 dae cult buildingTrickster Cult. Vision The shroud will be lifted in the theatre, revealing all terrain and settlements
Dlc24 tze schemes effect bundle
Cavalry Combat
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Win 12 battles against the following race: Bretonnia Schemes bundleUnholy Oaths
This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects.
Dlc24 tze schemes effect bundle
The Beastmen Beacon
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Raze or sack the following number of settlements: 5
Out of these:
  • The Oak of Ages
  • Crag Halls of Findol
  • King's Glade
  • Vaul's Anvil
  • Waterfall Palace
  • Trait beastmen Wood Elf faction capitals will be attacked by hostile Beastmen rebels
  • Schemes bundleWoodland Armour
    This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects.
Dlc24 tze schemes ancillary
Hiking Through the Forest
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Obtain the form of Orion by defeating him in battle or allying with his faction.
Dlc24 tze schemes doomrocket
You Made This? I Made This
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Raise Icon corruption tzeTzeentch corruption to 75 in Skavenblight and maintain it the following turn. Doomrocket icon Warpstorm Doomrocket: +3
Dlc24 tze schemes grand scheme
Grand Scheme: Bretonnia & Athel Loren
Dlc24 schemes mission grand

Grand Scheme
Complete at least half of the theatre's Schemes and then win the Grand Scheme battle.
  • Trait bretonnia Bretonnia will be unable to reinforce your enemies in the Ultimate Scheme
  • Trait bretonnia The Red Duke will besiege all of Bretonnia with his Undead legions
  • Schemes bundle Covenant of Blood
  • Trait bretonnia Obtain the form of The Green Knight, if you do not already have it
  • Icon rift gems Available Trickster Rifts: +1 (permanently activated via technology panel)
Dark Lands & Mountains of Mourn
Dlc24 tze schemes reveal shroud
Cult of Smoke & Ash
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Infiltrate any settlement in the Dark Lands & Mountains of Mourn theatre with a Wh3 dae cult buildingTrickster Cult. Vision The shroud will be lifted in the theatre, revealing all terrain and settlements
Dlc24 tze schemes ancillary
Casually Strolling into Zharr-Naggrund
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Obtain the form of Astragoth Ironhand by defeating him in battle or allying with his faction. Equipment items talisman small Hell-Forge Materials
Dlc24 tze schemes ancillary
The Power of Flames
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Eliminate a Icon ArmyLord belonging to the following faction in battle: Knights of Caledor Knights of Caledor Equipment items arcane small Corrupted Flame
Dlc24 tze schemes effect bundle
Chaotic Influences
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Raise Icon corruption tzeTzeentch corruption to 75 in Zharr-Naggrund and maintain it until the following turn.
  • Schemes bundleFate Provides
    This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects.
  • Trickster cult supplies Cult Supplies: +250
Dlc24 tze schemes effect bundle
Grimgor Ain't the Best
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Eliminate a Icon ArmyLord belonging to the following faction in battle: Grimgor's 'Ardboyz Grimgor's 'Ardboyz Schemes bundleVeterans of Change
This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects
Dlc24 tze schemes effect bundle
Mercenary Subjugation
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Win 12 battles against the following race: Ogre Kingdoms Schemes bundleRampant Plunder
This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects
Dlc24 tze schemes effect bundle
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Construct a Chamber of Agony or Twisted Volary (i.e. Tier 3 Hidden Expansion building) in Pigbarter
  • Icon hidden cultists Trickster Cultist contacted: +1 (summoned via technology panel)
  • Schemes bundleGolden Leeches
    This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects
Dlc24 tze schemes grand scheme
Grand Scheme: The Dark Lands
Dlc24 schemes mission grand

Grand Scheme
Complete at least half of the theatre's Schemes and then win the Grand Scheme battle.
  • Trait greenskins Greenskin allies will support you in the Ultimate Scheme
  • Trait chaos dwarfs Greenskin Labourers will rise up in rebellion against their overseers
  • Trait chaos dwarfs Obtain the form of Gorduz Backstabber, if you do not already have it
  • Icon rift gems Available Trickster Rifts: +1 (permanently activated via technology panel)
  • Schemes bundleSurplus of Supplies
    This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects
Grand Cathay
Dlc24 tze schemes reveal shroud
Deceiving the Dragon
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Infiltrate any settlement in the Grand Cathay theatre with a Wh3 dae cult buildingTrickster Cult. Vision The shroud will be lifted in the theatre, revealing all terrain and settlements
Dlc24 tze schemes ancillary
The Ivory Road Gift Store
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Win 15 land battles in the Grand Cathay theatre.
Dlc24 tze schemes ancillary
Plagiarised Papers
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Obtain the form of Zhao Ming by defeating him in battle or allying with his faction. Equipment items arcane small Alchemical Notes
Dlc24 tze schemes ancillary
A Borrowed Blade
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Obtain the form of Deathmaster Snikch by defeating him in battle or allying with his faction. Equipment Items Weapon Small Warpstone Knife
Dlc24 tze schemes effect bundle
Corrupting the Incorruptible
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Raise Icon corruption tzeTzeentch corruption to 75 in Nan-Gau and maintain it until the following turn.
  • Icon hidden cultists Trickster Cultist contacted: +1 (summoned via technology panel)
  • Schemes bundleArcane Healing
    This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects.
Dlc24 tze schemes effect bundle
Naval Blockade
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Raze or sack the following number of settlements: 7
Out of these:
  • Haichai
  • Beichai
  • Fu-Chow
  • Li Zhu
  • Shi-Wu
  • Dai Cheng
  • Chimai
  • Zhanshi
  • Bridge of Heaven
  • Bamboo Crossing
  • Shi Long
  • Hanyu Port
  • Corruption tzeentch Tzeentch corruption will spread throughout Grand Cathay
  • Schemes bundleGolden Leeches
    This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects.
Dlc24 tze schemes effect bundle
Nakai's Finale
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Destroy the following faction(s): Schemes bundleMagic Barriers
This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects.
Dlc24 tze schemes grand scheme
Grand Scheme: Grand Cathay
Dlc24 schemes mission grand

Grand Scheme
Complete at least half of the theatre's Schemes and then win the Grand Scheme battle.
  • Trait cathay Grand Cathay will be unable to reinforce your enemies in the Ultimate Scheme
  • Trait norsca The Kurgan Warband will breach the Great Bastion, enabling Tzeentchian rebels to swarm the theatre
  • Icon rift gems Available Trickster Rifts: +1 (permanently activated via technology panel)
  • Schemes bundleAbundant Magics
    This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects
Dlc24 tze schemes reveal shroud
Lustrian Cabal
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Infiltrate any settlement in the Lustria theatre with a Wh3 dae cult buildingTrickster Cult. Vision The shroud will be lifted in the theatre, revealing all terrain and settlements
Dlc24 tze schemes ancillary
Shenanigans, Just Because
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Obtain the form of Lord Mazdamundi by defeating him in battle or allying with his faction. Equipment items talisman small Pilfered Palanquin
Dlc24 tze schemes effect bundle
The Greater Plan
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Win 12 battles against the following race: Lizardmen
  • Icon hidden cultists Trickster Cultist contacted: +1 (summoned via technology panel)
  • Schemes bundleRecruitment to Ruin
    This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects.
Dlc24 tze schemes effect bundle
Temple of the Old Ones
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Trigger a rebellion of Chaos Daemons in Itza by constructing a Reality Wound (parasitic Raise Army building) there. Schemes bundleRampant Plunder
This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects.
Dlc24 tze schemes effect bundle
Plunder the Colonies
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Sack or raze all the High Elf colonies in Lustria:
  • Citadel of Dusk
  • Great Turtle Isle
  • The Star Tower
Schemes bundleGolden Leeches
This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects.
Dlc24 tze schemes grand scheme
Grand Scheme: Lustria
Dlc24 schemes mission grand

Grand Scheme
Complete at least half of the theatre's Schemes and then win the Grand Scheme battle.
  • Trait skaven Skaven allies will support you in the Ultimate Scheme
  • Trait skaven Clan Pestilens will unleash a great plague upon the Lizardmen of Lustria
  • Army Unlocks Regiment of Renown: Feral Carnosaur
  • Trait lizardmen Obtain the form of Lord Kroak, if you do not already have it
  • Icon rift gems Available Trickster Rifts: +1 (permanently activated via technology panel)
  • Schemes bundlePlague Protection
    This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects
Dlc24 tze schemes reveal shroud
Chilling Conspiracy
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Infiltrate any settlement in the Naggaroth theatre with a Wh3 dae cult buildingTrickster Cult. Vision The shroud will be lifted in the theatre, revealing all terrain and settlements
Dlc24 tze schemes ancillary
Erasing a Grudge
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Eliminate a Icon ArmyLord belonging to the following faction in battle: The Ancestral Throng The Ancestral Throng Equipment items talisman small Facial Scruff
Dlc24 tze schemes effect bundle
The Rather More Direct Gambit
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Win 12 battles against the following race: Dark Elves Schemes bundleTreacherous Blades
This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects
Dlc24 tze schemes effect bundle
Vandals of the Witchwood
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Sack The Witchwood or construct a Ravaging Host (Tier 5 Loot building) there.
  • Trait greenskins Greenskin rebels will vandalise the Witchwood, and appear in all regions adjacent to it
  • Schemes bundlePiercing Strikes
    This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects
Dlc24 tze schemes effect bundle
Cults, Cults Everywhere
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Infiltrate all three settlements of Naggarond, Har Ganeth and Ancient City of Quintex with Wh3 dae cult buildingTrickster Cults.
Dlc24 tze schemes grand scheme
Grand Scheme: Naggaroth
Dlc24 schemes mission grand

Grand Scheme
Complete at least half of the theatre's Schemes and then win the Grand Scheme battle.
  • Trait vampire coast Vampire Coast allies will support you in the Ultimate Scheme
  • Trait vampire coast A huge rebellion of Bloated Corpses will attack all the ports of Naggaroth
  • Equipment items arcane small Captain's Horn
  • Icon rift gems Available Trickster Rifts: +1 (permanently activated via technology panel)
Norsca & Kislev
Dlc24 tze schemes reveal shroud
Northern Machinations
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Infiltrate any settlement in the Norsca & Kislev theatre with a Wh3 dae cult buildingTrickster Cult. Vision The shroud will be lifted in the theatre, revealing all terrain and settlements
Dlc24 tze schemes ancillary
The Mutagenic Vault
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Sack Hell Pit or construct a Ravaging Host (i.e. Tier 5 Loot building) there.
  • Equipment items armour small Scavenged Laboratory Materials
  • Trait skaven Obtain the form of Ghoritch, if you do not already have it
Dlc24 tze schemes ancillary
The Enemy Within
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Infiltrate all three settlements of Kislev, Erengrad and Praag with Wh3 dae cult buildingTrickster Cults.
Dlc24 tze schemes ancillary
Ritual Combat
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Win 12 battles against the following race: Norsca
  • Trait norsca Obtain the forms of Wulfrik the Wanderer and Throgg, if you do not already have them
  • Schemes bundleDeadly Equipment
    This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects.
Dlc24 tze schemes ancillary
Dedicate the Monolith to Tzeentch
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Raise Icon corruption tzeTzeentch corruption to 75 in Monolith of Bjorkil Bloody-Hand and maintain it until the following turn. Schemes bundleBountiful Reserves
This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects.
Dlc24 tze schemes grand scheme
Grand Scheme: Norsca & Kislev
Dlc24 schemes mission grand

Grand Scheme
Complete at least half of the theatre's Schemes and then win the Grand Scheme battle.
  • Trait norsca Norscan allies will support you in the Ultimate Scheme
  • Trait norsca The Norscans will form a warband to invade either Ulthuan or Grand Cathay at your choice
  • Army Unlocks Regiment of Renown: The Cold-Voider (Chaos Frost Dragon)
  • Icon rift gems Available Trickster Rifts: +1 (permanently activated via technology panel)
  • Schemes bundleRecruitment to Ruin
    This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects.
The Empire
Dlc24 tze schemes reveal shroud
Imperial Subterfuge
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Infiltrate any settlement in the Empire theatre with a Wh3 dae cult buildingTrickster Cult. Vision The shroud will be lifted in the theatre, revealing all terrain and settlements
Dlc24 tze schemes effect bundle
Target Practice
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Win 15 land battles in the Empire theatre.
  • Icon hidden cultists Trickster Cultist contacted: +1 (summoned via technology panel)
  • Schemes bundleVeterans of Change
    This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects.
Dlc24 tze schemes ror
The Reikland Gambit
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Sack Altdorf or construct a Ravaging Host (Tier 5 Loot building) there. Army Unlocks Regiment of Renown: Steam Tank
Dlc24 tze schemes effect bundle
The Sylvanian Rift
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Raise Icon corruption tzeTzeentch Corruption to 75 in Castle Drakenhof and maintain it until the following turn.
  • Icon rift gems Open a Trickster Rift in Sylvania
  • Icon rift gems Available Trickster Rifts: +1 (permanently activated via technology panel)
  • Schemes bundleBloodsucker's Bane
Dlc24 tze schemes effect bundle
The 'Unstoppable Shield'
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Win 12 battles against Dwarfs. Schemes bundleImpervious Skin
This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects.
Dlc24 tze schemes effect bundle
Infestation in the Empire
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Destroy the following faction: The Fecundites The Fecundites Schemes bundleArcane Healing
This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects.
Dlc24 tze schemes grand scheme
Grand Scheme: The Empire
Dlc24 schemes mission grand

Grand Scheme
Complete at least half of the theatre's Schemes and then win the Grand Scheme battle.
  • Trait Human The Empire will be unable to reinforce your enemies in the Ultimate Scheme
  • Trait Human The Empire's Elector Counts will descend into civil war
  • Trait tzeentch Obtain the form of Aekold Helbrass if you do not already have it
  • Equipment Items Weapon Small Runed Blade
  • Icon rift gems Available Trickster Rifts: +1 (permanently activated via technology panel)
  • Schemes bundleSurplus of Supplies
    This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects.
Dlc24 tze schemes reveal shroud
Playing on Pomposity
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Infiltrate any settlement in the Ulthuan theatre with a Wh3 dae cult buildingTrickster Cult. Vision The shroud will be lifted in the theatre, revealing all terrain and settlements
Dlc24 tze schemes ancillary
The Radiant Daemon
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Obtain the form of Alarielle the Radiant by defeating her in battle or allying with her faction. Equipment items talisman small Corrupted Icon of Rebirth
Dlc24 tze schemes ancillary
Assault on the Galleon's Graveyard
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Sack The Galleon's Graveyard or construct a Ravaging Host (Tier 5 Loot building) there. Equipment items talisman small Spiky Monster Part
Dlc24 tze schemes sword of khaine
Dedicate the Shrine of Khaine to Chaos
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Trigger a rebellion of Chaos Daemons in Shrine of Khaine by constructing a Reality Wound (parasitic Raise Army building) there.
Dlc24 tze schemes effect bundle
A Welcome Mat for Chaos
Dlc24 schemes mission minor

Minor Scheme
Raze or sack the following number of settlements: 4
Out of these:
  • Eagle Gate
  • Griffon Gate
  • Phoenix Gate
  • Unicorn Gate
  • Trait chaos Chaos rebels will attack all settlements within the inner ring of Ulthuan
  • Schemes bundleBountiful Reserves
    This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects.
Dlc24 tze schemes grand scheme
Grand Scheme: Ulthuan
Dlc24 schemes mission grand

Grand Scheme
Complete at least half of the theatre's Schemes and then win the Grand Scheme battle.
  • Trait high elves The High Elves will be unable to reinforce your enemies in the Ultimate Scheme
  • Trait dark elves The Cult of Pleasure will be unleashed across all of Ulthuan
  • Trait tzeentch Obtain the form of The Blue Scribes, if you do not already have it
  • Icon rift gems Available Trickster Rifts: +1 (permanently activated via technology panel)
  • Schemes bundleArmed with Knowledge
    This a Trickster's Reward, so is permament and will stack effects.

Trickster's Reward[ | ]

Reward Description Effect Scheme
Schemes bundle Abundant Magics The Winds of Magic can be made to submit, once bent to a master's will. Magic character Winds of Magic cost: -10% for all spells (all armies) Grand Scheme: Grand Cathay
Schemes bundle Arcane Healing Once pledged to Chaos, corruption can heal even the most grievous of wounds. Replenishment Casualty replenishment rate: +10% (all armies)
  • Infestation in the Empire
  • Corrupting the Incorruptible
Schemes bundle Armed with Knowledge The Changeling is an avid collector, finding ancient spell books and Grimoires of lost knowledge in every hidden corner of the world. Icon grimoires Grimoires: 100 per turn Grand Scheme: Ulthuan
Schemes bundle Bloodsucker's Bane The vampiric threat is but an illusion, the Changeling has nothing to fear from their hordes. Attrition Immune to Vampiric attrition (all armies) The Sylvanian Rift
Schemes bundle Bountiful Reserves The most powerful magic-wielders draw from a seemingly endless well of power, casting spells without pause. Magic campaign Winds of Magic power reserve: +10 per turn (all armies)
  • Dedicate the Monolith to Tzeentch
  • A Welcome Mat for Chaos
Schemes bundle Covenant of Blood Bloodsucking friends make for the most interesting friends. Diplomacy Diplomatic relations: +100 with Vampire Counts Grand Scheme: Bretonnia & Athel Loren
Schemes bundle Deadly Equipment Those pledged to the Changeling's cause have been bequeathed with the finest weapons and armour.
  • Armour Armour: +10 (all armies)
  • Icon stat damage base force Base weapon damage: +10 (all armies)
Ritual Combat
Schemes bundle Fate Provides The Architect of Fate provides well for His armies; the warriors of change shall want for nothing. Military spending Chaos Upkeep: -10% (all armies) Chaotic Influences
Schemes bundle Golden Leeches As a parasite leeches the life from its host, it might as well siphon the gold from their coffers too. Income trait favour Income from Parasitic buildings: +10%
  • Pigbarter
  • Naval Blockade
  • Plunder the Colonies
Schemes bundle Impervious Skin The puny attacks of lesser beings cannot penetrate skin mutated by change. Resistance ward save Ward save: +10% (all characters) The 'Unstoppable Shield'
Schemes bundle Magic Barriers The warriors of Tzeentch march behind a glimmering ward of magic, repelling both spell and blade.
  • Barrier Barrier hit points: +20% (all characters)
  • Armour character Armour: +10 (all characters)
Nakai's Finale
Schemes bundle Piercing Strikes Even the sturdiest armour has a weak spot; the most skilled hands know where to find it. Armour piercing Armour-piercing weapon damage: +10 (all armies) Vandals of the Witchwood
Schemes bundle Plague Protection Keeping the company of vermin is filthy business, but a small price to pay for immunity to the diseases they carry.
  • Diplomacy Diplomatic relations: +100 with Skaven
  • Attrition Immune to Plague attrition (all armies)
Grand Scheme: Lustria
Schemes bundle Rampant Plunder There is always treasure to be found amidst the frenzy of destruction. Income trait favour Income from sacking settlements: +25%
  • Mercenary Subjugation
  • Temple of the Old Ones
Schemes bundle Recruitment to Ruin Swell the ranks of Chaos, for power lies in overwhelming numbers.
  • Army Global recruitment capacity: +1
  • Army Local recruitment capacity: +1
  • The Greater Plan
  • Grand Scheme: Norsca & Kislev
Schemes bundle Treacherous Blades Only the finest weapons forged are fit for the hands of Tzeen'neth's warriors. Icon stat damage base force Base weapon damage: +10 (all armies) The Rather More Direct Gambit
Schemes bundle Surplus of Supplies The Cult of the Trickster shall have all it needs, by any means necessary. Trickster cult supplies Cult Supplies: 50 per turn
  • Grand Scheme: The Empire
  • Grand Scheme: The Dark Lands
Schemes bundle Unholy Oaths The Knights of Tzeentch revel in His blessings, striking down foes with devastating force.
  • Melee Melee attack: +10 for Chaos Knights of Tzeentch and Doom Knights of Tzeentch (all armies)
  • Defence Melee defence: +10 for Chaos Knights of Tzeentch and Doom Knights of Tzeentch (all armies)
Cavalry Combat
Schemes bundle Veterans of Change The Changeling has no use for the weak and feeble; his armies only accept the elite. Experience Recruit rank: +2 (all armies)
  • Target Practice
  • Grimgor Ain't the Best
Schemes bundle Woodland Armour The forest holds no horrors for those wise enough to be watchful of its shadows.
  • Diplomacy Diplomatic Relations: +100 with Beastmen
  • Attrition Immune to Athel Loren attrition (all armies)
  • Armour Armour: +10 (all armies)
The Beastmen Beacon