Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki


Scyla Anfingrimm is a Khorne Khorne, Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos, World Walkers Norsca, and Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos Legendary Hero unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer III with Omens of Destruction.

For Warriors of Chaos, he can only be recruited by the Heralds of the Tempest Heralds of the Tempest, Legion of the Gorequeen Legion of the Gorequeen, Shadow Legion Shadow Legion, The Decadent Host The Decadent Host, and Warhost of the Apocalypse Warhost of the Apocalypse factions.

Recruitment[ | ]

  • Recruited with: Scyla Anfingrimm: Kill for Khorne! quest

Description[ | ]

Scyla Anfingrimm was once the bane of the coastlands from frozen Norsca to exotic Ind. A bloodthirsty raider and warrior-lord of the Ironpelt tribe, Scyla’s name was synonymous with victory and pillage, and all who met him saw the fire of a born leader in his eyes. By the end of Scyla’s second decade in the service of the Chaos Gods, he had become little more than a mountain of muscle and unquenchable rage, goaded into battle as a beast of war and unleashed to run howling into the ranks of the enemy. After Scyla’s subjugation of the troglodyte Gorgers that dwelt in the Undermountain, Khorne gifted his champion with the mind of a ravenous beast. His body flowed and spasmed out of control until his transformation into the mightiest Chaos Spawn in all the realms was complete.

Attributes[ | ]

  • Wh3 dlc26 kho cha scyla anfingrimm Monster
  • Kill for Khorne!: Kill for Khorne!
  • Scaly Skin: Scaly skin or hides help to dampen or deflect the damage caused by missile weapons, increasing this unit's Missile Resistance.
  • Unbreakable: This unit does not suffer any form of Icon moraleleadership loss and will never rout.

Hero Actions[ | ]

Embed Hero[ | ]

  • Experience Training

Constant Local Effect[ | ]

  • Corruption khorne Spread Corruption

Target[ | ]

  • Settlement
  • Siege attack Assault Garrison
  • Hero
  • Subterfuge Assassinate
  • Army
  • Disaster Assault Garrison

Character Abilities[ | ]

Active Abilities[ | ]

Campaign Only[ | ]

Passive Abilities[ | ]

Campaign Only[ | ]

Item Abilities[ | ]

Unique Items[ | ]

Character Traits[ | ]

Personal Trait[ | ]

Daemons of Chaos / Khorne / Warriors of Chaos[ | ]

Trait khorne The Talon of Khorne: Scyla kills. For Khorne.

  • Military spending chaos Upkeep: -25% for Minotaurs of Khorne, Spawn of Khorne and Bloodbeasts of Khorne (Icon heroHero's army)
  • Wh3 main daemon tail passive Passive ability "Serpentine Tail"

Norsca[ | ]

Trait khorne The Talon of Khorne: Scyla kills. For Khorne.

  • Military spending chaos Upkeep: -25% for Skin Wolf, Norscan Ice Wolves & Norscan Warhounds units (Icon heroHero's army)
  • Wh3 main daemon tail passive Passive ability "Serpentine Tail"

Talent Tree[ | ]

Strategy[ | ]

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Gallery[ | ]
