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The Reikland province and its settlements in Total War: Warhammer.

Icon Marker SettlementSettlements are towns, cities or fortresses on the campaign map. Most factions are focused around fighting to control and manage settlements. Horde factions do not control settlements.

Overview[ | ]

Each province on the campaign map has a capital settlement, and usually also from 1-3 minor settlements (a few provinces have only 1 settlement). Owning a settlement means you own the region around it and have vision of the area. It also lets you tax the people for money. Owning all settlements in a province grants you control of that province, and controlling an entire province allows you to issue a commandment. In the screenshot to the right, notice how the player controls 3 settlements in a province, while the last one is controlled by an enemy faction.

For regular factions, settlements are where they construct buildings. As horde factions do not control settlements, they construct buildings when their horde armies are encamped.

Different kinds of settlements have different amounts of building slots, which changes depending on campaign and faction. See the building slots article for more detailed info. The Ogre Kingdoms Ogre Kingdoms racial factions do not have settlements but camps, a unique racial mechanic.

If a regular (not horde) faction loses all of its settlements, but still has any armies left, these armies will suffer from attrition. Once those armies are defeated, their faction is eliminated from the game.

Which settlements can be controlled by which races?[ | ]

Combat[ | ]

An enemy army may attack a settlement in an effort to capture it. On the campaign map, settlements have a zone of control which prevents enemy armies from going too close without attacking.

Most settlements will have garrison armies which are provided by the main settlement building, and protect the settlement from attacks. The controlling faction may also position an army directly a settlement to 'garrison' it. Additionally, armies which are close by can reinforce a settlement garrison in battle.

  • If there is no garrison and no defending army, then a settlement can be taken without a battle.
  • If there is a garrison and/or defending army, then attacking the settlement will initiate a battle or autoresolve.
  • If a settlement has walls, then armies have the option to lay siege to a settlement before attacking. When they do choose to attack, it will be a siege battle.

Winning the battle for a settlement brings up the settlement options such as occupy, sack, raze etc.

Types of settlements[ | ]

Ruins[ | ]

Abandoned 256

The symbol for ruins.

Ruined settlements dot the campaign map.

  • Ruined settlements are not controlled by any faction and do not provide income or other bonuses. They have no garrison.
  • Some settlements on the campaign map begin as ruins.
  • Settlements become ruined when they are razed by a hostile army.
  • Ruined settlements can be colonized by an army. This takes a turn, money and many troops (ie: your army will become tired).
  • All Skaven settlements appear as ruins to other races, until explored.
  • In Total War: Warhammer II, armies can treasure hunt in ruined settlements.
  • Ruins refresh every 20 turns

Province capitals and minor settlements[ | ]

Most provinces have a capital settlement and from 1-3 minor settlements.

  • Minor settlements have only 4 building slots, and can only upgrade to level III.
  • Province capitals (major settlements) have more building slots, and can upgrade all the way to level V.
  • Thus, if a building chain goes up to level IV or V, it is usually best to construct it in the province capital.
  • Likewise, if a bulding chain only goes to level III, it's usually best to put it in a minor settlement.

Faction capitals[ | ]

Altdorf pic

An example of a faction capital, Altdorf for Reikland.

A faction capital is the capital settlement of one specific faction (not a whole race). It is indicated by a golden border around the faction crest next to the settlement's name. If the faction capital is taken/razed then another one of the faction's cities will automatically be assigned as the new faction capital. A faction capital can be a minor settlement, if no province capital is available.

Example: In The Old World and Mortal Empires, the Myrmidens settlement (province capital for Western Border Princes) is the faction capital for Border Princes. If this city is taken, then nearby Akendorf will be assigned as the next capital. If the Border Princes takes back Myrmidens, the capital is not relocated to Myrmidens, but stays at Akendorf.

In Warhammer II, the location of faction capitals mattered for enabling trade-agreements between factions. This was removed in Warhammer III, making the location of a faction's capital unimportant for most faction. The only game-mechanics that currently check the current location of a faction's capital are:

  • Capitals can never be traded in diplomacy
  • A few special events and rites (e.g. the rite of primeval glory) spawns armies or heroes at the capital

Note that:

  • For the Dwarves, after capturing and securing Karak Eight Peaks, there is an option to make the said settlement your new capital.
  • If you're playing as The Golden Order and decided to return to the Empire, the first settlement you capture will be considered your capital.

(In Total War: Warhammer II) If the Border Princes retake Myrmidens, then Akendorf remains its capital for the rest of the game, unless another faction captures Akendorf, and the capital is moved again.

Ports, resources and landmarks[ | ]

Some settlements have special building chains available.

  • Coastal settlements usually have a port building chain available. These settlements also allow trade routes to connect over water.
  • Some settlements have special resources, and an associated building chain.
  • Some settlements, especially faction capitals, have special landmark buildings available.

Strategic Locations[ | ]

Some settlements will be marked as a strategic location for their chosen race - players should make conquering these a priority. This is usually because a landmark can be constructed there.

Fortress Gates[ | ]

Fortress Gates were introduced in Total War: Warhammer II, they are a special type of settlement found in Ulthuan.

Unique settlements[ | ]

The Black Pyramid of Nagash (located in Great Mortis Delta) and the Oak of Ages (located in Yn Edri Eternos) can be considered special unique settlements which are important for the campaign objectives of Tomb Kings and Wood Elves respectively.

Elven Colonies[ | ]

Elven Colonies were introduced in Total War: Warhammer II, they have a special settlement building chain and some special bonuses for elf factions, but are otherwise normal.

Wood Elves settlements[ | ]

Wood Elves have a special settlement system that differs depending on the game:

  • TWW1: Forest Settlements have many building slots and the full range of Wood Elf buildings. Outside of their magical forests, Wood Elves can only build limited Asrai Lookouts. The Oak of Ages is a unique settlement with only one building slot.
  • TWW2 onwards: Forest settlements have many building slots and the full range of Wood Elf buildings. Heathland settlements surround these, and have less buildings. The Oak of Ages is a unique forest settlement with only one building slot.

Herdstones[ | ]

Herdstones are the only type of settlement which Beastmen factions can occupy (TWW2 onwards). Essentially, Beastmen accumulate Herdstone Shards. After razing a settlement, they may use the Shards to erect a Herdstone, which then gives further incentive for them to raze the surround "Blood-grounds." There are several unique Herdstones around the map.

Norscan settlements[ | ]

Main article: Norsca settlements

  • Settlements in the Norscan peninsula have only a limited number of building slots, even in Mortal Empires.
  • Norscan factions may only occupy settlements inside the Norscan peninsula, or coastal/port settlements and racial capitals outside the peninsula.

Under-Cities[ | ]

Main article: Under-City

Pirate Coves[ | ]

Main article: Pirate Coves.

Cults[ | ]

Main article: Cults.

Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh, and Tzeentch factions can build cults in enemy settlements if said settlements have a high amount of Chaos corruption in favour of its respective Chaos God (not general Chaos corruption). These cults can either produce resources or destroy the settlement.

Ogre Camps[ | ]

Main article: Camps

Camps are the main settlements for Ogre Kingdoms factions, mobile settlements that can be relocated anytime to recruit more units and generate money and Meat.

Ogre factions can also conquer settlements, but they will only have less slots than Camps. Even provincial capitals, which usually have more slots for other factions than typical settlements, will have the same limited number of settlements as other settlements conquered by Ogre factions.

Gallery[ | ]

Various settlements[ | ]

Capital icons[ | ]
