Siege Workshop is a Bretonnia military recruitment building in Total War: Warhammer.
"Large trebuchets are made at dedicated facilities, where master carpenters work to bring these devastating machines to war."
Background[ | ]
Larger trebuchets are oft-times built with debris sourced from crumbling or lost Grail chapels. At first, this was considered an act of heresy, but the very first trebuchet built at D'ason was constructed this way and considered to be a blessed weapon. Since then, the tradition of using Grail chapel parts for the weight stone or even as ammunition has continued, these war machines appearing more blessed than others somehow.
Effects[ | ]
- Reload time reduction: +20% when under siege (local armies)
- Construction cost: -10% for all buildings (all regions in this province)
- Unlocks recruitment of:
Building Chain[ | ]
- Tier II - Carpenter's Workshop
- Tier V - Siege Workshop