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The Mage Queen's foremost defenders of the Weave are fierce twin warriors, and the lightest and darkest aspects of her spirit made manifest.

Sisters of Twilight are a Talsyn Wood Elves Legendary Lord unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer II with The Twisted and the Twilight. In the campaign, they lead the Heralds of Ariel Heralds of Ariel.

Description[ | ]

Arahan and Naestra are Ariel’s heralds of mysterious origin, who first appeared during the long years of the Mage Queen's self-imposed exile from the mortal realm. Amongst the fey folk of Athel Loren the Sisters of Twilight are notable for an other-worldliness of spirit and manner, and such qualities are evident when they take to the battlefield. Any weapons the sisters touch become infused with a portion of their nature. Those wielded by Naestra become anathema to creatures of anarchy and discord, whilst Arahan’s tools of battle inflict great harm on beings with noble souls. They seldom fight from the centre of the battle line, but are instead carried through war-torn skies by one of their loyal steeds – Gwindalor, descendent of the King of Eagles, and Ceithin-Har, as hot-blooded a Dragon that has ever been flown into battle.

Attributes[ | ]

  • Wh dlc05 wef great eagle icon Monstrous Beast
  • Forest Stalker: This unit gains bonuses to melee defence and accuracy while fighting within the forest.
  • Armour-Piercing Missiles: The damage of Modifier icon armour piercingarmour-piercing weapons mostly ignores the armour of the target, making them the ideal choice against heavily-armoured enemies. They are often heavier and attack at a slower rate though, making them less efficient against poorly-armoured targets.
  • Very Fast: This unit can run circles around most other units, taunting and harrassing the enemy or evading its missile fire.
  • Multi-Shot Ammunition: This unit can switch its ammunition to fire multiple smaller shots instead of one large one. This is not as accurate or effective against large targets, but the spread of missiles can be helpful against hordes.

Ammunition[ | ]

  • Small arm heavy Talon of Dawn
  • Bolts of blessed light melt through armour to sear the flesh beneath.
  • Modifier icon armour piercing ranged Armour-Piercing Missile Damage: 90
  • Icon Stat Ranged Damage Base Base Missile Damage: 30
  • Modifier icon bonus vs large Bonus vs. Large: 75
  • Icon stat range Range: 190
  • Icon Stat Reload Time Reload Skill: 10
  • Shots per volley: 2
  • Number of projectiles: 1
  • Contact: Sundered Armour

  • Small arm poison Talon of Dusk
  • Once loosed, these arrows splinter into scores of poisonous thorns that seek the flesh of Athel Loren’s enemies.
  • Modifier icon armour piercing ranged Armour-Piercing Missile Damage: 12
  • Modifier icon bonus vs infantry Bonus vs. Infantry: 40
  • Icon Stat Ranged Damage Base Base Missile Damage: 4
  • Icon stat range Range: 190
  • Icon Stat Reload Time Reload Skill: 10
  • Shots per volley: 2
  • Number of projectiles: 10
  • Contact: Poison!

  • Character Abilities[ | ]

    Active Abilities[ | ]

    Campaign only[ | ]

    Passive Abilities[ | ]

    Campaign only[ | ]

    Item Abilities (Multiplayer)[ | ]

    Mounts[ | ]

    The Sisters of Twilight are always mounted and cannot be dismounted:

    Campaign starting units[ | ]

    Eye of the Vortex & Mortal Empires[ | ]

    Wh dlc05 wef eternal guard shield Wh dlc05 wef eternal guard shield Wh dlc05 wef glade guard flaming Wh dlc05 wef glade guard Wh2 dlc16 wef great stag knights Wh dlc05 wef hawk riders Wh dlc05 wef great eagle

    Immortal Empires[ | ]

    Wh dlc05 wef eternal guard Wh dlc05 wef eternal guard Wh dlc05 wef deepwood scouts Wh dlc05 wef deepwood scouts Wh dlc05 wef hawk riders Wh dlc05 wef hawk riders Wh dlc05 wef great eagle

    Lord effects[ | ]

    • Military spending Upkeep: -15% for missile units (Icon ArmyLord's army)
    • Melee Melee attack: +10 for flying units (Icon ArmyLord's army)
    • Charge Charge bonus: +15% for flying units (Icon ArmyLord's army)

    Character traits[ | ]

    Personal trait[ | ]

    Trait wood elves Dusk & Dawn: "Some say Naestra and Arahan are the lightest and darkest aspects of Ariel's spirit made manifest, her mercy and passion split from her soul."

    • Military spending Upkeep: -15% for missile units (Icon ArmyLord's army)
    • Melee Melee attack: +10 for flying units (Icon ArmyLord's army)
    • Charge Charge bonus: +15% for flying units (Icon ArmyLord's army)

    Defeat trait[ | ]

    Trait wood elves Twilight Extinguished: Few things are everlasting. Just as dawn signifies the end of night and dusk the end of day, Ariel's twin maidens are slain!

    • Replenishment Casualty replenishment rate: +20% for this Icon ArmyLord (Icon ArmyLord's army)
    • Ranged damage character Missile strength: +10%

    Talent Tree[ | ]

    Strategy[ | ]

    Click here to add a strategy!

    Eye of the Vortex starting suggestions (on Very Hard or Legendary Difficulty)

    In both the Mortal and Immortal empires a Wood elf player can build up the Oak of Ages to deal with most public order problems. This is not available in Eye of the Vortex maps. To avoid repeated revolts when your armies are busy doing other things this trio of practices helps a lot (have not had a single revolt on a recent Very Hard Difficulty Eye of the Vortex campaign).

    1. Each time you take (part of) a new province uncheck the box indicating you are taxing that province. Most of the wood elf money is made from battles, sacking, or in the main magic forests so this is not really much of a loss.

    2. Build 1 of the outpost buildings that gives a public order bonus in that province and each neighboring province in each non-magic forest province you hold part of. This way a network of small order promoting buildings avoid rebellions in multiple provinces at once. This can be especially useful in provinces that are partly heathlands since they are next to the very important Magic Forest provinces where most of the Wood Elf development and money making goes on. This network is actually very helpful in promoting public order in the more important Magic Forest provinces (those can build a crafting building that creates both items for trade and public order but a network of public order buildings really helps with them too).

    3. In most generals 1 of the attributes you can pick on the way to getting access to Lightning Strike (an especially useful attribute for Wood Elf generals) promotes both growth and public order. It can be very helpful initially.

    Some other suggestions:

    • As mentioned Lightning Strike is a very useful attribute. Wood elves have excellent ranged attacks if they don't run out of ammo. Additionally the Heralds of Ariel faction makes Hawk Riders (which have limited ammo) very useful. Lightning Strike allows an army to take on multiple enemy armies on 1 at a time with reloaded ammo in each battle.
    • Engaging in trade with other factions is a good idea for both the extra gold and better diplomatic relations. However ports are not near The Witchwood province. If you drive the Broken Chainz ork faction towards the Plain of Spiders province they may colonize it (if you have taken most of their settlements) and this allows you to take both settlements in that province more cheaply than colonizing them yourself-and 1 of them is a port.
    • Another option for getting a port that is not as nearby but still very worth taking is Naggarond. The Dark Elves probably won't like you that much anyway and Naggarond is one of the settlements where Wood Elves get an economic and local garrison (larger than usual) bonuses if they hold that settlement.

    Feel free to take only part of a province. Not holding a whole province can mean lower diplomatic penalties and only those settlements that are heathlands are especially important for magic forests. If a faction that you are on good diplomatic terms with (such as having an alliance with) settles on a heathland that also benefits the closest Magical Forest so having friendly neighbors in some locations is worthwhile for forest health (especially if you already have public order under control).

    Campaign Guide[ | ]

    Trivia[ | ]

    • Naestra is the dark haired and more composed twin, Arahan is the white haired and more violent twin.
      • In the campaign dialogue, Naestra's words are shown in green, while Arahan's words are shown in blue. When they speak together, their words are shown in purple.
    • Naestra's name should be pronounced as "NEE-strah".
    • Naestra and Arahan will angrily refer other Wood Elf factions as "traitors", even if the other Wood Elf faction in question has positive diplomatic relations with the Heralds of Ariel.

    Gallery[ | ]
