Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Icon wh main lore plagueSkaven Spells of Plague is a lore of magic introduced in Total War: Warhammer II. It is unique to the Skaven Skaven race.

Lore Attribute[ | ]

Icon rarity common small Plague Rash[ | ]

Itchy, nasty buboes are spread as the spells of Plague are cast, infecting the enemy populace with sickness.
Wh2 main lore passive plague rash Passive AbilityThis ability targets enemies
Skaven Spells of Plagues
Type Icon spell augmentAugment
Target Enemies
Icon stat speed Speed -10%
Icon status fatigue 24px Vigour per second +1%
Effect range Map-wide
Duration 5 seconds
Affected units Affects enemies in range(all)
Enabled if Casting
Arrow increase 1 Triggers when casting spell

Spells[ | ]

Icon rarity common small Pestilent Breath[ | ]

The Skaven utters a vile phrase and belches forth an impossibly foul cloud.
Wh2 main spell plague pestilent breath Spell
Skaven Spells of Plagues
Cost 8 Winds
11 Winds (Overcast)
Type Icon spell breathBreath
Target Ground, All
Damage Per Second 20 (0%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical
30 (0%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical (Overcast)
Duration 2 seconds
Radius 12 metres
Movement Speed 24m/s
Contact (Overcast) Modifier icon poison2Poison! (Overcast)
Range 100 metres
Duration 8 seconds
Cooldown 32 seconds
Miscast chance 50% (Overcast)
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Additional poison contact effect
Arrow increase 1 Expanding tear-shaped attack
Arrow increase 1 Strong vs multiple units

Icon rarity common small Bless with Filth[ | ]

A foul mist wraps around the weapons of an allied pack, their blades dripping with noxious filth.
Wh2 main spell plague bless with filth SpellThis ability targets allies or self
Skaven Spells of Plagues
Cost 4 Winds
7 Winds (Overcast)
Type Icon spell area of augmentsAugment (Area)
Target Ground, Self, Allies
Imbuement Modifier icon poison2Poison!
Range 200 metres
Effect range 35 metres
Duration 22 seconds
44 seconds (Overcast)
Cooldown 29 seconds
Miscast chance 50% (Overcast)
Affected units Affects allies in range(all)
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Extended effect duration

Icon rarity uncommon small Wither[ | ]

Chanting passages from the Liber Bubonicus, the Wizard casts a hex of wasting and corrosion.
Wh2 main spell plague wither SpellThis ability targets enemies
Skaven Spells of Plagues
Cost 6 Winds
10 Winds (Overcast)
Type Icon spell area of hexesHex (Area)
Target Ground, Enemies
Icon stat armour Armour -30
-60 (Overcast)
Range 200 metres
Effect range 35 metres
Duration 50 seconds
Cooldown 37 seconds
Miscast chance 50% (Overcast)
Affected units Affects enemies in range(all)
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Greater effect on Icon stat armourarmour

Icon rarity uncommon small Vermintide[ | ]

Behold the Vermintide; the Wizard calls and the rats will answer!
Wh2 main spell plague vermintide Spell
Skaven Spells of Plagues
Cost 7 Winds
Type Icon spell augmentSummon Unit
Uses 5
Target Ground
Range 50 metres
Duration 1 second
Cooldown 41 seconds
Affected units Affects allies in range(max: 1)
Arrow increase 1 Summons a unit of Clanrats
Arrow increase 1 Good at defending spellcaster

Ua arrow decrease 1 Summoned units degrade over time

Icon rarity rare small Plague[ | ]

The caster unleashes a vile disease that scours the battlefield in search of victims to infect and instantly petrify.
Wh2 main spell plague plague Spell
Skaven Spells of Plagues
Cost 11 Winds
16 Winds (Overcast)
Type Icon spell vortexVortex
Target Ground, All
Damage Per Second 8 (100%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical
12 (0%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical (Overcast)
Duration 20 seconds
Radius 15 metres
Range 150 metres
Duration 20 seconds
Cooldown 50 seconds
Miscast chance 50% (Overcast)
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Increased Modifier icon armour piercingarmour-piercing damage
Arrow increase 1 Large, expanding area of effect
Arrow increase 1 Strong vs multiple units
Arrow increase 1 Good against armour

Ua arrow decrease 1 Weak vs a single combatant

Icon rarity rare small Pestilent Birth[ | ]

Like a pregnant boil bursting forth, the ground bursts open and pus-coated Plague Monks emerge to do battle at the verminous summoner’s bidding.
Wh2 main spell plague pestilent birth Spell
Skaven Spells of Plagues
Cost 16 Winds
Type Icon spell augmentSummon Unit
Uses 2
Target Ground
Range 50 metres
Duration 1 second
Cooldown 48 seconds
Affected units Affects allies in range(max: 1)
Arrow increase 1 Summons a unit of Plague Monks
Arrow increase 1 Good at flanking enemies

Ua arrow decrease 1 Summoned units degrade over time

Variations[ | ]

Icon rarity rare small The Dreaded Thirteenth Spell[ | ]

The Curse of the Horned Rat is the dreaded 13th spell – the fabric of reality is torn and the Horned One’s children spill forth!
Wh2 main spell plague the dreaded thirteenth spell Spell
Skaven Spells of Ruin
Cost 20 Winds
Type Icon spell explosionExplosion
Uses 2
Target Ground, All
Explosive Damage 81 (33%Icon Stat Explosive Armour Piercing Damage)
Range 150 metres
Duration 13 seconds
Cooldown 52 seconds
Arrow increase 1 Summons a unit of Stormvermin
Arrow increase 1 Summons a unit of Stormvermin (Sword & Shield)
Arrow increase 1 Huge explosion area
Arrow increase 1 Strong vs multiple units

Ua arrow decrease 1 Summoned units degrade over time
Available to Grey Seer (Plague) only

Units[ | ]

Daemons of Chaos[ | ]

Unit Wh2 main lore passive plague rash Wh2 main spell plague pestilent breath Wh2 main spell plague bless with filth Wh2 main spell plague wither Wh2 main spell plague vermintide Wh2 main spell plague plague Wh2 main spell plague pestilent birth Wh2 main spell plague the dreaded thirteenth spell
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Skaven[ | ]

Unit Wh2 main lore passive plague rash Wh2 main spell plague pestilent breath Wh2 main spell plague bless with filth Wh2 main spell plague wither Wh2 main spell plague vermintide Wh2 main spell plague plague Wh2 main spell plague pestilent birth Wh2 main spell plague the dreaded thirteenth spell

Tzeentch[ | ]

Unit Wh2 main lore passive plague rash Wh2 main spell plague pestilent breath Wh2 main spell plague bless with filth Wh2 main spell plague wither Wh2 main spell plague vermintide Wh2 main spell plague plague Wh2 main spell plague pestilent birth Wh2 main spell plague the dreaded thirteenth spell

(Formless Horror: Lord Skrolk)

(Formless Horror: The Blue Scribes)
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Warriors of Chaos[ | ]

Unit Wh2 main lore passive plague rash Wh2 main spell plague pestilent breath Wh2 main spell plague bless with filth Wh2 main spell plague wither Wh2 main spell plague vermintide Wh2 main spell plague plague Wh2 main spell plague pestilent birth Wh2 main spell plague the dreaded thirteenth spell
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Strategy[ | ]

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Skaven spells of plague fit specifically into the skaven playstyle of swarming the enemy and demoralizing them.

  • Plague Rash (Lore Attribute) does the reverse of the Lore of Shadows by reducing enemy speed. Skaven don't have many fast moving units and their infantry is naturally faster than most others, so this can help catching enemies or preventing yourself from being outmaneuvered. Also useful if you're expecting heavy cavalry presence, or armies like the Beastmen with naturally fast units, can be a nice addition.
  • Pestilent Breath is a fairly standard breath spell, useful for damaging blobs and disruption. Since Plague is a far superior damage spell, however, you usually benefit saving your winds for that instead.
  • Bless with Filth is a buff spell that grants an area of units poison attacks. Great to use with skavenslaves to allow them to debuff the enemy, greatly increasing their utility. Especially with the high model count numbers the Skaven possess, a very solid cheap spell.
  • Wither is a reasonable debuff spell, useful for neutering elite units if you're scared of your own elites getting stomped. If you opted to bring Stormvermin, this introduces one of few opportunities for Skaven to win the infantry battle.
  • Vermintide is an incredible spell that can single-handedly carry battles, and entire campaigns if desired. Comparable to Raise Dead, but Skavenslaves/Clanrats are far faster than zombies. Incredible useful for flanking, tarpitting units, harassing and disrupting backrow units, and not too expensive either. A must-take from this lore.
  • Plague is an expanding burst spell that does a very respectable amount of damage. You're likely to hit your own units with it due to its size, but as Skaven, that's more than acceptable. One of the best blob killers in the game.
  • Pestilent Birth is similar to Vermintide, but summons plague monks instead. This is a costly summon, but plague monks are solid fighters that can put up much more of a fight than Skavenslaves can. Can be devastating on a flank, not advisable to use these as a tarpit for elite units, as their damage potential gets wasted in that predicament, and their staying power isn't exceptional.