Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

N'Kari leading the forces of Slaanesh

For other unit rosters, see unit roster.

Slaanesh Slaanesh's unit roster can be summed up in a single phrase: glass cannon. The Dark Prince has access to extremely fast and maneuverable infantry, chariots and cavalry, perfect for flanking the enemy and attacking its most vulnerable spots. They have access to a unique lore of magic centered around powerful damage spells and morale and speed debuffs towards the enemy, and grow more powerful the more mental status effects the enemy has. In return, the vast majority of Slaaneshi units have very low armour and cannot sustain enemy attacks for substantial periods of time, which means that they are very micro-intensive and will die fast if forced into any kind of attritional battle.

Slaanesh requires Total War: Warhammer III to be playable, with the Champions of Chaos DLC adding several more units to their roster.

List[ | ]

Legendary Lords[ | ]

Name Character type Mounts Type Game DLC Notes
Melee Spellcaster None Daemonic WH3 None
Melee Spellcaster None Daemonic WH3 Champions of Chaos (Multiplayer &
Skirmish vs AI)
Melee Specialist None Mark slaanesh WH1 Chaos Warriors (DLC) (Multiplayer &
Skirmish vs AI)

Lords[ | ]

Name Character type Mounts Type Game DLC
Melee Spellcaster Daemonic WH3 None
Melee Spellcaster Daemonic WH3 None
Melee Spellcaster None Daemonic WH3 None
Melee Spellcaster None Daemonic WH3 None
Melee Specialist Mark slaanesh WH3 Champions of Chaos
Melee Spellcaster None Daemonic WH3 Champions of Chaos

Heroes[ | ]

Name Character type Mounts Type Game DLC
Melee Spellcaster Daemonic WH3 None
Melee Spellcaster Daemonic WH3 None
Melee Support Mark slaanesh WH3 None
Melee Spellcaster Mark slaanesh WH3 Champions of Chaos
Melee Spellcaster Mark slaanesh WH3 Champions of Chaos

Melee Infantry[ | ]

Name Unit type Tier Type Game DLC
(Infantry sword) Melee Infantry Unit tier 2 Mark slaanesh WH3 None
(Infantry spear) Melee Infantry Unit tier 2 Mark slaanesh WH3 None
(Wh2 dlc09 tmb whip infantry) Melee Infantry Unit tier 2 Mark slaanesh WH3 None
(Wh3 sla daemonettes) Melee Infantry Unit tier 2 Daemonic WH3 None
(Wh3 sla daemonettes) Melee Infantry Unit tier 3 Daemonic WH3 None
(Wh3 dlc20 chs forsaken) Melee Infantry Unit tier 2 Mark slaanesh WH3 Champions of Chaos
(Infantry sword) Melee Infantry Unit tier 2 Mark slaanesh WH3 Champions of Chaos
(Infantry sword) Melee Infantry Unit tier 3 Mark slaanesh WH3 Champions of Chaos
(Wh2 dlc09 tmb whip infantry) Melee Infantry Unit tier 3 Mark slaanesh WH3 Champions of Chaos
(Wh2 dlc09 tmb whip infantry) Melee Infantry Unit tier 2 Mark slaanesh WH3 Marked Chaos Warriors

Melee Cavalry[ | ]

Name Unit type Tier Type Game DLC
(Wh3 main sla steed spear) Melee Cavalry Unit tier 2 Mark slaanesh WH3 None
(Wh3 main sla steed whip) Melee Cavalry Unit tier 2 Mark slaanesh WH3 None
(Wh3 main sla steed daemonette) Shock Cavalry Unit tier 3 Daemonic WH3 None
(Wh3 main sla steed daemonette) Shock Cavalry Unit tier 3 Daemonic WH3 None
(Cavalry) Melee Cavalry Unit tier 3 Mark slaanesh WH3 Champions of Chaos
(Shock cavalry) Shock Cavalry Unit tier 4 Mark slaanesh WH3 Champions of Chaos

Missile Cavalry[ | ]

Name Unit type Tier Type Game DLC
(Missile cavalry javelin) Missile Cavalry Unit tier 2 Mark slaanesh WH3 Champions of Chaos

Chariots[ | ]

Name Unit type Tier Type Game DLC
(Wh3 main sla seeker chariot) Melee Chariot Unit tier 2 Daemonic WH3 None
(Wh3 main sla seeker chariot) Melee Chariot Unit tier 3 Daemonic WH3 None
(Wh3 main sla exalted seeker chariot) Melee Chariot Unit tier 3 Daemonic WH3 None
(Chariot) Melee Chariot Unit tier 2 Mark slaanesh WH3 Champions of Chaos

War Beasts[ | ]

Name Unit type Tier Type Game DLC
(Wh dlc05 wef harpies) Flying War Beasts Unit tier 2 Daemonic WH3 None

Monstrous Infantry[ | ]

Name Unit type Tier Type Game DLC
(Wh3 dlc20 chs spawn) Monstrous Infantry Unit tier 3 Mark slaanesh WH3 None
(Wh3 main sla fiend) Monstrous Infantry Unit tier 3 Daemonic WH3 None

Monsters[ | ]

Name Unit type Tier Type Game DLC
(Wh3 soul grinder missile) Monster Unit tier 4 Daemonic WH3 None
(Wh3 main sla keeper of secrets) Monster Unit tier 4 Daemonic WH3 None
(Wh3 dlc20 chs warshrine) Support Monster Unit tier 3 Mark slaanesh WH3 Champions of Chaos

Regiments of Renown[ | ]

Name Unit type Tier Type Game DLC
(Wh3 sla daemonettes) Melee Infantry Unit tier 3 Daemonic WH3 Update 1.2.0
(Wh3 main sla steed daemonette) Shock Cavalry Unit tier 4 Daemonic WH3 Update 1.3.0
(Infantry sword) Melee Infantry Unit tier 3 Mark slaanesh WH3 Update 2.0
(Chariot) Melee Chariot Unit tier 3 Mark slaanesh WH3 Champions of Chaos
(Wh3 main sla keeper of secrets) Monster Unit tier 5 Daemonic WH3 Update 2.2.0
(Infantry spear) Melee Infantry Unit tier 2 Mark slaanesh WH3 Update 3.1.0

Campaign exclusive heroes[ | ]

Name Character type Game DLC
Unique Hero WH3 Patch 5.2

References[ | ]

Navigation[ | ]
