“ | A fallen Daemon given new life, of a sort, within a colossal, soul-harvesting hulk. | „ |
Soul Grinder of Tzeentch is a Tzeentch,
Daemons of Chaos, and
Warriors of Chaos missile monster unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer III.
Recruitment[ | ]
Unlocked with: Inchoate Forge
Daemons of Chaos
Unlocked with: Cathedral of Change
Tzeentch Glory: 4180
Undivided Glory: 4840
Warriors of Chaos
Activating the Mysterious Mechanisms gift and recruiting it in the Gifted Units
Description[ | ]
When a Daemon's physical body is slain, he can surrender his true name to the Forge of Souls. The dark bargain thus sealed, his crippled essence is bound to a mighty Warp-metal hulk. Thus is he reborn as a Soul Grinder. A Soul Grinder's clanking tread shakes the ground with every step, and it is devilishly fast for a creature its size, able to scuttle swift as a horse's gallop, or even faster should the scent of battle touch its nostrils. Piston-driven legs thud home with sickening force, crushing to bloody paste those beneath.
Attributes[ | ]
Missile Monster
- ▲ Barrier: This unit has a barrier that absorbs damage until depleted. When not taking damage, the barrier will slowly replenish. Maximum barrier health is proporsional to remaining unit health.
- ▲ Armour-Piercing: The damage of
armour-piercing weapons mostly ignores the armour of the target, making them the ideal choice against heavily-armoured enemies. They are often heavier and attack at a slower rate though, making them less efficient against poorly-armoured targets.
- ▲ Causes Terror: This unit can cause terror, making its melee target rout for a short time. Units that cause terror are immune to terror and fear themselves.
Unit Abilities[ | ]
Passive Abilities[ | ]
Strategy[ | ]
The Tzeentch version of the soul grinder is a serious ranged threat to large targets, firing volleys of 5 javelin-like energy missiles that deal magical anti-large damage. Their ability to regenerate shields adds to their ranged skirmishing power as well as their ability to hit and run in melee.
As with all demons, beware of magical attacks. Otherwise the Soul Grinder of Tzeentch is a menacing magic sniper who can also cover backline melee defense duties as a durable fighter.