Stables is a Bretonnia military recruitment building in Total War: Warhammer.
"More rustic stabling is given over to the peasantry for their lowly geldings and nags."
Background[ | ]
The great destriers ridden by the Knights do not mingle with the farmers' nags and plough horses that the yeomen ride to war. Their stables are much more modest and riders are expected to look to their own steed's upkeep, equipment and livery.
Effects[ | ]
- Unlocks recruitment of:
Building Chain[ | ]
- Tier I - Stables
- Tier II - Livery
- Tier III - Royal Stables
- Tier IV - Pegasus Aerie
- Tier V - Royal Menagerie
- Tier IV - Pegasus Aerie
- Tier III - Royal Stables
- Tier II - Livery