“ | As proven by the stone-eating, mountain-dwelling variety, a Troll’s natural resilience is boosted by a ravenous diet of rocks, pebbles, and dirt. | „ |
Stone Trolls are a Greenskins monstrous infantry unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer II with The Warden and the Paunch.
Recruitment[ | ]
Unlocked with: Stompin' Groundz or Stone Troll Quarry
Description[ | ]
Despite the lanky limbs that most varieties of Troll possess, they are all remarkably strong, with most of the species known for being able to regenerate flesh and regrow limbs almost as quickly as they are damaged. Stone Trolls differ slightly in this respect because they have extremely damage-resistant hides of rock-hard skin in the first place. This is due to the natural magical inertia of the large quantities of stone they consume in their diets, which also makes them naturally resistant to most types of magic. Living in underground caves or mountainous regions, they are most prevalent in and around the World’s Edge Mountains where they wander the slopes and passes until inevitably falling in with the various tribes of Orcs or Night Goblins commonly seen there.
Attributes[ | ]
Monstrous Infantry
- ▲ Armour-Piercing: The damage of
armour-piercing weapons mostly ignores the armour of the target, making them the ideal choice against heavily-armoured enemies. They are often heavier and attack at a slower rate though, making them less efficient against poorly-armoured targets.
- ▲ Scaly Skin: Scaly skin or hides help to dampen or deflect the damage caused by missile weapons, increasing this unit's Missile Resistance.
- ▲ Regeneration:
Regeneration allows a unit to heal while in battle. Fire is known to harm this healing process, so be warned that
flaming attacks will cause more damage to units with Regeneration.
- ▼ Poor Leadership: This unit suffers from poor leadership and will easily rout. Keep its flanks secure and your Lord or other encouraging units nearby.
Unit Abilities[ | ]
Passive Abilities[ | ]
Scrap Upgrades[ | ]
Liquor Flasks[ | ]
- Cost:
Leadership: +15
Technology Required: Trollin'
Reinforced Weapons[ | ]
- Cost:
Weapon strength: +25%
Technology Required: 'Eavy Metal
Strategy[ | ]
Essentially normal trolls with a slight boost to armour piercing as well as some magic and missile resistance. This allows the player to bring a tankier and more resistant troll at a higher cost. Compared to River Trolls, they lack the debuff aura in exchange for stronger attack and defense stats. Stone Trolls are the strongest individual troll fighters for the Greenskins, while River Trolls provide a debuff to the enemy melee line and normal Trolls recruit quicker and cost less.