“ | For distant cowards, the barrel of the gun. For nearby fools, the blade of the axe. | „ |
Streltsi are a Kislev missile infantry unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer III.
Recruitment[ | ]
Unlocked with: Casern or Citadel of Praag I
Kislev Expedition
Unlocked with: Cantonment
Description[ | ]
The Streltsi were originally armed with bardiches and handguns, in order that they could rest their firearm upon the crook of their polearm and thereby achieve greater accuracy. However, in an effort to get 'one more' shot off before the enemy closed upon them, the warriors would often run out of time to effectively stow their gun and ready their bardiche. Instead, the heavy gun was often simply reversed and used as a bludgeon. Eventually, Streltsi captains took the radical step of embracing this alternative approach, and had their rotas’ rifles modified to include axeblades on the gun stock.
Attributes[ | ]
Gun-Greataxe Infantry
- ▲ Hybrid: This unit can perform well in both ranged combat and melee.
- ▲ Armoured: Armoured units can block damage from any source apart from
Armour-Piercing damage.
- ▲ Armour-Piercing: The damage of
armour-piercing weapons mostly ignores the armour of the target, making them the ideal choice against heavily-armoured enemies. They are often heavier and attack at a slower rate though, making them less efficient against poorly-armoured targets.
- ▲ Decent Melee Combatant: Despite being primarily a missile unit or spellcaster, this unit can also hold its own ground when fighting in melee.
Unit Abilities[ | ]
Passive Abilities[ | ]
Strategy[ | ]
Kislev's take on the handgunner, the Streltsi are a core piece of any Kislev late-game army. Kislev has very few options for ranged armor-piercing, and the Streltsi are the easiest to acquire en masse; as gunners, straight and unobstructed line of sight rules apply to them. However, compared to Handgunners, Streltsi also have Armor-Piercing on their melee attack, along with Great Weapon-grade combat capabilities and respectable armor (at 70, more comparable to Empire Greatswords than Handgunners or even most Empire line units). As such, more than most Decent at Melee units, Streltsi are entirely capable of fighting off minor melee threats and backline raiding attempts such as dog-type units or ultralight cavalry.
Despite this, Streltsi are definitely ranged infantry, not front-liners -- their staying power compared to dedicated melee units is very low If forced into melee, they will often lose and should generally stay out of melee engagements when possible; under no circumstances should they be forced to take a charge frontally. However, they can be more confidently committed to melee in a pinch.
The all-around AP damage of the Streltsi makes them crucial units for a Kislev lineup fighting heavily armored factions, particularly Chaos, Khorne, and the Chaos Dwarfs. While nearly all of Kislev's early lineup will struggle against Chaos Warriors or Khornate heavy infantry and cav, the Streltsi can shred nearly any unit both with concentrated fire. They also pose enormous threats lords such as Valkia the Bloody who can otherwise seriously threaten a Kislev line, who are both vulnerable to their fire as Armored units and can be targeted more easily, often being mounted or larger than man-size.