“ | Loyal followers of the Everchosen, maleficent Knights dedicated with reverent faith to any and all of the Chaos Gods. | „ |
Swords of Chaos (Chaos Knights) are a Warriors of Chaos Regiment of Renown melee cavalry unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer with the Foundation Update.
Recruitment[ | ]
Description[ | ]
Chaos Knights are feared throughout the Old World and beyond as merciless butchers capable of turning the course of battle with a single charge. They are towering brutes atop immensely powerful Chaos Steeds, rider and mount clad in thickest plate, each section of armour crafted by a master Daemonsmith. Even their frightful reputation is a weapon in its own right, crippling those who would stand against them before a single blow is struck. Each is a paragon amongst his warrior brethren, for he has trod the path of damnation for many years and holds the favour of the Dark Gods.
Attributes[ | ]
- ▲ Armoured & Shielded: Armoured units can block damage from any source apart from
Armour-Piercing damage.
Shields have a chance of blocking arrows, bolts, rifle shots and similar small arms fire - but only in a forward facing arc.
- ▲ Anti-Infantry: Anti-infantry units have an advantage against targets that are smaller than a horse. This advantage can be a damage bonus against small targets, superior weight used to smash through lighter enemies, or an explosive attack from range that effects a large area.
Unit Abilities[ | ]
Active Abilities[ | ]
Passive Abilities[ | ]
Strategy[ | ]
Chaos Knights with Flaming attacks,
Guardian, and speed/charge boost. These traits make them good for pairing with a lord as a bodyguard unit. They are a melee cavalry so can actually survive for a while in combat and rely less on a charge bonus. They should shadow your lord or heroes generally. Notably, they do have significantly less models than standard chaos knights.