Tap Room is a Bretonnia infrastructure building in Total War: Warhammer.
"Smaller taverns are often little more than rooms with kegs of ale stacked along one side of a hay-strewn floor."
Background[ | ]
Tap rooms are, by their very nature, small drinking holes, and often very rough and ready in appearance - both the places and their patrons. Tap rooms by and large sell mannish brews � ales that a Dwarf would scorn as cat piss, yet do the job for the weaker constitutions of men.
Effects[ | ]
- Control: +2
- Control: +1 in your adjacent provinces
Building Chain[ | ]
- Tier II - Tap Room
- Tier III - Tavern
- Tier IV - Coaching Inn
- Tier V - Brothel
- Tier IV - Coaching Inn
- Tier III - Tavern