Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

The Cloak of Shadows is a Skaven Skaven passive item ability bound to Wh main anc armourThe Cloak of Shadows.

Woven from stolen human hair and spider silk, the cloak both conceals and silences the wearer, making Snikch near invisible in darkness.

Effect[ | ]

  • Wh2 dlc14 item passive the cloak of shadows Passive AbilityThis ability targets enemies
  • Type: Icon spell area of hexesHex (Area)
  • Icon stat morale Leadership: -4
  • Icon stat defence Melee Defence: -10
  • Effect range: 35m
  • Duration: Infinite
  • Affected units: Affects enemies in range (all)

Units[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Legendary Lords Wh2 dlc14 skv cha deathmaster snikch 0