- For the campaign of the same name, see The Old World.
In Warhammer Fantasy lore, The Old World refers to the general area west of the World's Edge Mountains, north of the Badlands, south of Norsca and east of the Great Ocean. In some definitions, Norsca is considered part of The Old World.
Description[ | ]
The Old World (known as Elthin Arvan to the Elves) is temperate area of forests, farmland and some mid-sized mountain ranges. It is mostly dominated by human factions of The Empire, Bretonnia, Kislev, Estalia, Tilea and the Border Princes, although there are significant populations of Dwarfs and Wood Elves in mountains and forests.
The Old World faces several threats from within: Undead hold sway over some backwater areas, with vampires posing as human nobles until they invade. There are also wild regions infested with warlike Greenskins and savage Beastmen. Beneath the Old World lies the heartland of the subterranean Skaven empire, although it extends much further beyond as well.
From outside, the Old World is threatened by Greenskin invasions to the south and east (the Black Mountains and Black Fire Pass provide some protection against this) and Norscan and other Chaos forces to the north. Dark Elves and pirates have been known to raid the coast. To the east, the huge World's Edge Mountains act as a barrier to prevent most invasions, although some forces have occasionally crossed them.
The Old World campaign itself is broader in scope, including the Badlands, Norsca and the World's Edge Mountains.