“ | "Be wary men, death could be lurking in those trees…" | „ |
The Things in the Woods are a Kislev monstrous infantry unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer III with Shadows of Change.
Recruitment[ | ]
Unlocked with: Silent Grove
Description[ | ]
The Balewolf is a huge and hulking creature, lurking in the darkest corners of Kislev's woods. A monstrous creation of Chaos, the beast was born from some nefarious yet unknown origin, however its connection to the Ruinous Powers is undeniable. Dark energy snakes and contorts around every wound it suffers, knitting the Balewolf's form back together wherever its hide has been pierced. Yet, to cause such a wound would require a feat of tremendous strength, for the creature's skin is thicker than toughened leather, capable of turning aside most blades and arrows alike. With unnatural power and massive jaws capable of crushing a man's body in two, very few have faced a Balewolf and lived to tell the tale.
Attributes[ | ]
Monstrous Beast
- ▲ Anti-Infantry: Anti-infantry units have an advantage against targets that are smaller than a horse. This advantage can be a damage bonus against small targets, superior weight used to smash through lighter enemies, or an explosive attack from range that effects a large area.
- ▲ Predatory Senses: These units are natural hunters that can sense prey hiding nearby.
- ▲ No Forest Penalty: Large units do not suffer penalties when moving through forest, simply smashing through the undergrowth instead.
Strategy[ | ]
Hefty and versatile shock troops. Their mobility sets them apart from most of Kislev's roster, particularly with the Woodsman passive which enables them to rapidly advance through heavily forested terrain and jump on ranged and artillery units. The physical resistance bonus is nice, but they don't have many models and will quickly diminish in prolonged combat, so are much better utilised placed out on the flank or behind your line - Kislev is the premier holder faction anyway. Overall, a very useful unit for the price. A campaign tech for the Daughters of the Forest grants them the discouraged effect, allowing them to be used to shatter enemy leadership on a rear charge especially when combined with other leadership reductions like the incarnate elemental, lore of death, etc.
Gallery[ | ]