Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

This page lists mounts present in Total War: Warhammer III.

Beastmen[ | ]

Beastmen Beastmen
Mount Type Lords Heroes Effects
Chariot Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Guerrilla deploy Vanguard Deployment
Chariot Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Guerrilla deploy Vanguard Deployment (Khazrak Only)

Bretonnia[ | ]

The Green Knight is permanently mounted on his special ethereal barded warhorse.

Couronne Bretonnia
Mount Type Lords Heroes Effects
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Resistance magic Spell Resistance +40%
Flying Cavalry Flying Can Fly
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker

Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Resistance magic Spell Resistance +35%

Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker

Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker

(Barded Warhorse)
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)

Chaos Dwarfs[ | ]

Disciples of Hashut Chaos Dwarfs
Mount Type Lords Heroes Effects
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Resistance fire battle Fire Resistance +10%
Wh3 dlc23 unit passive blazing body Blazing Body
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker (Sorcerer-Prophet, Overseer, Convoy Overseer & Daemonsmith Sorcerer Only)
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Wh dlc05 spell shadow the enfeebling foe Bound The Enfeebling Foe
Wh dlc05 spell shadow the withering Bound The Withering
Wh3 dlc23 unit passive sorcerous miasma Sorcerous Miasma
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker (Sorcerer-Prophet, Overseer, Convoy Overseer & Daemonsmith Sorcerer Only)

Magical attacks Magical Attacks (Zhatan the Black, Overseer & Convoy Overseer Only)
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Resistance missile battle Missile Resistance +10%
Resistance fire battle Fire Resistance +10%
Wh3 dlc23 unit abilities flaming breath Flaming Breath
Wh3 dlc23 unit passive blazing body Blazing Body
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)

(Bale Taurus)
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Resistance missile battle Missile Resistance +10%
Wh3 dlc23 unit abilities flaming breath Flaming Breath
Wh3 dlc23 unit passive blazing body Blazing Body

Daemons of Chaos[ | ]

Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos
Mount Type Lords Heroes Effects
War Machine Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Wh3 main unit passive gorefeast Gorefeast
Wh3 main mount passive totem of endless bloodletting Totem of Endless Bloodletting
Flying Chariot Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving
Flying Cavalry Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving
Chariot Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Wh main unit contact poison Poison!
Fatigue immune Perfect Vigour
Monstrous Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
?? Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Flying Cavalry Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Chariot Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Wh main unit contact poison Poison!
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Wh main unit contact poison Poison!

Dark Elves[ | ]

Dark Elves Dark Elves
Mount Type Lords Heroes Effects
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving (Dreadlord (Sword & Crossbow))
Flying Cavalry Flying Can Fly
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving (Dreadlord (Sword & Crossbow))
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving (Dreadlord (Sword & Crossbow))
Chariot Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
War Machine Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Resistance missile Missile Resistance +25%
Resistance magic Spell Resistance +25%
Fury of Khaine
Bloodshield of Khaine
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Resistance missile Missile Resistance +10%
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving (Dreadlord (Sword & Crossbow))
Wh2 main unit abilities noxious breath Noxious Breath
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker

(Dark Pegasus)
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly

(Black Dragon)
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Resistance missile Missile Resistance +10%
Wh2 main unit abilities noxious breath Noxious Breath
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker

(Black Dragon)
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Resistance missile Missile Resistance +10%
Wh2 main unit abilities noxious breath Noxious Breath
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Chariot Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Adds Missile Attack
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving

(Dark Cold One)
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear

(Black Dragon)
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Resistance missile Missile Resistance +10%
Wh2 main unit abilities noxious breath Noxious Breath
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker

Dwarfs[ | ]

Karaz-a-Karak Dwarfs
Mount Type Lords Heroes Effects
Throne of Power War Machine Permanently Equipped
Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
War Machine Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Resistance physical Physical Resistance +25%
Resistance magic Spell Resistance +15%
Wh dlc06 lord passive locus of power Locus of Power
Wh2 dlc17 lord abilities rune of doom Rune of Doom (Thorek)

Grand Cathay[ | ]

Grand Cathay Grand Cathay
Mount Type Lords Heroes Effects
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Flying Cavalry Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Flying War Machine Always flying Always Flying
Wh3 main unit passive eye of the dragon Eye of the Dragon
Adds Missile Attack
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving
War Machine Wh3 main unit passive nexus of the elemental winds Nexus of Elemental Winds
Wh main spell heavens urannons thunderboltCelestial Lightning
Wh main spell heavens comet of casandoraCelestial Comet
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly

Greenskins[ | ]

Greenskins Greenskins
Mount Type Lords Heroes Effects
Cavalry Permanently Equipped (Snagla Grobspit)Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute ignore forest penalties Strider
Wh main unit contact poison Poison!
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Guerrilla deploy Vanguard Deployment (Great Shaman Only)
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Wh main unit contact poison Poison!

Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Wh main unit contact poison Poison!

Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Guerrilla deploy Vanguard Deployment
Attribute immune to psychology Immune to Psychology
Monster Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Attribute ignore forest penalties Strider
Wh main unit contact poison Poison!
Adds Missile Attack
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Chariot Permanently Equipped
Chariot Multiplayer only
Chariot Multiplayer only

Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)

High Elves[ | ]

High Elves High Elves
Mount Type Lords Heroes Effects
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving (Handmaidens)
Chariot Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving (Princess)
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving (Princess)
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Resistance missile Missile Resistance +10%
Modifier icon flaming Flaming attacks
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Sun Dragon's Breath
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Resistance missile Missile Resistance +10%
Modifier icon flaming Flaming attacks
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving (Princess)
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Moon Dragon's Breath
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Resistance missile Missile Resistance +10%
Modifier icon flaming Flaming attacks
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving (Princess)
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Star Dragon's Breath

(Barded Ithilmar Steed)
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Monstrous Chariot Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Resistance physical Physical Resistance +20%
Resistance fire Fire Resistance +70%
Magical attacks Magical attacks
Modifier icon flaming Flaming attacks
Attuned to Magic

Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker

(Dragon Prince steed)
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)

(Star Dragon)
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Resistance missile Missile Resistance +10%
Modifier icon flaming Flaming attacks
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Star Dragon's Breath

Khorne[ | ]

Khorne Khorne
Mount Type Lords Heroes Effects
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Monstrous Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
War Machine Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Wh3 main unit passive gorefeast Gorefeast
Wh3 main mount passive totem of endless bloodletting Totem of Endless Bloodletting
Chariot Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Wh dlc08 favour of the ruinous powers Favour of the Ruinous Powers
Wh3 dlc20 unit passive giver of furious glory Giver of Furious Glory
Monstrous Cavalry

Monstrous Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear

Kislev[ | ]

Kislev Kislev
Mount Type Lords Heroes Effects
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Wh3 dlc23 mount passive horseback prodigy Horseback Prodigy
Monstrous Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear

(War Bear)
Monstrous Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear

Lizardmen[ | ]

Lizardmen Lizardmen
Mount Type Lords Heroes Effects
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Flying Cavalry Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving (Skink Chief)
Drop Rocks
Monster Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Adds Missile Attack
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Monster Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Adds Missile Attack
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving (Chief and Priest)
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Monster Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker

Monster Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Adds Missile Attack
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker

Monster Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Flying cavalry Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Monster Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Burning Alignment
Arcane Configuration
Portent of Warding
Adds Missile Attack
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker

Flying cavalry Permanently Equipped
Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Resistance physical Physical Resistance +20%
Guerrilla deploy Vanguard Deployment
Drop Sphere of Tepok
Troglodon Monster Permanently Equipped
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Wh main unit contact poison Poison!
Adds Missile Attack
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker

Norsca[ | ]

World Walkers Norsca
Mount Type Lords Heroes Effects
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Chariot Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Monster Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Monstrous Cavalry Permanently Equipped
Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Flying Monster Permanently Equipped
Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Resistance missile Missile Resistance +10%
Modifier icon flaming Flaming attacks
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Dark Fire of Chaos

Nurgle[ | ]

Nurgle Nurgle
Mount Type Lords Heroes Effects
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
?? Permanently Equipped (Ku'gath & Epidemius Only)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Causes terror Causes Terror (Ku'gath Only)
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving(Ku'gath Only)
Flying Cavalry Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Chariot Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Wh dlc08 favour of the ruinous powers Favour of the Ruinous Powers
Wh3 dlc20 unit passive giver of abundant glory Giver of Abundant Glory
Chariot Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)

(Toad Dragon)
Monstrous Cavalry Permanently Equipped (Kayzk the Befouled Only)Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Resistance missile Missile Resistance +10%
Modifier icon flaming Flaming attacks
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Dark Fire of Chaos
Chariot Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Guerrilla deploy Vanguard Deployment
Chariot Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear

Ogre Kingdoms[ | ]

Ogre Kingdoms Ogre Kingdoms
Mount Type Lords Heroes Effects
Monster Causes terror Causes Terror
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving
Resistance missile Missile Resistance +5%

Skaven[ | ]

Skaven Skaven
Mount Type Lords Heroes Effects
Monster Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Moulder Monster
War Machine Resistance missile Missile Resistance +10%
Resistance magic Spell Resistance +25%
Bound Pestilent Breath
Billowing Death
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
War Machine Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Resistance missile Missile Resistance +10%
Resistance magic Spell Resistance +25%
Unholy Clamour
Bound Scorch
Wall of Unholy Sound
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Monster Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Wh main unit contact poison Poison!
Wh main unit passive regeneration Regeneration
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Moulder Monster
War Machine Wh2 dlc12 unit abilities the best defence The Best Defence
War Machine Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Adds Missile Attack

Slaanesh[ | ]

Slaanesh Slaanesh
Mount Type Lords Heroes Effects
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Wh main unit contact poison Poison!
Chariot Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Wh main unit contact poison Poison!
Chariot Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Wh main unit contact poison Poison!
Fatigue immune Perfect Vigour
Chariot Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Wh dlc08 favour of the ruinous powers Favour of the Ruinous Powers
Wh3 dlc20 unit passive giver of torturous glory Giver of Torturous Glory
Chariot Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)

The Empire[ | ]

Reikland The Empire
Mount Type Lords Heroes Effects
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute ignore trees Woodsman (Amber Wizard Only)
Flying Cavalry Flying Can Fly
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Wh main unit contact morale Bloodroar

(Imperial Pegasus)
Flying Cavalry Flying Can Fly

(Imperial Griffon)
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Wh main unit contact morale Bloodroar
Magic Chariot Attribute unbreakable Unbreakable
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Wh main spell light banishment Bound Banishment

Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
War Machine

Tomb Kings[ | ]

Tomb Kings Tomb Kings
Mount Type Lords Heroes Effects
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Chariot Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute ignore forest penalties Strider (Arkhan Only)
Monster Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Monstrous Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Chariot Magical attacks Magical attacks
Modifier icon flaming Flaming attacks
Magical Artillery Wh2 dlc09 unit passive covenant of power Covenant of Power
Adds Missile Attack
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker

Tzeentch[ | ]

Tzeentch Tzeentch
Mount Type Lords Heroes Effects
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Flying Cavalry Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving
Flying Chariot Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving

Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Wh dlc08 favour of the ruinous powers Favour of the Ruinous Powers
Wh3 dlc20 unit passive giver of arcane glory Giver of Arcane Glory

Chariot Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)

Vampire Coast[ | ]

Vampire Coast Vampire Coast
Mount Type Lords Heroes Effects
Cavalry Permanently EquippedAttribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Attribute ignore forest penalties Strider
Monstrous cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving (Vampire Fleet Admirals with Pistols, Gunnery Wight, Vampire Fleet Captain)
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Monster Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Expert Charge Defence
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Monster artillery Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Adds Missile Attack
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving
Wh2 dlc11 unit passive extra powder Black Powder Aplenty
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving
Wh main unit passive regeneration Regeneration
Wh main unit contact poison Poison!
Death Shriek
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker

Vampire Counts[ | ]

The Drakenhof Conclave Vampire Counts
Mount Type Lords Heroes Effects
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Flying Cavalry Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Resistance missile Missile Resistance +10%
Swarm of Flies
Pestilential Breath
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Death Shriek
Wh main unit passive regeneration Regeneration
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Wh main unit contact poison Poison!
Magic Chariot Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Wh dlc04 unit abilities vigour mortis Vigour Mortis
Wh main unit passive regeneration Regeneration
Magic Chariot Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Wh dlc04 unit abilities vigour mortis Vigour Mortis
Unholy Lodestone
Wh main unit passive regeneration Regeneration
Magic Chariot Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Wh dlc04 unit abilities vigour mortis Vigour Mortis
Wh main unit passive regeneration Regeneration

(Corpse Cart)
Magic Chariot Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Reliquary of Corruption
Wh dlc04 unit abilities vigour mortis Vigour Mortis
Unholy Lodestone
Wh main unit passive regeneration Regeneration

Warriors of Chaos[ | ]

Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos
Mount Type Lords Heroes Effects
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Chariot Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Resistance missile Missile Resistance +10%
Modifier icon flaming Flaming attacks
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Dark Fire of Chaos

(Barded Chaos Steed)
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute ignore forest penalties Strider
Chariot Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Wh dlc08 favour of the ruinous powers Favour of the Ruinous Powers
Wh3 dlc20 unit passive giver of glory Giver of Glory (Undivided)
Wh3 dlc20 unit passive giver of furious glory Giver of Furious Glory (Khorne)
Wh3 dlc20 unit passive giver of abundant glory Giver of Abundant Glory (Nurgle)
Wh3 dlc20 unit passive giver of torturous glory Giver of Torturous Glory (Slaanesh)
Wh3 dlc20 unit passive giver of arcane glory Giver of Arcane Glory (Tzeentch)
Flying Cavalry Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving
Monstrous Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Monstrous Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear

Wood Elves[ | ]

Talsyn Wood Elves
Mount Type Lords Heroes Effects
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Guerrilla deploy Vanguard Deployment (Glade Lords and Glade Captain Only)
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving (Glade Lords and Glade Captain Only)
Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Resistance magic Spell Resistance +40%
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving (Glade Lords and Glade Captain Only)
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Resistance missile Missile Resistance +10%
Resistance physical Physical Resistance +20%
Magical attacks Magical attacks
Wh main unit contact poison Poison!
Wh2 main unit abilities soporific breath Soporific Breath
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker
Monstrous Cavalry Attribute hide forest Hide (forest)
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Guerrilla deploy Vanguard Deployment
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving
Resistance physical Physical Resistance +20%

(Giant Eagle)
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving
Gwindalor's Vantage

(Forest Dragon)
Flying Monster Flying Can Fly
Attribute causes fear Causes Fear
Attribute causes terror Causes Terror
Wh2 dlc17 attribute mounted fire move Fire Whilst Moving
Resistance missile Missile Resistance +10%
Resistance physical Physical Resistance +20%
Magical attacks Magical attacks
Wh main unit contact poison Poison!
Wh2 main unit abilities soporific breath Soporific Breath
Ceithin-Har's Tenacity
Attribute can siege Siege Attacker