Town is a Bretonnia settlement building in Total War: Warhammer.
"Larger settlements may even have a curtain wall surrounding them, with a lone, circular tower watching over its sorry denizens."
Background[ | ]
One tower towns is the derogatory label some Lords give to their smaller settlements, where taxes are low due to a small population and a lack of commerce. Occasionally, the smallfolk may see a company of Knights gallop through or even have some noble stay at the least-shoddy inn, but that is as far as these places go when it comes to being noticed.
Effects[ | ]
- Income generated: 80
- Control: +1
- Growth: +60
- Grants 3 construction slots in the settlement
- Provides garrison:
- 1 Knights of the Realm
- 2 Foot Squires
- 2 Men-at-Arms (Shields)
- 1 Paladin
- 2 Spearmen-at-Arms (Shields) (3 in minor cities)
- 3 Peasant Bowmen
Building Chain[ | ]
- Tier I - Hamlet
- Tier II - Village
- Tier III - Town
- Tier IV - City
- Tier V - Duchy Capital
- Tier IV - City
- Tier III - Town
- Tier II - Village