Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Unbreakable Unbreakable is an attribute available to units across factions. Units that are unbreakable will never rout and are unaffected by Fear/Terror.

Unbreakable units should not be confused with undead and daemons which will never rout, but will still lose leadership and then take damage over time when their leadership is very low.

Description[ | ]

This unit does not suffer any form of Leadership loss and will never rout.

Units[ | ]

Beastmen Beastmen[ | ]

Category Unit
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh dlc03 bst spawnWh2 dlc17 bst mon ghorgon ror

Couronne Bretonnia[ | ]

Category Unit
Icon hero Heroes Brt ch green knight 0Neu felix 0Neu gotrek 0

Disciples of Hashut Chaos Dwarfs[ | ]

Category Unit
Cannon Artillery & War Machines Wh3 dlc23 chd veh iron daemonWh3 dlc23 chd veh iron daemon rorWh3 dlc23 chd veh skullcrackerWh3 dlc23 chd veh iron daemon rorWh3 dlc23 chd veh dreadquake mortarWh main chs hellcannonWh pro04 chs art hellcannon ror 0
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh dlc08 nor art hellcannon god

Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos[ | ]

Category Unit
Icon hero Heroes Dae kho scyla anfingrimm 0
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh3 main kho mon spawn of khorne 0Wh3 main tze mon spawn of tzeentch 0Wh3 main nur mon spawn of nurgle 0Wh3 main sla mon spawn of slaanesh 0

Dark Elves Dark Elves[ | ]

Category Unit
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh dlc06 grn squig herd

Karaz-a-Karak Dwarfs[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Dwf ch grombrindal 0Dwf ch ungrim 0Dwf malakai makaisson 0Dwf daemon slayer campaign 01 0
Icon hero Heroes Dwf garagrim ironfist 0Neu gotrek 0Neu felix 0Dwf dragon slayer campaign 01 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh main dwf slayersWh dlc06 dwf dragonback slayersWh2 dlc10 dwf giant slayersWh3 dlc25 dwf inf doomseekersWh3 dlc25 dwf inf doomseekers ror
Missile infantry bow Missile Infantry Wh3 dlc25 dwf inf slayer piratesWh3 dlc25 dwf inf slayer pirates ror
Cannon Artillery & War Machines Wh3 dlc25 dwf art goblin hewer
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh dlc06 dwf master engineer ghost 01Wh dlc06 dwf thane ghost 02Wh dlc06 dwf thane ghost 02Wh dlc06 dwf thane ghost 01Wh dlc06 dwf runesmith ghost 01Wh2 main lzd mon carnosaurWh3 dlc25 dwf inf slayers grudge unit

Grand Cathay Grand Cathay[ | ]

Category Unit
Icon hero Heroes Neu felix 0Neu gotrek 0
Wh2 dlc09 tmb constructs Constructs Wh3 main cth mon terracotta sentinel 0Wh3 twa08 cth mon terracotta sentinel 0 ror

Greenskins Greenskins[ | ]

Category Unit
Infantry sword Infantry Wh dlc06 grn da eight peaks loonies
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh2 dlc15 grn mon rogue idolWh2 dlc15 grn mon rogue idol rorWh3 dlc26 grn cav mangler squig
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh dlc06 grn squig herd

High Elves High Elves[ | ]

Category Unit
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh2 dlc15 hef inf mistwalkers spireguard

Khorne Khorne[ | ]

Category Unit
Icon hero Heroes Dae kho scyla anfingrimm 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh pro04 nor ror marauder berserkers
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh3 main kho mon spawn of khorne 0Wh2 dlc17 bst mon ghorgon ror

Kislev Kislev[ | ]

Category Unit
Icon hero Heroes Neu felix 0Neu gotrek 0

Lizardmen Lizardmen[ | ]

Category Unit
Infantry sword Infantry Wh2 dlc12 lzd inf skink red crested ror

World Walkers Norsca[ | ]

Category Unit
Icon hero Heroes Dae kho scyla anfingrimm 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh pro04 nor ror marauder berserkers
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Chs ch arzik 0Wh dlc08 nor art hellcannon god

Nurgle Nurgle[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Dae tamurkhan 0
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh3 main nur mon spawn of nurgle 0

Ogre Kingdoms Ogre Kingdoms[ | ]

Category Unit
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh3 main ogr mon gorger 0

Skaven Skaven[ | ]

Category Unit
Infantry sword Infantry Wh2 dlc12 skv inf stormvermin halberds ror
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh2 dlc12 skv warpfire thrower ror tech lab

Slaanesh Slaanesh[ | ]

Category Unit
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh3 main sla mon spawn of slaanesh 0

Reikland The Empire[ | ]

Category Unit
Icon hero Heroes Neu felix 0Neu gotrek 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh dlc04 emp flagellantsWh dlc04 emp tattersoulsWh dlc04 emp sigmars sons
Cannon Artillery & War Machines Wh main emp steamtank
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh2 dlc13 emp greatswords rorWh2 dlc13 emp steam tank ror

Tzeentch Tzeentch[ | ]

Category Unit
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh3 main tze mon spawn of tzeentch 0Wh pro04 chs ror spawn

Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos[ | ]

Category Unit
Icon hero Heroes Dae kho scyla anfingrimm 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh pro04 nor ror marauder berserkers
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh main chs spawnWh3 main kho mon spawn of khorne 0Wh3 main tze mon spawn of tzeentch 0Wh pro04 chs ror spawnWh3 main nur mon spawn of nurgle 0Wh3 main sla mon spawn of slaanesh 0Wh2 dlc17 bst mon ghorgon ror
Cannon Artillery & War Machines Wh main chs hellcannonWh pro04 chs art hellcannon ror 0

Talsyn Wood Elves[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Wef orion 0
Icon hero Heroes Wef ancient treeman coeddil 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh pro04 wef ror eternal guard shield

Other[ | ]

Spells[ | ]

Items[ | ]

Abilities[ | ]

Mechanics[ | ]

Traits[ | ]
