Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Wielding her cursed cutlass, this swashbuckling Vampire cripples and kills all who dare oppose her.

The Vampire Fleet Captain (Deep) is a Vampire Coast Vampire Coast Hero unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer II with Curse of the Vampire Coast.

Recruitment[ | ]

Description[ | ]

Fleet Captains are not only formidable fighters armed with the finest equipment aboard their vessels, but are also powerful Vampires who use dark forms of magic to hurt their enemies or regenerate their Undead minions. Like their Vampire Admiral counterparts, some trace their origins back to Sylvania or were once seafaring swashbucklers who now fight in service of the Undead. Although typically associated with a Vampire Admiral, Fleet Captains are subordinate to no-one and are driven by the same base instincts as all other Vampires. Their immortality means they have had extensive time to hone their skills, making them feared combatants. In the swirling melee of battle they are first into the fray, often seeking out opponents to duel in single combat. As mayhem rages all around, the clank of their cursed cutlasses chime out as they surge forward – after all, to a bloodthirsty Vampire, there is no surer way to cripple the morale of an opposing crew than to leave their master dead and bleeding.

Attributes[ | ]

  • Wh2 dlc11 cst lore deeps Wizard
  • Spellcaster: This unit can cast spells.
  • Decent Melee Combatant: Despite being primarily a missile unit or spellcaster, this unit can also hold its own ground when fighting in melee.
  • Aquatic: Where other units of small stature struggle to fight and move in shallow water, Aquatic units excel.

Spells[ | ]

Bound Spells[ | ]

Campaign Only[ | ]

Hero Actions[ | ]

Embed Hero[ | ]

  • Replenishment Replenish Troops

Constant Local Effect[ | ]

  • Public order Spread Control

Target[ | ]

  • Settlement
  • Pirate cove Establish Pirate Cove
  • Hero
  • Wound time Wound
  • Army
  • Disaster Assault Units

Unit abilities[ | ]

Active Abilities[ | ]

Campaign Only[ | ]

Passive Abilities[ | ]

Campaign Only[ | ]

Item Abilities (Multiplayer)[ | ]

Mounts[ | ]

Talent Tree[ | ]

Strategy[ | ]

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Gallery[ | ]
