Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Everything about him is bent to that one great task of holding back evil.

Volkmar the Grim is an Reikland Empire Legendary Lord unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer with The Grim and the Grave. In The Old World and Mortal Empires campaigns, he is one of the two Legendary Lord choices for the Reikland Reikland faction, along with Karl Franz. In Immortal Empires, he leads the Cult of Sigmar Cult of Sigmar faction.

Description[ | ]

Volkmar the Grim is the head of the Cult of Sigmar and the most powerful religious leader in the Empire. He is a pious and foreboding man who is utterly devoted to the destruction of Chaos in all its forms. When the Grand Theogonist accompanies an army into battle, he typically rides atop the resplendent War Altar of Sigmar, inspiring the soldiers around him to great acts of heroism as he strikes the followers of Chaos down with powerful blows and words of divine force. Volkmar is a holy terror on the battlefield, a man who fights with the fury of Sigmar himself. It is said that Volkmar's soul was forged of steel and he fights the malign influence of Chaos with every fibre of his being.

Attributes[ | ]

  • Infantry hammer great Hammer Infantry
  • Battle Prayers: This unit can learn prayers to support allies and defeat foes in battle.

Bound Spells[ | ]

Character Abilities[ | ]

Active Abilities[ | ]

Campaign Only[ | ]

Passive Abilities[ | ]

Campaign Only[ | ]

Item Abilities[ | ]

Unique Items[ | ]

Mounts[ | ]

Campaign starting units[ | ]

The Old World & Mortal Empires[ | ]

Wh dlc04 emp tattersouls Wh dlc04 emp flagellants Wh main emp swordsmen Wh main emp spearmen Wh main emp crossbowmen Wh dlc04 emp knights blazing sun

Immortal Empires[ | ]

Wh main emp greatswords Wh dlc04 emp flagellants Wh dlc04 emp flagellants Wh main emp halberd Wh main emp swordsmen Wh main emp handgunners Wh main emp crossbowmen Wh main emp empire knights Wh main emp mortar

Lord Effects[ | ]

  • Public order Control: +4 (local province)
  • Resistance physical Physical resistance: +10% for Flagellants, Empire Knights and Free Company Militia units (Icon armyLord's army)
  • Defence Melee defence: +8 for Flagellants, Empire Knights and Free Company Militia units (Icon armyLords army)

WH2[ | ]

  • Public order Public Order: +4 (local province)
  • Resistance physical Physical resistance: +10% for Flagellants, Empire Knights and Free Company Militia units (Icon armyLord's army)
  • Defence Melee defence: +8 for Flagellants, Empire Knights and Free Company Militia units (Icon armyLords army)

WH1[ | ]

  • Weapon damage Weapon strength: +30% for Flagellants units
  • Military spending Upkeep: -15% for Flagellants units

Character Traits[ | ]

Personal Trait[ | ]

Trait human Grand Theogonist: "By the comet, that is my decree!"

  • Public order Control: +4 (local province)
  • Resistance physical Physical resistance: +10% for Flagellants, Empire Knights and Free Company Militia units (Icon armyLord's army)
  • Defence Melee defence: +8 for Flagellants, Empire Knights and Free Company Militia units (Icon armyLords army)

Defeat Trait[ | ]

Trait human Grimsbane: All the piety in the old world means nothing when faced with superior military muscle.

  • Melee Melee attack: +3 for melee infantry units (Icon armyLord's army)
  • Defence Melee defence: +3 for melee infantry units (Icon armyLords army)

Talent Tree[ | ]

Strategy[ | ]

  • Volkmar is a powerful lord who cannot be underestimated. He has regeneration, something no other Empire Lord has outside of support from the Lore of Life (Elpseth von Draken and Boris). Volkmar on his chariot provides an Unbreakable terror causing mobile unit that can charge into infantry and then use his battle prayers to bombard the enemies around him or buff allies.
  • His bonuses to Flagellants in campaign are nothing to scoff at either. 12% Physical resistance and 14 melee defence does worlds to improving their survivability in battle. On top of that, he has +30% casualty replenishment rate for them only. The incentives to give Volkmar a massive amount of Flagellants are huge. Given that he has an unbreakable front line, all Volkmar needs is devastating ranged units/artillery pieces, and a few cavalry units to harry the enemy backline.
  • An extremely effective strategy for his starting area is to build a mass of flagellants, stack them together with Volkmar in the front, then whenever you fight undead or vampires rush towards their general with your blob and have the flagellants screen the units while Volkmar 1v1s the enemy lord (level his melee power early to make this most effective) - the flaggellants will never break and Volkmar's prayer buffs keep them on their feet in a giant mosh pit while The Grim rocks the enemy face off.

Gallery[ | ]
