Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Warp Lightning Rod is a Skaven Skaven active ability unique to the Clan Moulder Clan Moulder faction. It is gained when applying the Lobotomy augmentation in the Flesh Laboratory to a monster unit.

Dire greenish-black lightning strikes at the Skaven's crude Warpstone implant.

Effect[ | ]

  • Wh2 main spell ruin warp lightning Active AbilityThis ability targets allies or self
  • Type: Icon spell bombardmentBombardment
  • Uses: 3
  • Ranged Damage: 224 (100%Modifier icon armour piercing ranged)Modifier icon magical
  • Explosive Damage: 24 (100% Icon stat explosive armour piercing damage)
  • Duration: 5s
  • Cooldown: 60s
  • Ua arrow increase 1 Bombards the area around the unit
  • Ua arrow decrease 1 Bombardment also damages allies
  • Ua arrow increase 1 Causes moderate Modifier icon magicalmagical damage
  • Ua arrow increase 1 Medium strike area
  • Ua arrow increase 1 Strong vs multiple combatants
  • Ua arrow increase 1 Good against amour
  • Ua arrow decrease 1 Weak vs a single combatant

Units[ | ]

Category Unit
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh2 dlc16 skv brood horrorWh2 main skv mon hell pit abominationWh2 dlc16 skv mon hell pit abomination rorWh2 dlc16 skv rat ogre mutantWh2 dlc16 skv ror rat ogre mutantWh2 main skv mon rat ogresWh2 dlc16 skv mon rat ogres rorWh2 dlc16 skv wolf ratsWh2 dlc16 skv wolf rats poison