Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Warpstone Detonation is a Skaven Skaven passive ability, only available to Clan Skryre Clan Skryre.

"Booooooooooooom!!!!! Haha! Yes-yes!!"

Effect[ | ]

  • Wh2 dlc12 lord passive warpstone detonation Passive AbilityThis ability targets allies or self
  • Type: Icon spell explosionExplosion
  • Ranged Damage: 224 (100%Modifier icon armour piercing ranged)Modifier icon magical
  • Duration: 4s
  • Cooldown: 15s
  • Affected units: Affects allies in range (max: 1)
  • Recharges if: Engaged in melee
  • Ua arrow increase 1 Randomly cast Warp Lightning in melee combat
  • Ua arrow increase 1 Causes minor Modifier icon magicalmagical damage
  • Ua arrow increase 1 Strong vs multiple combatants

Mounts[ | ]

Can be given to the following mounted units with the Misc Warp-Flares upgrade in Ikit Claw's Icon ikit workshopForbidden Workshop:

Mount Unit
Skv ikit claw 0Skv warlock master campaign 01 0