Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Windmill is a type of building in Total War: Warhammer II only available to Bretonnia. It requires Fields to be build.

"You see, it spins, and that's because the wind... actually, forget it. I can tell you don't understand."

Background[ | ]

Bretonnian peasants are required to work the fields and provide for the realm, yet they do not do so entirely without aid. Great mills, built to grind grain for storage, can be powder by the beck-breaking work of man or horse, but there is much greater efficiency to be found by harnessing the strength of wind and water. As grain is fundamental to the survival of both peasant and high-born alike, the mills of Bretonnia are crucial to the agricultural economy that keeps the realm alive.

Effects[ | ]

  • Income from Farms: +25% (local region)
  • Growth: +2 (all adjecent provinces)
  • Growth: +5
  • Local recruitment capacity: +1
  • Buildings required:

Building Chain[ | ]
