Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

The Magic Winds of Magic provide spellcasters in Total War with their source of power. The available magic is depleted when a spell is cast. They recharge quickly at first, but get slower each time a new spell is cast until eventually they no longer recharge. The Winds of Magic pool is shared across all spellcasters in a player's army. Not all powerful abilities are spells.

Background[ | ]

In Warhammer Fantasy lore, most magic derives ultimately from Chaos, flowing as a "wind" from the broken Chaos Gates or Warp Gates at the north and south poles. The gates lead to the Realm of Chaos, another dimension of pure change and negative/amoral emotion, which endlessly changes and does not conform to the physical laws of the real universe. This is what magic is: the raw matter and energy of another chaotic universe.

The Winds of Magic are most powerful and most dangerous as they first pour out of the Gates, and much of them solidify into mutating warpstone - essentially raw chaos magic, solidified into mineral form. This is why the Chaos Wastes are so strange, otherworldly and changing - they are the part of the world most affected by this outpouring of magic at the poles.

As such, all magic is inherently dangerous and can potentially have a corrupting, mutating effect, even when used with great care and attention by a spellcaster of great skill. Most races try to practice magic as safely as they can, while others (particularly Skaven and the followers of Chaos) embrace its raw, chaotic nature.

Most races have some individuals which are born with the ability to harness magic. Slann and Elves are generally considered the most magically attuned, and have the greatest natural skill at controlling magic. Some humans also have the ability to harness magic, but they are also very easily corrupted and mutated by its power.

Dwarfs are much less magically attuned, and in fact have an innate resistance to magic. The few Dwarfs who are born with the ability to direct the Winds of Magic risk turning themselves to stone if they do so. Dwarf Runelords and Runesmiths long ago learned how to direct magic into Runes struck into metal or stone, insulating themselves from the danger of using magic directly. The Sorcerer-Prophets of the Chaos Dwarfs use magic directly, but pay the price for it, slowly turning to stone as they age.

Daemons are evil creatures of their Chaos God's form of magic, native to the Realm of Chaos, and some are spellcasters themselves, although the Daemons of Khorne have no spellcasters among them.

Winds of Magic Panel[ | ]

The Winds of Magic Panel is part of the Battle User Interface located in the bottom right of the screen.

If the player's army contains no spellcasters, this Panel will simply be a golden image of Morrslieb, the Chaos moon which strongly influences magic in Warhammer lore.

The Power Meter[ | ]

However, if the player's army does have spellcasters, the center of this panel will be a blue hourglass-shaped gauge with a number between 0 and 30. This is the Power Meter. It indicates the current amount of Winds of Magic available to the player's army.

If the player has selected a spellcaster unit, such as an Empire Light Wizard, then the caster's available spells (up to 6) will be arranged around the Power Meter. Hovering over one of these spell icons will show the spell's tooltip and hotkey, and change the number in the Power Meter to what would remain after casting it.

If the caster has access to more than one Lore of Magic, then a small bar will appear above the Winds of Magic Panel with buttons to switch between the Lores.

Each spell has a cost in Winds of Magic, such as 4 for a relatively weak spell, or 16 for a very powerful one. It is often possible to reduce the cost (and cooldown duration) of spells by upgrading them in the caster's skill menu.

The Reserve Bar[ | ]

The small, vertical blue bar to the right of the Power Meter is the Reserve Bar or Recharge Bar. It indicates how much magic is left to refill the main Power Meter, as well as how fast the Power Meter will recharge. A full Reserve Bar means that the Power Meter will recharge very quickly, and that there is plenty Winds of Magic left if the player can wait. It depletes over time to refill the Power Meter.

Every time a player uses one of their spellcasters to cast a spell, the Reserve Bar's value is reduced.

When the Reserve Bar reaches 0, the Power Meter will no longer recharge.

Some character abilities (often called augments of the winds) such as Arcane Conduit and Greater Arcane Conduit can cause the Reserve Bar to recharge slightly, in turn recharging the Power Meter.

Magic availability in the Campaign, and "Gambling"[ | ]

"The fickle Winds of Magic blow whence they will..."

In Warhammer Fantasy lore, the Winds of Magic are extremely unpredictable at times blowing a gale and at others suddenly still. As a result, the amount of magic available to the player's army in a battle in the Campaign mode can vary greatly depending on the army's location. The Map will tell players how strongly the Winds of Magic are blowing in any given Province. This will affect how much the Winds of Magic reserves are recharged (or drained) for any army in said province. Armies with spellcasters can also adopt the Channeling stance (or faction-specific equivalents) to recharge their reserves faster if needed. A few factions even have the ability to affect the Winds themselves, or at least increase the odds of them shifting to their advantage.

In the Realms of Chaos areas, special rules apply to the Winds of Magic, such that reserves are essentially infinite, and spells charge up a meter to cast a Cataclysm spell.

At the start of a battle in the campaign, the player is presented with the option to gamble, or to accept the current amount of magic available. If the player chooses the "Gamble" option, then the amount of starting Winds of Magic in the Power Meter and Reserve Bar may go up or down at random. As such, it is generally inadvisable to gamble if the Winds of Magic meter is at 15 (out of 30) or higher. In most quest battles, this option is not available. Some factions have ways to affect the odds of this mechanic, such as with Grand Cathay's Wu Xing Compass.

If the result is positive and the amount of magic rises above the previous total, then flavour text appears stating that "Ranald favours you!"

Amounts of Magic[ | ]

  • Blowing - 0
  • Tempestuous - very strong (+10)

Overcast spells and miscasts[ | ]

Some spells can be overcast which increases and/or changes their effects. This costs extra Winds of Magic, and has a risk of resulting in a miscast which damages the spellcaster, although the spell will still be cast with the extra overcast effects. Some character skills and items in the campaign mode can decrease the chance of miscasting.

As of the The Hammers & Herdstones Update, miscast explosion damage now does:

  • Explosive base damage 288
  • Explosive Armour-Piercing damage 300

Notably, miscast damage is magic damage, so it can be reduced depending on your spellcaster's Magic Resistance and Ward Save.

To overcast a spell, double-click its button or hotkey before casting/setting a target. Spells which can be overcast will have a small double arrow on their button in the battle UI.

Lore Attributes[ | ]

Lore attributes are passive abilities. Each Lore of Magic has its own associated Lore Attribute. For instance, the Lore of Heavens has Roiling Skies, which is a map-wide debuff affecting flying enemies. These passive effects will trigger whenever the spellcaster casts a spell, and last for some amount of time. Most casters that use just one specific Lore have access to that Lore's Attribute. Teclis is notable for having access to 9 different Lore Attributes in the campaign.

Bound Spells[ | ]

Bound spells are spells - the same ones in the various Lores of Magic. However, they are conferred by an item or other ability/upgrade, and do not cost Winds of Magic to cast, nor do they have a risk of miscast. A character need not be a wizard/spellcaster to cast a bound spell. Bound Spell ability buttons are displayed around the character portrait window in battle. They cannot be overcast and are generally limited by uses per battle and a much longer cooldown.

Some characters unlock bound spells through ranking up and choosing skills: for instance Teclis in the campaign can unlock Fiery Convocation.

In other cases bound spells may be attached to certain items or banners. For instance, the Ruby Ring of Ruin confers Fireball as a bound spell.

Army Abilities[ | ]

Some spells can also be available in battle as Army abilities. These generally work much like Bound Spells, except not being tied to a specific character or unit, and usually being able to target anywhere on the map. Buttons to use any army ability will appear on the right side of the screen and are typically limited by a number of uses, though some have to be charged up by specific means, with a bar showing the progress.

Types of Spells[ | ]

This section lists different types of spells, with some examples of each. Note that most damaging spells can hit friendly units, and will explicitly state if they don't. Other spells with an area of effect will only ever affect either enemies or allies.

Augment[ | ]

A buff spell which increases the power/stats of friendly units (or the caster), or gives them new attributes (e.g. Mantle of Ghorok).

Augment of the Winds are a specific subtype with its own icon, which can only target spellcasters and provides buffs specific to spellcasting, such as faster power recharge, recovering Winds of Magic reserves, or reducing miscast chance.

Regeneration[ | ]

Not to be confused with the regeneration ability.

A buff spell which causes units to heal over time, or even raises them from the dead (e.g. Regrowth).

Hex[ | ]

A debuff spell which weakens enemy units, lowering their stats, preventing their movement, or causing them to suffer fear/terror (e.g. Net of Amyntok).

Magic Missile[ | ]

A missile which shoots across the battlefield towards the enemy. Magic missiles can miss, or be blocked by terrain (e.g. Fireball). Can target flying enemies.

Wind[ | ]

A spell which travels in a straight line, doing damage and/or knocking enemies down (e.g. Wind of Death). In Total War: Warhammer II, Wind spells can be aimed in a specific direction by holding down the left mouse button and rotating the cursor when targeting.

Breath[ | ]

Similar to a Wind spell, but has a cone-shaped area of effect rather than a rectangular shape (e.g. Pestilent Breath). Breath spells can aimed in a specific direction by holding down the left mouse button and rotating the cursor when targeting.

Direct Damage[ | ]

A spell which targets enemy units directly, and does damage to them (e.g. The Fate of Bjuna). Can target/affect flying enemies.

Bombardment[ | ]

A spell which targets an area or enemy unit, and bombards them from above with damaging missiles (e.g. Comet of Cassandora).

Explosion[ | ]

A spell that causes a violent explosion outwards from a central point, damaging and knocking back all units (e.g. Foot of Gork).

Hiding[ | ]

A spell, similar to an Augment, which causes a unit to become invisible (e.g. Skitterleap).

Vortex[ | ]

A devastating spell which stays on the battlefield for some time, damaging all nearby units, friend or foe. Most vortex spells move randomly, though some stay still or hone-in on the enemy (e.g. Curse of Da Bad Moon).

Summons[ | ]

Main article: Summons

Some spells summon new units to the battlefield. These spells are usually classed, officially, as Augments or Explosions (e.g. Transformation of Kadon), and use the same icons as spells from these categories.

Unlike most other spells, Summons cannot be overcast and are typically limited to a few uses per battle, much like Bound spells (but still require Winds of Magic).

Most summons degrade over time, losing HP until disappearing completely.

Unique Spells[ | ]

Main article: Unique spells

Some spells are unique to certain spellcasters or types thereof, and are not part of any Lore of Magic.

Lores of Magic[ | ]

The following is a list of all the Lores of Magic and their current users as per Total War: Warhammer III:

Introduced in Total War: Warhammer:

Icon wh main lore beasts Lore of Beasts[ | ]

Race Unit
Beastmen Beastmen Bst ch malagor 0Bst great bray shaman campaign 01 0Bst bray shaman campaign 02 0
Couronne Bretonnia Brt prophetess campaign 03 0Wh dlc07 brt cha damsel beasts 0
Dark Elves Dark Elves Def supreme sorceress campaign 01 0Def sorceress campaign 04 0
Reikland Empire Wh main emp Amber Wizard
High Elves High Elves Hef teclis 0Hef loremaster campaign 01 0Hef archmage campaign 09 0Hef mage beastsHef loremaster campaign 03 0
Kislev Kislev Ksl hag witch campaign 01 0
Lizardmen Lizardmen Lzd tehenhauin 0Lzd skink oracle campaign 02 0Lzd slann campaign 03 0Lzd skink priest campaign 01 0Lzd skink oracle campaign 01 0
Ogre Kingdoms Ogre Kingdoms Ogr slaughtermaster campaign 02 0Ogr butcher campaign 02 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae kairos 0Dae blue scribes 0
The Drakenhof Conclave Vampire Counts Vmp bloodline necrarch lord campaign 01 0Vmp bloodline von carstein lord campaign 01 0
Talsyn Wood Elves Wef durthu 0Wef ancient treeman coeddil 0Wef ancient treeman malicious 0Wef spellweaver campaign 01 0Wef spellsinger campaign 01 0Wef branchwraith malicious 0

Icon wh main lore death Lore of Death[ | ]

Race Unit
Beastmen Beastmen Bst ch malagor 0Bst great bray shaman campaign 02 0Bst bray shaman campaign 04 0
Disciples of Hashut Chaos Dwarfs Chd sorcerer prophet campaign 01 0Chd daemonsmith sorcerer campaign 04 0
Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos Dae plaguebearer herald campaign 01 0Dae exalted great unclean one campaign 01 0Dae plaguebearer plagueridden campaign 02 0
Dark Elves Dark Elves Def morathi 0Def supreme sorceress campaign 02 0Def sorceress campaign 01 0
Reikland Empire Emp elspeth von draken 0Emp wizard amethyst campaign 03 0
Greenskins Greenskins Grn ch azhag 0Grn troll hag campaign 01 0
High Elves High Elves Hef teclis 0Hef loremaster campaign 01 0Hef archmage campaign 02 0Hef mage deathHef loremaster campaign 03 0
Kislev Kislev Ksl hag witch campaign 02 0
Lizardmen Lizardmen Lzd slann campaign 04 0
World Walkers Norsca Nor cha shaman sorcerer campaign 02 0
Nurgle Nurgle Dae plaguebearer herald campaign 01 0Dae exalted great unclean one campaign 01 0Dae nur chaos sorcerer lord campaign 01 0Dae nur daemon prince 2 0Dae plaguebearer plagueridden campaign 02 0Dae nur chaos sorcerer campaign 05 0
Ogre Kingdoms Ogre Kingdoms Ogr slaughtermaster campaign 03 0Ogr butcher campaign 03 0
Tomb Kings Tomb Kings Tmb ch arkhan 0Tmb liche priest campaign 04 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae kairos 0Dae blue scribes 0
Vampire Coast Vampire Coast Cst vampire fleet admiral male campaign 03 0Cst cha vampire fleet admiral female campaign 01 0Cst vampire fleet admiral male campaign 01 0Cst fleet captain campaign 04 0
The Drakenhof Conclave Vampire Counts Vmp ch mannfred 0Wh dlc04 vmp cha strigoi ghoul king 0Vmp bloodline necrarch lord campaign 01 0Vmp bloodline strigoi lord campaign 01 0Vmp vampire female campaign 01 0
Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos Chs ch archaon 0Chs sorcerer lord campaign 02 0Dae nur chaos sorcerer lord campaign 01 0Dae nur daemon prince 2 0Chs sorcerer campaign 02 0Dae nur chaos sorcerer campaign 05 0

Icon wh main lore fire Lore of Fire[ | ]

Race Unit
Disciples of Hashut Chaos Dwarfs Chd astragoth ironhand 0Chd sorcerer prophet campaign 02 0Chd daemonsmith sorcerer campaign 05 0
Dark Elves Dark Elves Def supreme sorceress campaign 03 0Def sorceress campaign 03 0
Reikland Empire Emp wizard fire campaign 01 0
High Elves High Elves Hef teclis 0Hef archmage campaign 04 0Hef mage fire
Lizardmen Lizardmen Lzd skink oracle campaign 02 0Lzd slann campaign 02 0Lzd skink oracle campaign 01 0
World Walkers Norsca Nor cha fimir balefiend campaign 02 0Nor cha shaman sorcerer campaign 01 0
Ogre Kingdoms Ogre Kingdoms Ogr firebelly campaign 01 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae kairos 0Dae blue scribes 0Dae cultist of tzeentch campaign 01 0
Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos Chs ch archaon 0Chs sorcerer lord campaign 04 0Dae chs daemon prince 1 0Chs sorcerer campaign 03 0

Icon wh main lore heavens Lore of Heavens[ | ]

Race Unit
Couronne Bretonnia Brt prophetess campaign 04 0Wh dlc07 brt cha damsel life 0
Reikland Empire Emp wizard heavens 0
Grand Cathay Grand Cathay Cth jade dragon human 0Cth astromancer campaign 01 0
High Elves High Elves Hef teclis 0Hef loremaster campaign 01 0Hef archmage campaign 06 0Hef mage heavensHef loremaster campaign 03 0
Lizardmen Lizardmen Lzd lord mazdamundi 0Lzd lord kroak 0Lzd skink oracle campaign 02 0Lzd slann campaign 01 0Lzd skink priest campaign 02 0Lzd skink oracle campaign 01 0
Ogre Kingdoms Ogre Kingdoms Ogr slaughtermaster campaign 04 0Ogr butcher campaign 02 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae kairos 0Dae blue scribes 0

Icon wh main lore life Lore of Life[ | ]

Race Unit
Couronne Bretonnia Brt ch fay enchantress 0Brt prophetess campaign 02 0Wh main brt damsel
Reikland Empire Wh main emp Jade Wizard
Grand Cathay Grand Cathay Cth storm dragon human 0
High Elves High Elves Hef teclis 0Hef alarielle campaign 0Hef loremaster campaign 01 0Hef archmage campaign 08 0Hef mage lifeHef loremaster campaign 03 0
Lizardmen Lizardmen Lzd skink oracle campaign 02 0Lzd slann campaign 03 0Lzd skink oracle campaign 01 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae kairos 0Dae blue scribes 0
Talsyn Wood Elves Wef ariel 0Wef ancient treeman 0Wef ancient treeman malicious 0Wef spellweaver campaign 04 0Wef spellsinger campaign 02 0Wef branchwraith 0Wef branchwraith malicious 0

Icon wh main lore light Lore of Light[ | ]

Race Unit
Reikland Empire Emp wizard light campaign 01 0
Grand Cathay Grand Cathay Cth jade dragon human 0
High Elves High Elves Hef teclis 0Hef alarielle campaign 0Hef loremaster campaign 01 0Hef archmage campaign 03 0Hef mage lightHef loremaster campaign 03 0
Lizardmen Lizardmen Lzd lord mazdamundi 0Lzd lord kroak 0Lzd slann campaign 05 0
Tomb Kings Tomb Kings Tmb liche priest campaign 03 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae kairos 0Dae blue scribes 0

Icon wh main lore metal Lore of Metal[ | ]

Race Unit
Disciples of Hashut Chaos Dwarfs Chd sorcerer prophet campaign 04 0Chd daemonsmith sorcerer campaign 04 0
Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos Dae horror herald campaign 01 0Dae exalted lord of change campaign 01 0Dae horror irridescent campaign 02 0
Reikland Empire Emp ch balthasar 0Emp wizard metal campaign 01 0
Grand Cathay Grand Cathay Cth iron dragon human 0Cth alchemist campaign 01 0
High Elves High Elves Hef teclis 0Hef loremaster campaign 01 0Hef archmage campaign 07 0Hef mage metalHef loremaster campaign 03 0
Lizardmen Lizardmen Lzd slann campaign 02 0
World Walkers Norsca Nor cha shaman sorcerer campaign 03 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae kairos 0Chs lord of change 01Dae blue scribes 0Dae horror herald campaign 01 0Dae exalted lord of change campaign 01 0Dae tze chaos sorcerer lord campaign 02 0Dae tze daemon prince 1 0Dae horror irridescent campaign 02 0Dae tze chaos sorcerer campaign 02 0
Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos Chs ch archaon 0Chs sorcerer lord campaign 01 0Dae tze chaos sorcerer lord campaign 02 0Dae tze daemon prince 1 0Chs sorcerer campaign 01 0Dae tze chaos sorcerer campaign 02 0

Icon wh main lore shadow Lore of Shadows[ | ]

Race Unit
Beastmen Beastmen Bst ch malagor 0Bst great bray shaman campaign 03 0Bst bray shaman campaign 03 0
Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos Dae daemonette herald campaign 02 0Dae keeper of secret exalted campaign 02 0Dae daemonette alluress campaign 02 0
Dark Elves Dark Elves Def morathi 0Def supreme sorceress campaign 05 0Def sorceress campaign 03 0
Reikland Empire Wh main emp Grey Wizard
High Elves High Elves Hef teclis 0Hef loremaster campaign 01 0Hef archmage campaign 05 0Hef mage shadowsHef loremaster campaign 03 0
Kislev Kislev Neu ulrika 0Ksl hag witch campaign 03 0
Lizardmen Lizardmen Lzd slann campaign 04 0
World Walkers Norsca Nor cha fimir balefiend campaign 02
Nurgle Nurgle Dae nur nor fimir balefiend chieftain 0
Slaanesh Slaanesh Dae daemonette herald campaign 02 0Dae keeper of secret exalted campaign 02 0Dae sla daemon prince 1 0Dae daemonette alluress campaign 02 0Dae sla chaos sorcerer campaign 02 0
Tomb Kings Tomb Kings Tmb liche priest campaign 01 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae kairos 0Dae blue scribes 0
Vampire Coast Vampire Coast Cst count noctilus 0
The Drakenhof Conclave Vampire Counts Vmp bloodline lahmian lord campaign 01 0Vmp vampire female campaign 01 0
Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos Dae belakor 0Chs sorcerer lord campaign 03 0Dae sla daemon prince 1 0Chs sorcerer campaign 04 0Dae sla chaos sorcerer campaign 02 0
Talsyn Wood Elves Wef drycha 0Wef ancient treeman malicious 0Wef spellweaver campaign 05 0Wef spellsinger campaign 03 0Wef branchwraith 0Wef branchwraith malicious 0

Icon wh main lore big waaagh Lore of the Big Waaagh![ | ]

Race Unit
Greenskins Greenskins Grn ch wurrzag 0Grn savage orc great shaman campaign 01 0Grn orc shaman campaign 01 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae blue scribes 0

Icon wh main lore lil waaagh Lore of the Little Waaagh![ | ]

Race Unit
Greenskins Greenskins Grn goblin great shaman campaign 05 0Grn goblin great shaman campaign 01 0Grn night goblin shaman campaign 01 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae blue scribes 0

Icon wh main lore vampires Lore of Vampires[ | ]

Race Unit
Tomb Kings Tomb Kings Tmb ch arkhan 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae blue scribes 0
Vampire Coast Vampire Coast Cst count noctilus 0Cst vampire fleet admiral male campaign 01 0Cst cha vampire fleet admiral female campaign 03 0Cst vampire fleet admiral male campaign 03 0Cst fleet captain campaign 05 0
The Drakenhof Conclave Vampire Counts Vmp ch mannfred 0Vmp ch heinrich 0Vmp ch master necromancer helman 0Vmp ch vlad 0Vmp ch isabella 0Vmp the red duke 0Wh main vmp vampire lordWh main vmp master necromancerWh dlc04 vmp cha strigoi ghoul king 0Vmp bloodline blood dragon lord campaign 01 0Vmp bloodline lahmian lord campaign 01 0Vmp bloodline necrarch lord campaign 01 0Vmp bloodline strigoi lord campaign 01 0Vmp bloodline von carstein lord campaign 01 0Wh main vmp necromancer

Icon wh main lore wild Lore of the Wild[ | ]

Race Unit
Beastmen Beastmen Bst ch malagor 0Bst great bray shaman campaign 04 0Bst bray shaman campaign 04 0
Nurgle Nurgle Dae nur bst bray shaman chieftain 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae blue scribes 0

Introduced in Total War: Warhammer II:

Icon wh main lore high magic Lore of High Magic[ | ]

Race Unit
High Elves High Elves Hef teclis 0Hef alarielle campaign 0Hef eltharion 0Hef archmage campaign 01 0Hef mage high
Lizardmen Lizardmen Lzd lord mazdamundi 0Lzd lord kroak 0Lzd slann campaign 04 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae blue scribes 0
Talsyn Wood Elves Wef ariel 0Wef spellweaver campaign 03 0

Icon wh main lore dark magic Lore of Dark Magic[ | ]

Race Unit
Dark Elves Dark Elves Def malekith 0Def morathi 0Def supreme sorceress campaign 04 0Def sorceress campaign 01 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae blue scribes 0
Talsyn Wood Elves Wef ariel 0Wef ancient treeman coeddil 0Wef spellweaver campaign 02 0

Icon wh main lore plague Skaven Spells of Plague[ | ]

Race Unit
Skaven Skaven Skv lord skrolk 0Skv grey seer campaign 04 0Skv plague priest campaign 01 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae blue scribes 0

Icon wh main lore ruin Skaven Spells of Ruin[ | ]

Race Unit
Skaven Skaven Skv ikit claw 0Skv grey seer campaign 01 0Skv warlock master campaign 01 0Skv warlock engineer campaign 03 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae blue scribes 0

Icon wh main lore stealth Skaven Spells of Stealth[ | ]

Race Unit
Skaven Skaven Skv sorcerer campaign 01 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae blue scribes 0

Icon wh main lore nehekhara Lore of Nehekhara[ | ]

Race Unit
Tomb Kings Tomb Kings Tmb ch settra 0Tmb ch khatep 0Tmb liche priest campaign 02 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae blue scribes 0

Icon wh main lore deeps Lore of the Deep[ | ]

Race Unit
Vampire Coast Vampire Coast Cst luthor harkon 0Cst cylostra direfin 0Cst vampire fleet admiral male campaign 02 0Cst cha vampire fleet admiral female campaign 04 0Cst cha vampire fleet admiral female campaign 02 0Cst vampire fleet admiral male campaign 02 0Cst fleet captain campaign 02 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae blue scribes 0

Icon wh main lore kroak Deliverance of Itza[ | ]

Race Unit
Lizardmen Lizardmen Lzd lord kroak 0

Icon wh main lore rune Runic Magic[ | ]

Race Unit
Karaz-a-Karak Dwarfs Dwf thorek 0Wh dlc06 dwf runesmith ghost 01Dwf ch runelord campaign 01 0Dwf runesmith campaign 01 0

Introduced in Total War: Warhammer III:

Icon wh main lore ice Lore of Ice[ | ]

Race Unit
Kislev Kislev Ksl katarin 0Ksl ice witch campaign 01 0Ksl frost maiden campaign 01 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae blue scribes 0

Icon wh main lore tempest Lore of Tempest[ | ]

Race Unit
Kislev Kislev Ksl ice witch campaign 03 0Ksl frost maiden campaign 03 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae blue scribes 0

Icon wh main lore yang Lore of Yang[ | ]

Race Unit
Grand Cathay Grand Cathay Cth iron dragon human 0Cth jade dragon human 0Cth shugengan lord campaign 01 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae blue scribes 0

Icon wh main lore yin Lore of Yin[ | ]

Race Unit
Grand Cathay Grand Cathay Cth storm dragon human 0Cth jade dragon human 0Cth shugengan lord campaign 02 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae blue scribes 0

Icon wh main lore tzeentch Lore of Tzeentch[ | ]

Race Unit
Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos Dae horror herald campaign 01 0Dae exalted lord of change campaign 02 0Dae horror irridescent campaign 01 0
World Walkers Norsca Chs ch arzik 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae kairos 0Dae changeling 0Dae blue scribes 0Dae horror herald campaign 01 0Dae exalted lord of change campaign 02 0Dae tze chaos sorcerer lord campaign 04 0Dae tze daemon prince 2 0Dae horror irridescent campaign 01 0Dae tze chaos sorcerer campaign 01 0
Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos Dae vilitch 0Dae tze chaos sorcerer lord campaign 04 0Dae tze daemon prince 2 0Dae tze chaos sorcerer campaign 01 0

Icon wh main lore nurgle Lore of Nurgle[ | ]

Race Unit
Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos Dae plaguebearer herald campaign 02 0Dae exalted great unclean one campaign 03 0Dae plaguebearer plagueridden campaign 01 0
World Walkers Norsca Dae exalted great unclean one campaign 01 0
Nurgle Nurgle Dae kugath 0Dae plaguebearer herald campaign 02 0Dae exalted great unclean one campaign 03 0Dae nur chaos sorcerer lord campaign 02 0Dae nur daemon prince 2 0Dae plaguebearer plagueridden campaign 01 0Dae nur chaos sorcerer campaign 01 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae blue scribes 0
Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos Dae festus 0Dae nur chaos sorcerer lord campaign 02 0Dae nur daemon prince 2 0Dae nur chaos sorcerer campaign 01 0

Icon wh main lore slaanesh Lore of Slaanesh[ | ]

Race Unit
Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos Dae daemonette herald campaign 01 0Dae keeper of secret exalted campaign 01 0Dae daemonette alluress campaign 01 0
World Walkers Norsca Chs ch kihar ie 0
Slaanesh Slaanesh Dae nkari 0Dae daemonette herald campaign 01 0Dae keeper of secret exalted campaign 01 0Dae sla daemon prince 3 0Dae daemonette alluress campaign 01 0Dae sla chaos sorcerer campaign 01 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae blue scribes 0
Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos Dae azazel 0Dae sla daemon prince 3 0Dae sla chaos sorcerer campaign 01 0

Icon wh main lore the great maw Lore of the Great Maw[ | ]

Race Unit
Ogre Kingdoms Ogre Kingdoms Ogr skrag 0Ogr slaughtermaster campaign 01 0Ogr butcher campaign 01 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae blue scribes 0

Icon wh main lore hashut Lore of Hashut[ | ]

Race Unit
Disciples of Hashut Chaos Dwarfs Chd astragoth ironhand 0Chd drazhoath the ashen 0Chd sorcerer prophet campaign 03 0Chd daemonsmith sorcerer campaign 01 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae blue scribes 0

Icon wh main lore hag Lore of the Hag[ | ]

Race Unit
Kislev Kislev Ksl ostankya 0Ksl hag witch campaign 02 0
Tzeentch Tzeentch Dae blue scribes 0

Magic in Total War: Warhammer III[ | ]

(Work in progress)

In Total War: Warhammer III, magic is given an overhaul.


Levels of Magic[ | ]

Magic is indicated in three levels, depending on the region. These affect how much Winds your army has when you start a battle in the region

  • Calm Winds of Magic - 40 reserves, reduces by 10 from each turn.
    • Daemonic armies suffer from debuffs due to lacking access to sustainable Magic.
  • Blowing Winds of Magic - 50 reserves, no change in level from each turn. The default state.
  • Strong Winds of Magic - 50 reserves, +5 per turn.
    • Any army can adopt the Channeling stance, which increases additional reserves to +15 per turn.
    • A Hero with the Magical Reserves skill can increase additional reserves by +20% per turn.

The maximum amount of Winds for any army is 100 reserves.

Reserves buffs for Chaos armies[ | ]

Daemonic armies start getting buffs when they reach high levels of reserves:

Storm of Magic[ | ]

In the Realm of Chaos (region), armies who fight there enter a Storm of Magic. All magical reserves there are infinite.

Any player must consistently use one Lore of Magic in order for it to reach Ascendancy, so they cannot use other spells from other Lores; they can receive passive bonuses as they continue to use that Lore. Once Ascendancy has been reached, they can use a Cataclysm Spell to annihilate their foes and win the battle.

  • Lore of Beasts
    • All units become immune to psychology and gain charge bonuses.
    • Cataclysm Spell: Merciw’s Monstrous Regiment.
      • The strength of the wild is imbued on one unit’s weapon damage, armour-piercing, melee attack, and physical resistance.
  • Lore of Life
    • All units gain perfect vigour.
    • Cataclysm Spell: Storm of Renewal.
      • A tree sprouts from the ground as raw life-energy flows across the battlefield, providing a huge regeneration aura.
  • Lore of Death
    • All units gain armour-piercing melee damage
    • Cataclysm Spell: Ashes & Dust.
      • A suffocating dust cloud chokes the life from enemies in a wide area after a short wind-up.
  • Lore of Fire
    • All units get bonus melee attack
    • Cataclysm Spell: Magma Storm.
      • A massive eruption protrudes from the ground, burning everything in the area in magical fire.
  • Lore of Heavens
    • All missile units deal extra damage and extra armour-piercing damage
    • Cataclysm Spell: Thorsen’s Thunderstorm
      • A great storm develops above the battlefield, annihilating an area with lightning bolts.
  • Lore of Light
    • All units gain magical attacks and immunity to psychology.
    • Cataclysm Spell: Time Amok
      • The flow of time is altered over a portion of the battlefield, improving allies’ reload skill, speed, and melee attack.
  • Lore of Metal
    • All units receive bonus armour and missile resistance
    • Cataclysm Spell: Gehenna’s Golden Globe
      • A great molten sphere emerges from the earth and rolls across enemy forces.
  • Lore of Shadow
    • All units get faster charge and movement speed
    • Cataclysm Spell: Dance of Despair
      • A haunting tune envelops enemies in an area, reducing their leadership, melee defense, and melee attack.

Because Khorne units do not have spellcasters, they instead receive buffs for their spell resistance. Khorne armies can also summon Daemons more easily to channel their god's hatred of magic.

Tzeentch armies can freely choose which Lore will be the first in Ascendancy.

(Magic in Total War: WARHAMMER III – the storm cometh - Total War)

Trivia[ | ]

Several races lack some Lores of Magic that they had available in the tabletop game, or in the lore:

Likewise, some characters have access to a limited number of Lores of Magic compared to the tabletop game. Some examples are Teclis, Fay Enchantress, Lord Mazdamundi, and Archaon the Everchosen, the latter of whom lack seven, six and one Lore of Magic respectively.
