Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
For other uses, see Woodsman.

Ignore trees Woodsman is an attribute introduced in Total War: Warhammer II with The Total Waaagh! Update which is an offshoot of the Attribute ignore forest penalties Strider attribute. A unit with this attribute can pass through trees.

Description[ | ]

This unit can pass through trees.

Units with this Attribute[ | ]

Beastmen Beastmen[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Bst ch khazrak 0Bst ch malagor 0Bst ch morghur 0Bst taurox 0Bst beastlords campaign 01 0Bst doombull campaign 01 0Bst great bray shaman campaign 01 0
Icon hero Heroes Bst bray shaman campaign 01 0Bst gorebulls campaign 03 0Bst wargor campaign 01 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh dlc03 bst ungor spearmenWh dlc03 bst ungor herd shieldWh dlc03 bst ungor spearmen shieldWh dlc03 bst gor herd shieldsWh pro04 bst ror ungor spearmen shieldWh dlc03 bst gor herd dual weaponsWh3 dlc24 tze inf tzaangorsWh3 dlc25 nur inf pestigorsWh pro04 bst ror gor herd shieldsWh dlc03 bst bestigor herdWh pro04 bst ror bestigor herdWh3 dlc26 kho inf khorngors
Missile infantry bow Missile Infantry Wh dlc03 bst ungor raiders
Cavalry Cavalry & Chariots Wh dlc03 bst centigorsWh2 dlc17 bst cav tuskgor chariotWh dlc03 bst centigors great weaponsWh3 dlc24 tze inf centigorsWh dlc03 bst razorgor chariotWh pro04 bst ror centigors great weapons
Missile cavalry bow Missile Cavalry & Chariots Wh dlc03 bst centigors throwing axesWh2 dlc17 bst centigors throwing axes ror
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh dlc03 bst spawnWh dlc03 bst minotaursWh dlc03 bst minotaurs great weaponsWh dlc03 bst minotaurs shieldWh dlc03 bst giantWh pro04 bst ror minotaurs shieldWh dlc03 bst cygorWh2 dlc17 bst mon jabberslytheWh pro04 bst ror cygorWh2 dlc17 bst mon ghorgonWh2 dlc17 bst mon jabberslythe rorWh2 dlc17 bst mon ghorgon ror

Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos[ | ]

Category Unit
Infantry sword Infantry Wh3 dlc24 tze inf tzaangorsWh3 dlc25 nur inf pestigorsWh3 dlc26 kho inf khorngors
Cavalry Cavalry & Chariots Wh3 dlc24 tze inf centigors
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh2 dlc17 bst mon ghorgon ror

Dark Elves Dark Elves[ | ]

Category Unit
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh3 main monster feral bearsWh3 main monster feral ice bears

Grand Cathay Grand Cathay[ | ]

Category Unit
Missile infantry bow Missile Infantry Wh3 twa10 cth inf peasant archers ror

High Elves High Elves[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Hef alastair 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh2 dlc15 hef inf rangersWh2 main hef white lions of chraceWh2 dlc10 hef white lions of chrace ror
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh2 dlc10 hef dryadsWh2 dlc10 hef treekinWh2 dlc10 hef treeman

Khorne Khorne[ | ]

Category Unit
Infantry sword Infantry Wh3 dlc26 kho inf khorngors
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh2 dlc17 bst mon ghorgon ror

Kislev Kislev[ | ]

Category Unit
Missile infantry bow Missile Infantry Wh3 dlc24 ksl inf akshina ambushersWh3 dlc24 ksl inf akshina ambushers ror
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh3 dlc24 ksl mon the things in the woodsWh3 dlc24 ksl mon the things in the woods ror
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh3 main monster feral bearsWh3 main monster feral ice bears

Lizardmen Lizardmen[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Lzd nakai 0
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh2 main lzd inf saurus spearmen shields blesssed

Nurgle Nurgle[ | ]

Category Unit
Infantry sword Infantry Wh3 dlc25 nur inf pestigors
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Dae nur bst bray shaman chieftain 0Wh dlc03 bst centigors throwing axesWh dlc03 bst cygorWh2 dlc17 bst mon ghorgon

Ogre Kingdoms Ogre Kingdoms[ | ]

Category Unit
Infantry sword Infantry Wh3 dlc26 ogr inf eshin maneater ror

Reikland The Empire[ | ]

Category Unit
Icon hero Heroes Emp wizard beasts campaign 01 0
Missile infantry bow Missile Infantry Wh2 dlc13 emp huntsmenWh2 dlc13 emp huntsmen ror

Tzeentch Tzeentch[ | ]

Category Unit
Infantry sword Infantry Wh3 dlc24 tze inf tzaangors
Cavalry Cavalry & Chariots Wh3 dlc24 tze inf centigors

Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos[ | ]

Category Unit
Infantry sword Infantry Wh3 dlc24 tze inf tzaangorsWh3 dlc25 nur inf pestigorsWh3 dlc26 kho inf khorngors
Cavalry Cavalry & Chariots Wh3 dlc24 tze inf centigors

Talsyn Wood Elves[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Wef drycha 0Wef durthu 0Wef orion 0Wef ancient treeman 0Wef glade lord sword bow campaign 04 0Wef spellweaver campaign 01 0
Icon hero Heroes Wef ancient treeman coeddil 0Wef branchwraith 0Wef glade captain campaign 01 0Wef spellsinger campaign 01 0Wef waystalkers campaign 04 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh dlc05 wef eternal guardWh dlc05 wef dryadsWh dlc05 wef eternal guard shieldWh dlc05 wef wardancersWh2 dlc16 wef ror dryadsWh pro04 wef ror eternal guard shieldWh dlc05 wef wardancers spearWh dlc05 wef wildwood rangerWh2 dlc16 wef bladesingersWh pro04 wef ror wildwood rangerWh pro04 wef ror wardancers spear
Missile infantry bow Missile Infantry Wh dlc05 wef glade guardWh dlc05 wef glade guard poisonWh dlc05 wef glade guard flamingWh dlc05 wef deepwood scoutsWh dlc05 wef deepwood scouts dualWh dlc05 wef waywatchersWh pro04 wef ror waywatchers
Cavalry Cavalry & Chariots Wh2 dlc16 wef glade riders spearsWh dlc05 wef wild ridersWh dlc05 wef wild riders shieldWh2 dlc16 wef great stag knightsWh pro04 wef ror wild ridersWh2 dlc16 wef ror great stag knights
Missile cavalry bow Missile Cavalry & Chariots Wh dlc05 wef glade ridersWh dlc05 wef glade riders poisonWh dlc05 wef hawk ridersWh dlc05 wef sisters thorn
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh dlc05 wef treekinWh pro04 wef ror treekinWh dlc05 wef treemanWh2 dlc16 wef zoatsWh2 dlc16 wef ror zoats
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wef branchwraith malicious 0Wef ancient treeman malicious 0Wh2 dlc16 wef malicious dryadsWh2 dlc16 wef hawksWh3 main monster feral bearsWh2 dlc16 wef malicious treekinWh2 dlc16 wef malicious treeman

Skills that grant this Attribute[ | ]

Skills[ | ]

Name Race Effect Source
Wh3 dlc25 skill neu felix beastslayer
Couronne Bretonnia
Karaz-a-Karak Dwarfs
Grand Cathay Grand Cathay
Kislev Kislev
Reikland The Empire
Attribute ignore trees Attribute: Woodsman when fighting against Beastmen (Hero's army)
Character ward save
Embodiment of the Forest
Kislev Kislev Attribute ignore trees Attribute: Woodsman
(Icon armyLord's army)
Character ammo
Kislev Kislev Attribute ignore trees Attribute: Woodsman

Traits that grant this Attribute[ | ]

Traits[ | ]

Name Race Effect Source
Trait lizardmen
First Spawn
Lizardmen Lizardmen Attribute ignore trees Attribute: Woodsman
(Icon armyLord's army)
Trait human
Captain of Scouts
Reikland The Empire Attribute ignore trees Attribute: Woodsman
(Icon armyLord's army)